Master of Ninja World

Chapter 1017: Urahara Kisuke [Fifth More]

Although Hribel was puzzled about what Wuchen would do in the virtual circle, she also shut up wisely. It would be troublesome for a talkative subordinate to ask things that shouldn't be asked.


Inside the silent black chamber, an untimely sigh sounded.

In the dark, the outline of the walking slowly is clearly visible, the white face is angular, the face is like a knife, and the clear eyes are like stars in the night sky, especially dazzling and fascinating.

"The kid Urahara Kisuke will definitely not hand over Bengyu." A dust-free secret way to understand Kisuke Urahara.

It was too late for him to hide, let alone hand over to Wuchen.


The void was broken, and Wu Chen poked his head out of the black cavity, looking down at the densely crowded ground, and looking at the distant sky. Although the air pollution was very serious, the corpse soul world had lived for many years, and it felt good to suddenly switch to the world.


The unwholesome blasts were full of alert, and several figures rushed out of thin air, pulling out Zanpodao to guard.Those who come out of the black cavity are usually big virtual!

"A member of the Ju Division..."

Looking at these gods of death one by one, Wuchen immediately understood the squad that the people were in, and still vaguely remembered that the task of guarding the world seemed to be the responsibility of the tenth squad.

"Captain Haori..."

Looking at Wuchen in astonishment, several members of the Jufan team looked at each other, and put down the Zanpodao again.

"Something's wrong, it's really strange. The captain came to this world to use the gate through the world, which seems to belong to Daxu's black accent."

"The Soul World has not said recently that there will be a captain coming to this world."

The members of the Juvenile Division lowered their heads and whispered, looking at Wuchen incomprehensibly. If it weren't for the captain, Haori, they would have raised their swords and killed him.

Only Daxu came out of the black cavity, which is an unchanging iron law.

After scanning a few people, he saw that the domineering color spread quietly, and after realizing that there were no people around, Wuchen quietly asked: "Are you the only patrols in this world?"

"This... as you can see."

Among them, the leader Reaper took a step forward and said: "Balegang was killed a few days ago, and the entire virtual circle is caught in the battle of the king of the virtual circle. Therefore, the number of invading the world has also decreased. At present, only our few people."

"This is the best way. I will search for other players to save it." Wuchen said with red light in his eyes.

"What do you mean, Captain Wuchen." The members of the tenth division were confused and said they didn't understand.

Qiang Qiang!

The roar of drawing swords made everyone stunned. Looking at the murderous and dust-free, instinctively felt bad.

"My sword is called Chudai Guiche. If you don't kill for a few days, he will feel uncomfortable..." Wuchen whispered, pointing to the blade of Chudai Guiche.

When the words were over, the first generation of ghosts uttered bursts of clear noise, very longing.


The eyes shot a sharp cold light, a touch of spiritual pressure was gathered on the blade, and the dust roared: "Lend your heads for use!"


The Reinforcement Giant Slash stood out from the tip of the blade, and instantly killed the dull people and separated the corpses. The most gloomy thing was that the slashes played by the first generation of ghosts were full of mysterious energy, and their bodies were annihilated!

Boom boom boom!

Due to the strong slash, the ground also shook loudly, being torn out of the long and narrow abyss, and the huge vibration could be felt several kilometers away.

"Blame you guys for seeing me..." Wuchen muttered to himself looking at the place where the few people disappeared.

Then he lowered his head and looked down at the torn ground below, Wuchen meditated: "If there is such a big noise, even if I don't need to look for you, you should come to the door."

Kuzacho is not very big, but it is not small. Looking for the group of people from Urahara Kisuke in the vast crowd, there is no such idle time to dust.

"come yet."

After a few minutes, the dust-free eyes splashed with spirit, and his eyes swept across the northern sky.

"I just wanted to attract Urahara Kisuke over. Although he came, he brought a group of uninvited guests."

The sights a few kilometers away are unobstructed. In addition to Urahara Kisuke, there are also the Masked Legion, and a figure with a wheaten skin-Yoichi Shikaedinin!

Ten kilometers, five kilometers, one kilometer... Until the distance is only one hundred meters, the time elapsed before and after this is less than one minute.

Bang bang bang!

There were several explosions in the sky, and the shadows of nearly ten people suddenly stood up in the sky, and everyone's eyes were directed towards Wuchen, showing badness and indifference.

" make such a big noise, the captain of the soul world will go crazy, and no one can bear that adult's temper."

Urahara Kisuke took the lead to open the dull deadlock, pretending to be afraid.

"I think the commander-in-chief will understand my difficulties...the world is as prosperous as the corpse and soul world. If I don't make a big movement to attract you, I will find it by myself, it will be the year of the monkey."

When the line of sight passed from everyone and fell on Lisa Yagomaru, the corner of Wuchen's mouth flicked teasingly. He was very impressed with this young girl who loves to read a little yellow book.

Even so, it just swept away, and his eyes finally fell on Urahara Kisuke.

"I don't want to say any more. This visit to the world is meant by the captain!"

Moving out of the shining sign of Old Man Yamamoto, Wuchen said, "The fact that Tōsen wanted to defect from the Soul World, and the fact that he simultaneously controlled the two powers of Void and Reaper, you must have heard of it. The reason is that mysterious. The beads..."

Urahara Kisuke's face darkened, he heard other meanings in Wuchen's words.

"Store Manager Urahara used to develop something like that when he was in the Soul World. The captain hopes you can call it out. I will leave here. If you resist...according to the order of the captain... you can only wipe out all of you. ."


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