Master of Ninja World

Chapter 1010 The Cunning Captain [Fourth]

Uozhihualie felt so angry and funny. He thought that Zuojin from Komamura was a little self-aware, but he didn't expect Wuchen to be fearful.

"Hmph, that kid has only been a god of death for more than half a year, and my time as a god of death is dozens of times longer than him, and it was cultivated by Master Yuan Liuzhai himself!"

Yumura Zuojin was very dissatisfied and said arrogantly, Jing Lingting accepted the instruction of the captain, and he was one of them. He did have arrogance and superior capital.

"All in all, don't go to Lord Chen, the captain doesn't want civil strife in Jinglingting."

Glancing at the hopeless Komamura Left Formation, Uozhihuareel turned and stepped into the fourth division. Before leaving, he said nothing, "Mr Chen, he is a terrible and cute person, but I am It's on his side."

"Captain Uozhihua...what do you mean..."

After hearing the words, the left formation of the village was taken aback, and then asked unkindly.Having been the captain for decades, he naturally understood what Uozhihua meant.

Naked and direct threats, the implication is that when a war breaks out, Uozhihualie's position will fall to dust-free!

"That's what you mean, Captain of the village, there is still something to do with the fourth division, let's say goodbye." Without turning his head, Uozhihua left a shadow of Zuojin in the village.

Being cultivated by the captain is indeed worthy of arrogance, but it would be too funny to think that if you think that you will be superior to others and look down upon the crowd.

The strongest god of death in the captain's thousands of years is not invincible!


Upon seeing this, the left of Yumura was furious, and a sense of resentment spontaneously emerged. Today, it seems to be the most unlucky day in my life, one after another, I was ignored and beaten to the face, rough and thick face purple and black!


Time passed quickly, and this flickering was a rush of seven days. The team house of the first team held a captain meeting as usual.

"The old man decided to send an expeditionary force to the virtual circle, look for the traces Dongxian wanted, and arrest him!"

Opening the muddy old eyes, they were not as loose as they used to be, their eyes were as sharp as a knife, and their sharp eyes were like eagles. They were very compelling. The captain said with full momentum: "If Dongxian is the culprit of everything, he must be arrested!"

Hearing that Wuchen looked at Mao Zhihualie, it is estimated that this was the result of her discussing with the captain.

"Master Captain, I am willing to expedition to the virtual circle!"

Yumura Zuojin was the first to stand up and ask Ying.

"Captain Yucun's expedition to the virtual circle is really inappropriate. The relationship between you and Captain Dongxian is well known. If you turn a blind eye, it would be very bad."

Hearing this, the Zuocun Zuozhen's old face turned black, and he looked at the root cause, and the person who opened his mouth to demolish his platform was Wuchen.

"You don't spray people with blood, the old man is not suitable, are you suitable?!" Zuo Zhen asked with a sneer, and he had no affection for Wuchen.

Hearing this, Wuchen smiled frankly, walked out of the captain's queue, and invited Ying to fight, saying: "The contradiction between me and Dongxian is well known. The most suitable person for this expedition to the virtual circle is undoubtedly me."


After hearing this, Lan Ran Soyousuke stood up in the queue resolutely and said: "You are the captain of the 11th division. If you leave, which division will be responsible for the future appearance of Jinglingting and the present world? I personally recommend the leader of the village. !"

"In the final analysis, I am still afraid that I will kill your running dog and find a soft-hearted Yucun to have a chance of winning." Wuchen contemptuously said, and at the same time he straightened his thoughts. When he was about to fight for reasons, the captain's voice was the first to ring. Up.

"The captain of the eleventh division is indeed not suitable for expedition to the virtual circle, but..."

The leader of Yamamoto Corps nodded, and then said: "Tōsen is going to defect to the Soul World. The current seventh division is in a downturn. Since Captain Wuchen wants to expedition to the virtual circle, he will transfer to Qiban. Team, become the captain of the seventh division..."

"I was transferred to the seventh division and became the new captain... who will be the captain of the eleventh division [Sword Eight]?"

Wuchen guessed in his heart, and looked at the old man Yamamoto subconsciously. Although he concealed it very well, the pride in the muddy old eyes of the old man Yamamoto happened to be clearly seen by Wuchen.

"Could it be... this cunning dead old man."

Instantly understood the captain's intentions, Wuchen cursed shamelessly in his heart, and secretly said: "If you guessed right, it should be the kid who replaced me. I didn't expect him to be cheaper in the end."

Wuchen shook his head and sighed with emotion. The next words of the captain also confirmed his guess.

"Captain Wuchen was transferred to the seventh division and replaced by the original Deputy Captain Mengmu. His strength is obvious to all, and he can fully assume the new [Sword Eight] position!"

The captain's old tone showed a touch of domineering, and said that could not be refused.

"I agree with both hands and feet." Wuchen said indifferently.

"I agree too." Uozhihualie said immediately.

"Is the deputy captain of the eleventh division? That's the Reiatsu monster. Although he can't solve it, that rough Reiatsu is indeed suitable for the captain, and the vitality is still very strong. In that case, I agree. "

Ukitake Shirirou also echoed the road. The old man Yamamoto was his mentor, so he naturally had to support him at this time.

Upon seeing this, the head of the team elder smiled comfortingly, and waved his big hand and said in a strong voice: "In this case, Wuchen transferred to the seventh division, and even more wood became the new [Sword Eight], this time the mission of the expedition to the virtual circle , Just leave it to the seventh division!"

No dust is indifferent, anyway, as long as it is the captain, which team is the same, anyway, he does not expect the so-called players to be able to help.

The key is to rely on yourself, and others cannot.


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