Master of Ninja World

Chapter 857 [Third more]

I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Naruto: The Almighty Master], I feel pretty good, friends who like it, go and see it, it is best to collect it, nothing more than a hand, I am grateful!!!!!!!!!!


The giant in front of him was exaggerated beyond the imagination of the world. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a demon that destroys the world. The two slender ancient knives around his waist are enough to kill everything in seconds.


The vast island suddenly heard the sound of land collapsing, and immediately there was a depression in the center.

"This... it seems that I don't need to do anything, I'm going to step on two feet to push the city into the city!" Looking at his feet, Wuchen was silent for a moment, and for the first time I felt that Suzuo could be so in the way.

The land that collapsed was just unable to bear the weight of Suzuo Nenghu, cracks like spider webs, the ground slowly sank, and seawater overflowed onto the land.


With a loud and clear sound, the long knife around his waist came out of his body. Suzuo Neng could almost look indifferently at the dust-free face above his head, staring indifferently at the island below. The sky above nearly two hundred meters was extremely small in his eyes. .


The high sword of light fell from the sky, and the advancing city deep under the sea, and even the entire island, was destroyed and penetrated by the golden light.


The advancing city was divided into two, and the surrounding islands could not escape the nightmare. Under the invincible destruction offensive, no one could escape.

There are a large number of Neptunes in the surrounding waters, and countless corpses and blood are mixed in the sea. The top predators of the seas here-Neptunes, are here!


There are many Marlins in the navy headquarters!

The densely packed navy was waiting, and the number was beyond imagination. They were speeding up the preparation of various instruments, and after repeated confirmation that it was OK, they left in a hurry.

In the Marshal's office, through the window, the Warring States Period looked down on the rigorously-looking navy, with a soft smile on the old face, and a heart that was overwhelming, and now it was barely stable.

The White Beard Pirate Group, as well as the forces that once attached him, or the Pirate Group indirectly related, have disappeared from the world. Even if they don't know how they are going, there is no doubt that there is only one final goal-Fire Fist Ace!


Looking at the warships flashing in the distant waters, the Warring States sighed heavily, and a hanging heart landed safely. After a little adjustment of the instruments, he strode out of the office with his head high.

The marshal's every move represents the entire navy and must be calm at all times.

At the large port where the warship was docked, the Warring States Period and a group of high-ranking naval officers couldn't wait, and with a slightly eager look, they looked at the seamen walking down the ship.

It wasn't until Pluto King Raleigh and Firefist Ace appeared that the Warring States' eyes flashed, and there was no dust in the middle of the attack, and he was fighting fiercely with the prisoners advancing the city. He was like a mirror.

"Where is the guy Blackbeard... I knew that guy would betray us... But I didn't expect that he was paying attention to the city!"

Warring States said with an iron face, he knew the prisoners in the city better than anyone, and many of them were big pirates who were arrested and brought to justice by him and Kapu in the past.

After taking a light look at the Warring States Period, Wuchen said lazily: "It was too late when I arrived at Pushing City. Blackbeard had already destroyed Pushing City, and..."

Having said this, Wuchen took a look at the Warring States Period, "All the navy and the jailers advancing in the city were killed by the pirates he released."

Hearing the words of the Warring States Period, the whole body erupted with a terrifying aura, and the majestic pressure of the heart and soul directly formed a storm, and the whole body was shining with dazzling golden light, faintly showing the appearance of a big Buddha!

"This guy...seems to be completely murderous!"

Astonishment flashed through Wuchen's eyes. After so many years in the navy, he felt the killing intent of the Warring States for the first time. This wave of waves was surging, and the endless killing intent like the sea should not be underestimated.

"In the end... where did the guy with the black beard go?!"

The Warring States Period asked in a gloomy and hoarse tone, with a bloody tone, and the meaning of the disclosure seemed to say that as long as Blackbeard was still alive, he would personally destroy him.

"I don't know this either." Wuchen shrugged, with an expression of incomprehension.

Warring States’ fierce expression stagnated, and then he asked in confusion, “You were also advancing the city at the time, how could you not understand the movement of Blackbeard...?”

Looking at Wuchen suspiciously, the Warring States Marshal instinctively thought he was lying.

"He sank the Propulsion City, and all the prisoners sank to the bottom of the sea. No one knows the specific life and death... But the chance of survival in that place should be zero." Pluto King Leili's face was gray and his tone was clear. With weakness and vicissitudes.

Hearing this, the Warring States stared at Wuchen, his eyes were scarlet.Seeing this scene, Wuchen thought it would be a curse, but he didn't expect that the Warring States Period finally smiled happily.

"Beautifully done!"

Warring States did not hesitate to hand Wuchen admiring eyes, it is not difficult to see that he is extremely satisfied with this result.

The big pirates advancing in the city are all evil spirits, murderous madmen. Now the navy and the Whitebeard Pirates are about to go to full-scale war. There is really no extra effort and spare manpower to control them, although this method is Cruel and cold-blooded, but now this special period, can no longer take care of those.

In this way, only annihilation is most appropriate, and it is just right to bury the navy and jailer who died in battle.


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