Master of Ninja World

018, departure from the North [fourth more]

Wuchen accepted the invitation of the chief of staff of the Red Silk Army, but because the chief of staff wanted to continue to invite other martial arts masters, he did not go forward with him.

At the request of Wuchen, he took a map and handed it to him.

However, Wuchen was also very happy, because he was lacking a map, so he went around in the Dragon Ball world.

However, having agreed to the other party, Wuchen still settled in Beidu for the first stop.

The Earth of Dragon Ball World, although most modern cities are simplified into a common unified country, there is a cat or a puppy as the president.

But each place still has its own ruling power.

For example, Piflaru, the fried cold rice that cannot be served on the countertop, or the Red Silk Army Group, which has caused a lot of turmoil.

They all occupy a small part of the land first, and then try to invade the whole world.

At this time, Wuchen walked on the prosperous island metropolis of Beidu.

Bored, he walked into the most luxurious restaurant at the port.

Although he was in his current state, he could not eat or drink, but he came to the new world and did not taste the fresh food of this world.

That would be too uneconomical.

I saw that the restaurant was full of silver tableware with silver light, whether it was dishes or chopstick holders, even drinking glasses.

They are all the same style.

In order to alleviate boredom, before entering this restaurant, Luo Sheng used a piece of ghost talisman paper while no one was paying attention, and summoned a Hawkeye Holami, one of the largest in the world and one of Qiwuhai, who had been seen in Pirate World Grams.

As your own personal guard.

This will also look a bit more face.

As for why this eagle eye can be made with Ghost Dao Talisman Paper, it is even simpler.

Wuchen now has played many times in many small worlds, and has defeated many masters after seeing it.

And because these characters and their moves have already been printed in his mind, coupled with the bug props such as Bengyu, he was originally thinking about what you think and realizing what you present.

What you want can be done for you.

Therefore, he can naturally also realize the eagle eyes in the Pirate World portrayed in his mind by breaking the jade.

At this time, walking in the restaurant, Wuchen took the avatar Hawkeye, and found an empty table to sit down.

Personally touched the silver tableware.

At first he thought that these tableware were all made of silverware, but after getting started, he discovered that these tableware looked thin and light.

However, it was found that it was much heavier than silverware, and the color was more layered than silverware, reflecting a deeper light.

At this time, the waiter of the restaurant just came over to ask them about the order, and saw Wuchen touching the table on the table curiously.

Immediately explained:

"Hello, guest, this is the Red Silk Army stationed in the northern capital, the'Serrabo' dug out from the North Pole."

"The texture is much better than ordinary silverware, and it is not that heavy, so it is very popular among the people."

"Therefore, our restaurant also spent a lot of money to buy a whole set, attracting guests with taste like you."

"Hehe, I have made so many famous people after eating..."

Wuchen snorted coldly in his heart, he hasn't got the money that is universal in the Dragon Ball world yet, so he came here purely for the overlord meal.

"I don't have money to pay the bill for a while, and you know you regret it."

So there was no dust, and he opened up his temper, and ordered a large table of so-called North Capital specialties under the instigation of the waiter.

At this time, on the dining table adjacent to Wuchen, there were whispering discussions.

"Hey, than Libinido, have you heard the latest Beidu news?" A middle-aged uncle with a long nose and triangular eyes took a sip of red wine and asked the others on the table.

"What kind of things are you referring to?" asked a man with an explosive head about his age sitting across from the uncle.

"Of course it's the Red Silk Army Group's business... Recently, around the Northern Capital, besides them, what other big things can there be?" The uncle with long nose and triangular eyes had a glass of red wine in his mouth, and said leisurely while savoring.

"Oh... you mean that their Red Silk Army group has attacked all the kingdoms that are thousands of miles away from the northern capital and killed the five kings?"

The third person at the table intervened to answer.

"Yeah. This is not much news. I heard that the Red Silk Army Group is expanding rapidly recently, and all the world's famous martial artists are invited to join them."

"Hehe, I guess there shouldn't be any martial artist in the Northern Capital who dare to go over..."

"Forget it, that's their business. Even if the Red Silk Army invites everyone to join, Wutian, the god of martial arts, shouldn't go..."

Hearing this, the diners on the table stopped talking, lowered their heads and continued to enjoy the food on the table.

And their conversations just now fell to Wuchen's ears, making him listen with gusto, recalling the deeds in the original comics, not only thinking about it.

"It seems that the Red Silk Army is still in the early stages of expansion at this time..."

Wuchen sat on the chair while stuffing the oily drumstick in his mouth, while rolling his eyes in his mind, slowly recalling and thinking.

At this moment, there was a crowd of people outside the restaurant, and a group of people who did not know where they came from stood on the edge of the small island outside the restaurant, looking into the distance.


A loud noise came from the sea.

A large iron armored ship should have sailed in the sea, but from both sides of the large ship stretched out several huge iron arms, climbing the seabed like a spider.

At this time, the long-nosed uncle who had just made the discussion also saw this scene and exclaimed suddenly:

"It's actually the Red Silk Army Corps. It seems that they had just returned from a game on another island..."

A large area of ​​about thirty large warships in Wuwu Yangyang climbed over from the sea with mechanical arms and landed in the port of Beidu.

He drove toward the island where Wuchen is.

In fact, if you read the original book carefully, you know that the so-called northern capitals and western capitals in the comics are all metropolises all over the archipelago.

If one city goes to another city, if the distance is too far, it is likely that one island goes to another island.

And these ships floating over from the sea, obviously all belong to the Red Silk Army Corps.

Because every large hull is engraved with the unique symbols of the Red Silk Army Corps.

"Wow! These ships with the symbol of the Red Silk Army are so handsome! They are amazing! They can climb over the sea. I have never heard of anyone who can do this before..."

A blond young beautiful girl standing on the edge of the small island outside the restaurant said in surprise as she watched the approaching Red Silk Army fleet...