Master of Ninja World

Chapter 1412 The Eastern Army God Velesrana [Fourth]

It's not that Wuchen looked down on Mercator, but the two weapons that deliberately suppressed the gods, "Departure Sword EA" and "Sky Lock", were enough to deal with him, and other weapons were simply unnecessary.


After saying that, the deviance sword in Wuchen's hand swept out, and the crimson violent wave of the front part of the big sword raged and rolled, and in a blink of an eye, it swept away.


This extremely discordant sound came from the void, and the crisp sound was very depressing. The vast sky was fragile like vegetables and fruits, and obvious cracks could be seen.

"damn it!"

Regrettably, Mercator tried his best to escape the absolute bondage of the lock of the sky. However, there was only a chain as thick as his finger, which was harder than anything he had seen in his life and could not be shaken.


Unable to move his body to evade, Mercator was hit hard in an instant, his abdomen was directly penetrated, and the huge wound of five or six meters long shattered his internal organs, and even through the place where his stomach was broken, he could see the world opposite. .

"It's so strong, just a simple move can kill Mercator, one of the strongest gods in the Mediterranean."

Erica's mind was convulsed, and the stormy sea rolled up in her mind. Looking at the looted Mercator, she suddenly felt an illusion that she could not know her.

You can easily crush the opponent with your hands!

"Did you succeed?" After a long silence, Erica floated to Wuchen and asked excitedly.


Hearing that Wuchen just shook his head nonchalantly, Mercator's corpse didn't even look at it. It was worthless and had no bright power.

"You haven't come out after hiding for so long?" The sky rippled, and the dust-free voice spread all over the distance.


Erica immediately picked up the Western sword to guard, stood guard in front of the dust, looking around, like a full bodyguard, in Erica's words, the responsibility of a knight is to guard the king.

"He has been observing for a while. He thought he would come out to stop me when I shot Mercator. After all, it was his gift."

In words, a young man with purple hair and a cloak also floated towards the sky, his calm eyes met the dust-free gaze, even though the cover was excellent, the twitching corners of his eyes could still see the young man's restlessness.

"The God of the East-Welles Lana!"

His eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a flash of joy on his brows as a teenager everywhere.

Subconsciously touched the slate in his arms. For Wuchen, Welles Lana's temptation was far more than Mercator, and in Wuchen's eyes, the two sides were not even comparable.

"You are really surprising."

Welles Lana lowered his head and said, just now he witnessed the battle between Wuchen VS Mercator, it was not so much a fight, it was as simple and casual as bullying a primary school student!

"But I'm really sorry, I'm not that stupid, if you want to kill me, you can't do it, boy!"

Wellerslaner's tone gradually became colder, and the last time he met, his tone was obviously heavier this time, a little more solemn.

"Boom boom boom!"

Lightning suddenly flashed in the sky, and the extremely thick thunder light struck Wuchen and Erica mercilessly.

"Small bugs, just use your own power to clean up yourself." Wuchenyin smiled, and at the same time he picked up the slate and pointed it at Welles Lana in the sky.

"You can't do it indiscriminately. If you use that magic book without authorization, you may be worthy of your life. I firmly don't allow you to do this, never!"

Erica said solemnly in front of Wuchen, the human body will undoubtedly die if it runs out of slate.

"Do you still think I am a human? Erica."

He asked without dust and asked her aside, the slate pointed at Veleslana, and smiled: "This unrelenting guy is very arrogant. He deliberately left his power on the slate, hoping that I can defeat him. ...For this, I don't hesitate to give my own power..."

"You are really strong, I have to say, I did underestimate you before."

With golden light floating in his hand, a big golden sword appeared in Welles Lana's hand. For some reason, he suddenly regretted giving me his power to Wuchen. This kid is a powerful and dangerous man!

"It would be a shame if you don't use it in your hands!"

The dust-free eyes were folds bright, and he made up his mind to use the slate, and suddenly shot a lot of white light.

"Look, I myself will not lose to my own strength!"

Welles Lana roared, looking down at Wuchen, or at his slate, with a sword in both hands.

"Really a crazy man."

Upon seeing this, Erica sighed and leaned close to the dust-free face, taking advantage of his loss, and attacked the dust-free face, leaving her lips/prints behind.

"This is the reward of beauty/female heroes!" All the embarrassment and discomfort on her face disappeared, and Erica said seriously.

"I just want to say that you have taken advantage of it, and I will definitely take it back again in the future!" Wuchen stared at Erica's concave/convex/you/zhijiao/body.


A roar of majesty and fiery came out of the slate, and then a large group of golden flames roared out. From the slate, a white horse made up of flames rushed towards the sky, burning with extremely high temperature. Flames.

"Boom boom boom!"

Wellerslaner, who likes to fight hard to death, is determined not to retreat, staring attentively at the incoming flames, the golden sword he raised falls without hesitation.

However, hope is beautiful, but reality is cruel. Veleslana was immediately fatally hit, and a pillar of fire penetrated him.

Recommended book: Uchiha Madara, the strongest!!!


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