Master of Ninja World

Chapter 1079 Violent DefeatThird More

Gengmu Jianba was shocked, looking at Wuchen close at hand, with a huge sense of frustration in his heart, it was extremely difficult for him to make progress by an inch, and his whole body was also bleeding.

This huge deterrence suppressed him tightly, and it was a hundred times more difficult to breathe than usual!

"Asshole, how could it be possible! Why is Reipressure so powerful for this little person who has been a god of death for a year!"

Lan Ranzongyousuke said in amazement, staring at Wuchen unwillingly, his eyes widened dozens of times than usual!

Not only him, all the captain-level death gods looked very ugly, their stunned eyes stared at Wuchen, and their faces were red and white.

Before the sound of dust-free clamor, all his faces flushed.

"I want you to add both hands~legs!"

Even in the past half a day, these words are still in my ears, like a thorn in everyone's heart, looking at the thin and thin body, everyone feels extremely incompetent.

The same captain, but a dimension gap!

"This, you have to take action to rescue them, otherwise the confidence of the captains will be crushed ~ crushed."

Captain Yamamoto did not hesitate to pull out the Zanpaku Knife, the fire came to the world again, and the dust-free chamber confronted, and the two men were half the sky.

With a terrifying expression, Captain Yamamoto liberated Zanpakuto.

"Everything in the forest, all turned to ashes, raging like fire!"

The fiery blade stretches the fiery flames, gathering but not dispersing, and its power is extremely terrifying. Ten kilometers away, you can feel the agitation of the old man Yamamoto's whole body.

"Sure enough, it's unreliable. If you abandon other abilities and use Reaper's power to contend with the captain, I am afraid that I will lose out in the end..."

Looking at Captain Yamamoto indifferently, Wuchen has a clear understanding of his strength.


With a muffled snort, Captain Yamamoto didn't appreciate it, raising his hand was a huge flame attack, like the sweeping dust of Mount Tai.

"Burn the city!"

In an instant, the sky around Wuchen turned fiery red, and the surrounding air was impermeable. The fiery flame formed a perfect hot wall that trapped Wuchen.


The flame barrier cut off the dust-free aura, all the captains were relieved, and the earth-shaking oppression also vanished.

"These two guys...if they can lose both...that would be great!"

Lan Ran Soyousuke had a dark old face and just clenched his fists. He never felt that he would be so unbearable one day. Now facing these two prehistoric beasts, he is no opponent at all.

"You guys take a break first, [Huo Burning City Guo] He can't break through—"

"How could it be possible to come out!"

Before the old man Yamamoto's voice fell, Kyōraku Chunshui's exclamation resounded loudly, and saw the dust-free walk out of the flames, nothing happened!

"Is this kind of attack trying to trap me? It seems that the captain likes to joke too!"

He sneered without dust and disdain, and there was still a faint photon all over his body. The whole person was intact, his clothes were bright, and he had obviously not suffered any trauma.

"This, how is this possible, how did he do it?!" Captain Yamamoto lost his calm, his tone trembled.

Looking up, the flames produced by the "Fire Burning City" kept hitting Wudust, penetrating his whole person, and the effect was very small.

It doesn't even have any effect. Wuchen's whole body is just stray golden light, repairing the damaged place, his face is not red or breathless, and he is healthy and lively!

"That's not right, this guy just used the No. 96 Breaking Dao [One Sword Cremation]. Isn't that sacrificing the Dao? Why is there nothing at all!" Jingle Chunshui realized that something was wrong and said in surprise.

These words made all the captains stunned, and then realized that there was no dust and no signs of burnt.

"Idiot, of course it's okay, that little injury is insignificant."

Hearing that, the dust is as light as the breeze, and the physique of the ten tails can repair all physical attacks.

"Let's scatter Senbonzakura!"

There are thousands of cherry blossoms floating in the sky, almost covering the entire void.

"No matter what kind of monster you are, if you are attacked by countless blades at the same time, you can only turn into a dry bone in the end."

Kuchiki Byakuya controlled thousands of cherry blossoms to attack, and almost everything he went to was crushed to pieces, a mess.In fact, every piece of this beautiful cherry blossom covering the sky is a sharp blade!

As long as they touch it, they will be scratched and attacked by hundreds of millions of knives at the same time. The catastrophic consequences are self-evident.

"Become a dead bone? Don't be self-righteous there anymore."

The spiritual pressure within his body was surging, Wuchen didn't care. This kind of flashy attack was wishful thinking to hit him!

Under the surprised gaze of all the captains, Wuchen directly ignored the sky full of cherry blossoms, and instead hummed a penetrating tune!

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

The sakura blade cuts the dust-free body back and forth, but it did not play a big role. The elementalization directly repaired it, and it didn't even touch the dust-free entity for a long time.

On the contrary, Kuchiki Byakuya, who is manipulating the cherry blossoms, is panting exhausted!

"Everyone, go on together, this rebellious criminal must be arrested today!"

A group of captains rushed towards Wuchen, and all showed their talents, and the tide of abilities in the sky annihilated Wuchen.

"It's almost time."

Wuchen suddenly laughed secretly, turning a deaf ear to all kinds of attacks around him. Any physical attack was repaired by elementalization. At the same time, Wuchen looked closely at the xiong chamber, where a gem was inlaid with a shining gem.

It is Bengyu!

The previous endless release of spiritual pressure was actually done deliberately, in order to wake up Bengyu, now this kind of once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is just to try the effect of Bengyu.


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