Master of Ninja World

Chapter 1739 the hard-pressed Wei Gong Shirou [second more]

Wuchen saw this for a while, and scolded with a stern face: "Find out your identities. Although both are Masters, they are in opposition to each other, but before that, you two can definitely try to cooperate."

"Cooperate with her? Don't think about it!"

Ilia and Tosaka Rin spoke in unison with a tacit understanding.

"It's really a beating..."

Wuchen couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this, but the fist he was holding was sent away. The enemy could provoke him to teach him a lesson, but Rin and Ilia are another matter... Wuchen also feels tricky. The helpless look at the moment, Started to look at Alice Phil.

"I rarely see you helpless, Illya, now is not the time for you to fight fiercely."

Alice Phil pursed her lips and patted Illia's head. Although the latter pouted high, Alice Phil's words were obviously more effective than dust-free.

"Let you off this time!"

Illia said angrily, and finally rubbed Alice Phil's arms extremely unwillingly.

"Huh, one little kid."

When Rin Tosaka heard the words, she sneered, but she was actually relieved. If she was allowed to face Ilia alone, there really was no chance of winning.After all, Berserker's statistics are second to none.

" are not here to assassinate us, right."

He took an apple from the fruit plate at random, and said in a clean and vague manner: "You two are enough. Next time you make a noise like this...I can't ignore it."

These words were full of warning smell, but the effect was terrible. Illya continued to laugh and talk to Alice Phil, while Tosaka Rin held his head high in front of his arms, completely ignoring the existence of dust-free.

"The kid now fights if he doesn't agree... and if he can't beat the opponent, he will indiscriminately send his grievances on the adults..." Wuchen reached his lips and took it back.

His gaze suddenly fell on Archer who suddenly flashed. The boy was originally on a mission outside, but Rin Tosaka used a spell to forcibly summon him back.

"Archer, what's wrong with Shiro Wimiya?"

Sitting lazily on the sofa, Wuchen poured himself a cup of coffee, and asked softly, "Did the kid summon Saber? I have prepared so much for him, don't let people disappointed."

"This one……"

Archer heard the words with a weird face, silenced the saplings, and then weirdly muttered, "According to your plan, I forced Shiro Wigiya to a blind spot. In the end, Shiro Wigiya successfully summoned Saber according to your design, but ...The result is too far away from what was expected."

At this point, Archer's tone suddenly stopped, his face even more weird.

"The result is different from what I expected...? This is interesting, let's take a look."

Seeing Archer hesitating and stopping, Wuchen suddenly became interested and said softly: "Did you lose to Saber? You don't have to worry about this kind of thing. Victory or defeat is common. You can treat it rationally, not to mention that you are an archer, close combat. It's normal to lose to Saber."

Long-range sneak attacks are Archer's specialty.

"It's not that I lost to Saber, but that we two didn't fight each other."

Seeing Wuchen got it wrong, Archer shook his head quickly and bluntly said: "After that guy Shiro Weigu summoned Saber, Saber saw me chase Shiro Weigu. Instead of helping, he..."


Wuchen looked at Archer in surprise, took a sip of coffee, and said, "What was the result? Don't tell me Saber to help you chase Shiro Weimiya!"

"'re really right this time! Saber really ignored my existence. He watched me chase and kill the kid Shirou Wei but didn't care. Instead of helping him, he helped him abuse and waved the flag for me. I hope I will kill Shiro Wei Gong!"


All the coffee that I drank into my throat without dust spurted out, and my eyes suddenly became round.

"Saber...really, even if she hates Eimiya Kirishu, there is no need to hate his son so much... No, it doesn't matter if you hate his son, you don't want him to die so soon!"

Shiro Weigu died away, and Saber would disappear with it. Due to Saber's special identity, it seems difficult to resurrect with the "external reincarnation technique".

"That boy Wei Gong Shirou must have exploded when he encountered such a weird hero."

I can’t help but have no words. I didn’t expect Saber to have such a personality. Even if he saw his Master being chased and indifferent, Saber also encouraged Archer to chase and kill Shiro. This kind of story is a hundred thousand different from the original. Thousands of miles!

Now that there is such a huge change, it is all due to dustless instigation.

"Saber won't kill Shiro Eimiya impulsively..."

Wuchen frowned and thought to himself that Caster was a living example, dissatisfied with his Master, and fled to Liudong Temple after killing the Master.

"It is impossible to kill the Master without running out of Lingshu."

Rin heard the dust-free mutter and interjected: "Unless Shiro Weigu consumes all the spells, Sarvant will not be able to kill the Master..."

"So... the relationship between each other is really troublesome."

Wuchen nodded lightly, touching his chin playfully and muttering to himself: "Anyway, that kid will be killed sooner or later. It's okay to let him go for a while."


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