Master of Ninja World

Chapter 1545 How Can I Be Shameless? [First more]

Xiao Shensen's delicate face twitched unnaturally. In all fairness, she was stared uncomfortably by Wuchen's creepy eyes, as if she was being horrified by a tiger hiding in the dark night.

"How can you let us go?"

Stabilizing the strange emotions, Xiao Shensen did not want to cause more incidents, so she could only lower her posture and begged: "You and my son have grievances. It was my fault for Paiyouma to track down, but I was also helpless. I hope my son is in danger, and I hope you can understand."

"This bastard!"

Xiao Gucheng cursed in his heart, he had never been so suffocated in his life.

"It has nothing to do with me."

Hearing that, Wuchen's heart is like iron strike, unshakable, it is still so cold, so unkind, he cold-eyed, "Your son is a idiot who can't help me, provoking me to be beaten completely deserved! "


Xiao Gucheng's lungs are exploding, this guy is very proficient in scolding people, and he doesn't even repeat the phrase!

"It's better to be like this. Today's matter is over here. How about everyone not getting into the river in the future?" After a few decades of life, Xiao Gucheng's mother Xiao Shensen knows better than him.

"It can be, but..."

Wuchen nodded lightly, and immediately said another condition that caused the collapse of Xiao Ancient City, "I was in a bad mood today. I originally planned to have some fun after dinner, but I was disturbed by you. Then... I have to wrong you. Auntie!"

"What do you want my mother to do?" Xiao Gucheng had constipation on his face, and when he looked at Wuchen's mean mouth, he knew that it was not a good thing.

"Nothing, since you are wasting time for fun tonight, why don't you show me a strip/clothing/dance!" In front of Xiao Gucheng, Wuchen offered a very crazy evil condition!


Xiandu Mu You Ma choked, and subconsciously looked at Xiao Ancient City.


Sure enough, this guy ran away immediately, and on his forehead, countless blue veins helped up and rushed around, as terrifying as if there were bugs swimming/walking.

Faced with such frantic conditions, no one can bear it!

"There is something you are saying!"

Xiao Gucheng squeezed his fists "kakaka", and the sound kept breaking, his body exploded with majestic power. Even the windows of the bathroom were instantly shattered by Xiao Gucheng, and the floor tended to burst.

"You don't have to make an inch!" Xiao Shensen's face turned green, and she gritted her teeth angrily.

It’s okay if no one hears it, but the point is that this guy is like a deliberately disgusting person. He speaks such unbearable words in front of Xiaogucheng and Xiandumu Youma at will, to understand that Xiaogucheng is her. Wuchen's son, Wuchen obviously deliberately wanted to anger Xiao Gucheng.

"Are you upset and unhappy?"

Sweeping the ancient city of Xiao indifferently, Wuchen smiled weirdly, and immediately pretended to be afraid: "Then what if I change a condition, don't kill me, the ancestor!"

"You bastard…"

Xiao Gucheng had a dark face. Although Wuchen said "True Ancestor Boss", he listened very well, but the strange tone of Yin and Yang and the expression of misfortune on his face were obviously deliberately mocking him.

"Since you didn't intend Xiao Shensen to dance/take off/clothing/dance alone, then..." Wuchen's tone paused, and his eyes suddenly shifted and fell on Xiandu Mu Youma.


Xiandu Mu Youma stepped back subconsciously, and was hairy in Wuchen's green eyes. She was really afraid of this powerful, lawless, and frantic man.

"It's really inappropriate for your mother Xiao Shensen to take off/clothes/dance alone. She still lacks a partner, so let..." With a wicked expression on her face, Wuchen pointed at Xiandumu Youma and said loudly: Together, I don’t care about one more person anyway!"

"you wanna die!"

Xiao Gucheng almost gritted his teeth one by one. He took a step forward with his right foot, and the floor burst suddenly, and then the whole body was flooded with lightning.

"Shoo hoo!"

Xiao Gucheng was full of golden lightning, and his fast eyeballs could not keep up with his moving speed. However, in Wuchen's eyes, it was crawling as slow as a tortoise. After all, it was just a true ancestor.

"Sixty-one and six light prisons of binding the road!"

Six huge rays of light came out of nothing, and the moment Xiao Gucheng's fist was about to hit the dust-free, he was immobilized, his body lost basic control, and he was unable to move quickly and effectively.

Even if Dust is close at hand, Xiao Gucheng is helpless.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh...Look at how bad your son is. I just wanted to forgive him. Now this kid is about to attack me again. Your apology is not sincere."

Pointing to Xiao Gucheng, Wuchen sighed in disappointment.


Xiao Shensen and Xiandu Mu You Ma both vomit blood. Can Xiao Gucheng run wild with him?After all, my mother and childhood sweetheart were asked to take off/clothing/dance, and no one can bear this kind of madness!

If I heard that my mother was asked to take off/clothing/dancing and still keep normal, then Xiaogucheng is sick!

"There is a kind of you come at me!" Xiao Gucheng roared in anger, this guy was too shameless.

His heart is extremely tragic. Since encountering Wuchen this calamity, his unlucky deeds have continued one after another. Don't want those who are in Wuchenpit, it is as miserable as being possessed by the gods.

"I'm waiting for your words!"

Entering Xiao Ancient City with an icy expression, Xiao Shensen looks good, but in the final analysis it is still a dying flower and a willow. Wuchen made such trouble to hit her, nothing but revenge against Xiao Gucheng.


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