Master of Ninja World

Chapter 1184 Six Red Sun Formation6/6


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Yucun Zuo Jin was trembling with anger, and even because he was a human wolf, all the hairs of his body were erected, his complexion surging with despair, unwillingness and hatred.

"Why do the more insidious and contemptible people tend to gain more powerful power?" Zuo Jin asked the sky, extremely rare complaints against the sky, and the tone was desolate.

"Sorrowful bugs, the more conservative they are, the weaker they tend to be. Those who know how to play tricks are often stronger and shocking the world."

Wuchen completely turned a deaf ear to the hatred of Zuo Jin in the village. There are no one hundred thousand people who hate him, but one thousand. There is no need to care about so many people, just small bugs that are not worth mentioning.

The kind of person who always likes to hate others is actually the most useless.Take the Yumura Left Formation in front of him. If he has the strength to kill Wuchen, then he will not hate him.

You can kill Wuchen directly with a single stab, so that you can't see and be quiet.But he can't do it, so he will hate Wuchen.

"Boom boom boom!"

The vigorous spiritual pressure burst out, and the left formation of the village did not keep the slightest hand, intending to make a desperate fight. Only in this way can it break through the defense of these captains.

He has to save the only friend left in the world-Dongxian Yao!

"Although Chen-jun's methods are a little bit mean, this Yucun Zuojin is also a deadhead. He is determined to follow Lan Ran Soyousuke, how can you persuade him to come back with a few words."

Uozhihualie couldn't help shook his head. In her opinion, the Zuocun Left Formation was just seeking a dead end. She clearly didn't have enough strength, but she had to do it. This kind of people died the fastest.

"The Eighty-Eight Flying Dragon Strikes the Thieves, Shaking Thunder Cannon!"

A thick laser came oncoming, like an unsheathed divine sword, cutting the entire sky into two pieces.

"Want to run?"

Pupils squinted slightly, Wuchen suddenly noticed signs of escaping from the left front of the village, and immediately snorted: "If you run away in front of me, then the captain might as well give it to you!"

Wuchen sneered, and at the same time shot six black iron rods in his hand.A special hexagonal barrier was formed immediately, isolating the entire world and completely losing contact with the outside world.

"Six Red Sun Formation!"

As the dust-free voice fell, the sealed world was airtight, and there was no corner to go out, and the Zuojin of Komamura was also sealed.

This enchantment is beyond imagination, and can even withstand the ten-tailed beast jade without any influence. The power is self-evident. There is almost no attack in this world, and any creature can leave.

Unless this is a kind of alien that can open the black cavity at will.

"Don't show off the light of sesame mung bean!"

The gleaming dust-free old eyes were dim, and he smashed it out with a simple wave of his hand. The flying beam exploded beside him, but it had no effect.

He didn't even touch the dust-free clothes. In an instant he became a transparent person who could ignore all attacks. It was like just setting off fireworks in the sky, just for viewing. The chance of wanting to hurt people is zero.


When the battle was fierce, Wuchen's stomach suddenly became unsatisfactory.

"Oh seems to be a quick fix. It's not a good deal to keep me hungry for you. The cuisine of the Soul World is still my favorite."

The left front of Yumura's head was covered with black lines, and the hands holding Zanpakudaw almost fell off without clenching them. He stared at Wuchen with an indignant expression. He was a dignified captain, and he couldn't even compare the time for Wuchen to eat. Just to dismiss him and treat him as worthless rubbish!

Jingle Chunshui and others are all helpless, and the first thing to learn to fight against Wuchendan is not the skills, but how to prevent yourself from being angry.

"Swastika Untie the Black Rope Scourge King Ming!"

The giant in armor holds the sky above his head and steps on the ground. The powerful legs can crush the sky and the earth, and the slender sword can wipe out all living things without any effort.

"Look at me now forcibly destroying your garbage enchantment." After the solution, the left formation of the village yelled, self-confidence soared, and he looked at the enchantment thinner than paper with contempt, his face was full of irony.

"up to you."

Wuchen chuckled and looked at Zuozhen in the village playfully. He didn't know where he grabbed a piece of grass, his face was frivolous, and he tucked it into his mouth with a gloating expression on his face.

"Boom boom!"

Just take two steps, the huge body will shake the mountains and rivers, and the earth will be as fragile as paper. If you step on it gently, countless cracks will appear.


After pulling out the scabbard with the broadsword and accumulating enough strength, Komamura Zuojin slashed towards the barrier with all his strength.

"Boom boom!"

I thought that the barrier would burst in an instant, but this barrier was beyond imagination and was intact.On the contrary, the huge body of King Tianqi Ming was thrown away mercilessly, and fell to the ground in embarrassment, and the mountains behind him were smashed.

"This enchantment...what kind of ghost is it that is so extraordinary?"

The captains of a kind were stunned, and Wuchen shot out six black iron rods at will. They thought it was a time delay. Now it seems that although it is as thin as a cicada's wings, the hardness is more than any enchantment currently known!

The most uncomfortable thing is that this powerful enchantment seems to be used by Wuchen alone. This is unfair!


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