Master of Ninja World

Chapter 1208 Lan Ran is in Action


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Hearing Wuchen's words, all the captains looked at each other and looked angry.

"Huh! Unreasonable, that Ai Ran Zouyousuke is bold! Is it so rampant? Just killed several captains in the corpse soul world, and now he dared to attack the world!"

The captain of the second division, Broken Bee, said angrily. Although she was small, her temper was not small. The blue spiritual pressure in her body broke out uncontrollably, and the sad Xing army personnel almost fainted.

"This is not the case. There was news from the current Kurosaki Ichigo that one of their teammates, the girl named Inoue Orihime, was taken away by Aizen Soyousuke's men."

Xing Jun, who was overwhelmed with breath, quickly reported, for fear that Broken Bee would accidentally enlarge the spirit and crush him.

"Okay, go down."

Glancing at this Xing Jun personnel, Wu Chen opened his mouth, and when he was about to speak, someone spoke first.

"Inoue Orihime? The woman with Kurosaki Ichigo? It seems to be an ordinary human."

"That Inoue Orihime has the ability to heal, and is quite powerful against the sky. I heard that Captain Uunohana is not inferior, and it is only natural that Aizen Soyousuke values ​​him."

"Damn, we must not let Aizen Soyousuke get Inoue Orihime, otherwise we will be even more dangerous in the future. Aizen Soyousuke already has invincible strength. If we have invincible healing power, we will be helpless!"


Wuchen silently listened to the discussion of a group of captains, and couldn't help groaning. These idiots were not suitable to be subordinates. Looking at it, there were a dozen captains in total, but now there are only a few people left.

Those who were pitted to death were pitted to death, those who defected were rebelled, and the few people left after counting.

"How can Lan Ran Suyousuke really care about the small ability to heal in a small way? This is obviously a strategy to adjust the tiger away from the mountain, you brainless idiots!" Wuchen snorted in his heart, full of disdain for this group of self-righteous captains.

"However, Ai Ran Soyousuke has acted, and it seems that the final battle is close at hand."

The pupils turned over, and there was a deep red blood in the dust-free eyes, which was very horrible. There is no need to stay in this world. The power of the spirit king has been obtained, except for the few subordinates of Youhabach. Everything gets what you want, and dust-free will naturally not be left to waste time.

"Since you have chosen to die, then I will do as you wish. Anyway, everyone is a colleague, so you can give me some shoes in the underworld in the future."

Wuchen sneered in his heart, with a face full of anger, a face of justice, and an impassioned expression: "Everyone, the day of war with the virtual circle is about to come. You must be full of confidence and defeat Lan Ran Soyousuke, who is harmful to the world Evil people!"

"Understood, Lord Captain!"

All the death captains nodded and promised that they all blushed and secretly wanted Lan Ran Soyousuke to look good. Having been suppressed by Lan Ran Soyousuke for so long, they had a grievance in their hearts.

"Okay, that's it for today, everyone is gone."

After a while, Wuchen waved his hand to end the meeting, his eyes dimmed and looked rather tired.


"You are too greedy, Lord Chen."

In the fourth division, Mao Zhihualie's tone was dissatisfied, and he solemnly said: "If it weren't for your peculiar body structure, I'm afraid you would have been burst by the power of the Spirit King."

Wuchen reported with a wry smile, and vaguely saw xiongtang oozing dense bloodshots. This was caused by the power of the spirit king, instinctively repelling Wuchen, or repelling all death gods.

"It doesn't matter, this kind of small injury is harmless to me and won't work."

Passing a comforting look, she smiled brightly and cleanly, able to see the internal organs vaguely, and even the beating heart could be clearly seen.

All are corroded and soaked by the power of the Spirit King. If it weren't for the dust-free life and firmness, I'm afraid I would have burped on both feet long ago!

"Are you really planning to go to war with Ai Ran Soyousuke?"

Carefully holding a towel to dry the blood on Wuchen's back, Uozhihua asked softly.

"It's almost time to solve all problems."

Wuchen nodded and did not conceal: "The captains of the group are vying to die, so I can fulfill them. I really think that Ai Ran Zouyousuke is in the mud? Naive, I can't bear to look straight!"


Looking at Wuchen with an unhappy face, Uzhihualie couldn't laugh or cry. Suddenly, she felt that her lover was sometimes naughty and would play a little temper.

"Hehe... Actually, I wish that group of captains would die! Those eye-catching flies buzzed all day long. In fact, they are not the enemy of Ai Ran Soyousuke's tricks, and now they even put out a pair of them. God, my cock, I deserve to be killed!"

Wuchen suddenly changed his face and explained with a smile: "Although I don't know where Yuhbach is hiding, at least one thing is certain, he needs a lot of souls to recover, so when we were fighting with Aizen Soyousuke , The old boy will definitely come out to collect souls as he can't bear it, after all, war is the fastest time when creatures fall."

Mao Zhihualie had a headache and looked at Wuchen with a smirk, and seemed to feel the resentment of Youhabach in the dark!


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