Master of Ninja World

Chapter 1165 Lan Ran's Hate [Fifth]


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As for Ulchiola, luck is obviously better, of course, it has something to do with his care and physical ability. Even if his limbs are crushed and destroyed by the strength of the Myoshin Gate, he can still move freely and even regenerate.

The tooth secret is obviously a tragedy. The huge body was directly shattered by Rashomon. The most shocking thing is that the Myojin gate seems to have an invisible big mouth, and all his corpses are absorbed.

Even if Ulchiola, who was used to seeing strong winds and waves, his face changed slightly and his expression was unnatural.


Seeing Wuchen's fast and fast eyes and hands again, Ulchiola suddenly realized that there was a big problem in his heart, remembering the things that Ai Ran Soyousuke had delivered before, and immediately took out two photos to Wuchen.

"Vientiane Tianyin."

Wuchen frowned slightly, looking at the off-track photo, one-handed eruption of gravity sucked it in, and immediately looked at the two lively girls in the photo, the palms of the hands were uncontrollably swept out of spiritual pressure, shaking them into pieces.

"Aizan Soyousuke threatens me?"

Wuchen asked indifferently, and the look in Ulquiola's eyes also changed. If he said that he was playing around just now, he would be murderous now.

The two women in the photo are Gattis and Bombieta.

"I don't know about this. I was only ordered by Master Aizen's orders."

Ulchiola's injury recovered as before, and the body that had been shattered by the dust also recovered, and he opened the black cavity with his hand. When he left, he deeply forgot about the dust, as if he wanted to remember him forever.

The unchanging indifferent will always imprint in Urquiola's heart.

"Wait, bring me a word to tell Ai Ran Soyousuke..."

A light glance at Urquiola, Wuchen said indifferently: "The biggest difference between a smart man and an idiot is that he knows what to do, what not to do, and does certain things that should not be done. No matter how clever and how cunning, there is only a dead end for him!


The virtual circle, the desolate Xuye Palace.

Although Ai Ran Soyousuke escaped the corpse soul world safely and ruled the virtual circle, the most essential changes in the virtual circle have not changed. Even after Ai Ran Soyousuke took power, the fight of the virtual circle was more serious than ever.

After arriving at the virtual circle, Lan Ran Soyousuke discovered a big problem. The Ten Blades Plan he studied painstakingly was completely destroyed by Wuchen directly or indirectly.

More than half of the members of the Shattered Ten Blades were killed by Wuchen. What a loss, what a loss, just imagine Ai Ran Soyousuke is a violent headache!

The spacious palace interior.

"Boom boom!"

The aftermath of destruction wandered out of Lan Ran Zouyoujie's body, shook out countless cracks in the area around Xuye Palace, Lan Ran Zouyoujie's eye sockets stared at Ulchiola below.

A huge majesty crushed him to breathe.

A group of Daxu souls were horrified, looking at Ai Ran Soyousuke on the main seat, their bodies bent down uncontrollably, their knees even close to the ground.

"Ulquiola, did that person say this?"

Ai Ran Soyousuke was unmoved, his voice still remained the same as before, and he could see that there was no change, but in fact, the skin inside his body was already violent.

Being so humiliated by Wuchen is like slapped him ten times and his old face hurts.

"Master Aizen."

Dongxian, the number one running dog, will stand next to Lan Ran Soyousuke, bow his head and say, "After we evacuated the corpse soul world, the man Wuchen will become the captain."


Hearing this, Lan Ran Soyousuke yelled and exhaled extremely dense spiritual pressure. The soldiers standing around him were directly crushed into powder by Lan Ran Soyousuke.

"It's gratifying and congratulatory to kill Yamamoto Genyagisuke, but who would have thought that the kid was cheaper in the end, and there is no one in the soul world to choose a prisoner to be the captain?"

Lan Ran Soyousuke felt very uncomfortable, knowing for the first time what it feels like to hit his feet with a rock... That's a pain, that's a sorrow!I can't vomit the bitter water in my stomach, so I can only hold it in my stomach.

It is gratifying to kill the difficult Captain Yamamoto, but in exchange for a god-like opponent, it is extremely sad!In contrast, Ai Ran Soyousuke suddenly felt that the captain was too cute!

"Master Aizen, attacking the Spirit Palace requires the creation of [King Key], Kuzacho is undoubtedly suitable, and the death gods have evacuated there, are we..."

Tosen made a move to wipe his neck, and the meaning was self-evident, and he clearly suggested Aizen Soyousuke to take advantage of such a rare opportunity to attack Kuzacho.

"There is no need to worry, we are not ready yet, all the processes are still in progress, and the Ten Blades are completely wiped out by that man. I must continue to raise other troops to deal with the Soul World."

Thinking of the broken face and ten blades that had been cleanly dismantled, Lan Ran Soyousuke's face was blue and white. Although these were all chess pieces, they were of great use to him now.It can even be said that it is related to life and death, and now almost all the original members of the Ten Blades have been scrapped by Wuchen!

So that Ai Ran Soyousuke now had to re-create other plans to deal with the corpse soul world.


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