Master of Ninja World

Chapter 2055 Hungry Women Are Stupid! [First more]


Kana Mingbo was scared into a cold sweat by Wuchen's words. He looked at the former with panic and sluggish cheeks. He knew that this was definitely not a casual joke.

After Wuchen for a while, Jiana Mingbo gradually figured out Wuchen's temper, and the consequences of angering this guy were absolutely disastrous.


At this moment, Kanna Mingbo was frightened with two roars that were extremely cooperative and hungry, as he drooled.

"I'm going, I'm going now, wait a minute!"

Kana Mingbo was so scared that he almost jumped up, like a gust of wind fled away. During this time, he used Kandarishi to do various cruel experiments every day. This woman hates herself to death. If there is a chance to eat him, Kandari The world will never be merciless.

"It looks healthy."

Staring at Kandarishi for a while, Wuchen walked over slowly.

"Dare to come over? Approach me rashly? I just don't know how to write dead words." Upon seeing this, Goddai Lishi was expressionless, but a murder intent appeared in his heart.

"Although I don't know what the old man did to me, thanks to his gift, I have become a lot stronger!" Feeling the surging power changes in his body, Shindai Rishike's mouth showed a cruel smile.

"Thump thump!"

The heart of God Lishi was beating faster, watching the dustlessness gradually coming, the power of the limbs had already reached the limit.

"Shoo hoo!"

When the distance was about three or four meters away, Shindai Rise's feet suddenly stepped on the ground.


Disorderly cracks appeared on the ground that could not withstand the powerful explosive force, and then the Shindai Rishi standing in place, there was no trace between the electric light and flint, and the speed was as fast as the speed of sound.

"This guy's explosive power is really strong!"

Faint ripples splashed out of the calm eyes, Wuchen looked quite shocked, it was not that he was frightened by the strength of Shindai Rise, even if Shindai Rise was now X100 times, he was not a clean opponent.

What is staggering is that a few days ago, the strength of Shindai Toshi was still at the SS level. A few days later, although it had not reached the level of SSS level, the various data far exceeded the SS level. Kind.

"It's useless for you to regret it now. This is how you dare to experiment with me at will. Let me be my lady's food obediently."

I don't know when it will start, the arms of God Rishiketsu have already hugged Wuchen tightly, and his eyesight is not good, looking hostilely at Wuchen's cheek.

"It looks like you really succeeded."

Staring at God Rise with interest, Wuchen said with a smile: "To be honest, it is surprising that you can evolve into a semi-human like Takasama Arima... No, even one-eyed and semi-human. ...It should be said that you can become the existence between the two now, thanks to the old man Kana Mingbo. With him, you can complete this huge transformation, and your strength will be greatly improved."

"Jie Jie..."

Hearing that, Shendai Lishi just smiled gloomily, "No matter what, thanks to you, my strength can be improved. In order to express my gratitude to you, your flesh, I accept it disrespectfully!"

Holding Wuchen tightly, the bodies of the two were squeezed together, and the strength of Kandari's hand was enough to strangle a cow.


The bones of the dust-free body began to rattle, and even the sound of fragmentation could be heard. Goddai Rise raised his head and stared at the dust-free gaze, but this guy was surprisingly calm, and his calm eyes flowed with eternal calmness. .

"This guy..."

Kamdai Rise, who had seen the hardness of Wuchen's body early, was just a little shocked, and then he recovered his tranquility again, and immediately revealed his white teeth, biting towards the Wuchen neck.


But the moment he touched the dust-free skin, the corners of Kandari's mouth stopped due to instinctive reaction. For some reason, he didn't have any desire to face human flesh, but felt that cannibalism was very disgusting.

" seems to have really succeeded." Quietly staring at the change of Shendai Lishi's expression, a mysterious smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"What do you mean?" Shendai Lishi's face was rigid, and then he asked Wuchen in a very unkind tone. Hearing Wuchen's words seemed to deliberately let himself be caught.

Originally, the heart of God Dai Lishi was still high-hearted and joyful, as uncomfortable as eating a fly.

"What do you mean?"

Looking directly at God's gloomy eyes, Wuchen sneered: "The old man Jiana Mingbo moved too slowly. I just wanted to test you with my own body. The result is the same as I thought. You don't eat human flesh anymore. ."

"In other words, you deliberately let me get close to you?!" Kandari's face turned blue.

"Nonsense, otherwise you think you can approach me with your rubbish strength?!"

He snorted without disdain, and immediately looked at the pretty face of God Rise, and joked: "I heard that girls in love always have negative IQs... But now I have different ideas. , The hungry girl who is tortured by hunger, her head is even more stupid and sad!"

"you wanna die!"

Hearing that, Kamidai Toshi was furious, his face flushed, and his mouth opened to the maximum, biting to the dust-free cheek. It didn't matter whether she liked human flesh or not, she just wanted to destroy this nasty cheek.


Unexpectedly, Wuchen just blinked his eyes lightly, and the majestic pupil power surged out, and the crazy movements of Kamidai Rise stopped instantly, "Monthly reading!"


The simple two characters are like a reminder, and Shendai Lishi instantly fell to the ground.


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