Master of Ninja World

208. Obtaining three major magic [first more]

No dust at this time.

Move slowly, lifted his fingers

He would control his breath

It will also make his own energy flow regularly, so this is not difficult for him, and his fingers are drawn in the air very quickly. According to the knowledge in the encyclopedia of magic, he drew a spell!

His eyes widened suddenly, and he poked in the middle of the impetuousness. His fingers were like brushes, which generally had a finishing effect!

In an instant, the spell was pushed and flew out, rushing to the sea in front of you!

Just now.

I saw the roar of thunder and the roar of thunder and lightning!

A violent voice sounded.

A thunder and lightning fell into the air, although the thunder and lightning were

It's still a bit worse.

That's just because of the unskilled clean business.

A smile appeared on his face.

I should be able to list it here for a few weeks, but those guys probably didn't find a place so quickly!

At this time, everyone in Walloon has already got the Panku treasure box.

At this time everyone was in an office in a building.

Ah Fu said helplessly: "What are we going to do next?"

Afen shrugged and said, "Who knows what to do, anyway, we are not the boss..."

Truu has not quit the Mafia.

Still staying in the black organization at this time

He said: "Hey, I heard the boss say that he wants to go to Japan. I seemed to have been thinking about how to get there last night, but it seems strange that he is talking to himself!

The words came out.

Everyone was stunned.

This sentence just came out.

Wallon walked out of the inner room of the office.

He looked at everyone coldly, but everyone didn't even know that he was possessed by the dragon soul.

Walong glanced at the crowd and said: "I heard what you were talking about just now, you guessed it, I really want to take you to Japan, what we have to do is to liberate the devil!"

As soon as this sentence comes out

Everyone was stunned.

Zhou wow.Say: "What? Devil?"

The words were full of surprises, and he couldn't help being stunned.

Rasu said in surprise, "Is it the purple guy? Is it the one with dark purple smoke turning around?"

In fact, he always remembered the time when he was grind, and during that time, you were so powerful that you did not know the pain, and there were huge weapons to play with, and it was even stronger!

He was really impressed right now, if he liberated that guy again, would he be able to have that powerful power again?

Although Rasu is not a big bad guy, he also has a special obsession with power.

And this time.

Heard these words.

Zhou immediately said, "Wow, that's right, isn't it that way?"

This sentence just came out.

At this moment

The Holy Lord in Wallon said: "No, you are wrong, not the black and purple guy, but my brothers and sisters!"

When his words are here, the tone has all become the Holy Lord!

At this moment, everyone heard it all at once, and they were all startled, with a little surprise in their eyes.

Ah Fen was shocked and said: "Holy Lord? Why the hell is you our boss? Where did you go? What's the matter? Who are you?"

The Holy Lord said coldly: "I am your boss, and your boss is me. It's as simple as that, don’t say anything else, now you follow my instructions! Tomorrow, we will prepare the air tickets immediately, and we must go there without knowing it. Japan!"

After hearing the words, everyone was stunned.

There was a little suspicion in his mind, but no one spoke.

And this time.

In the old antique shop

Because Wuchen has not come back for several days at this time.

and so.

Everyone is worried

Jackie Chan sighed, pacing in the antique shop, and said: "Why hasn't he returned? Why hasn't he been here for so long? Didn't he say that he will be back in two days? Why hasn't he returned? What's the matter? What happened to him?"

This sentence came out.

Paris rolled her eyes on the side, playing with her hair boringly, and said, "Don’t worry about it, okay, it makes me a little worried, but he should be fine. He should be fine with his ability. He was still alive when he was beaten up like that last time. Don't you believe him this time?"

This was just said.

Jackie Chan said with a wry smile: "It's not that I don't believe him, but that he hasn't sent back news for too long. Even if you make a phone call!"

Paris sighed helplessly and said, "You are really worried!"

This was just said.

Sheriff Black pushed the door open and walked in: "You have a mission. I have found it. The people of the black hand organization are going to Japan. I need your help!"

When this sentence came out, everyone was stunned.

The old man was surprised and said: "Why go to Japan so fast, wait, they got it?"

Sheriff Black said with a dazed expression: "What? Where is Ah Chen? Didn't he promise that he will be back within two days? What's going on? What happened?"

This sentence just came out, and the old man said: "Can't wait for him, he should have something to deal with, let's go first!"

Say this.

Sheriff Black said with a little thoughtful expression in his expression: "Well, there is no way, I can only go with you, I will arrange the plane to leave immediately tonight! It should be in Tokyo!"

Everyone nodded when saying this

Everyone in Walloon had already boarded the plane directly. Under the night, they were flying in the air with the plane roaring, and soon they drove directly to Tokyo.

Came to Tokyo.

Trullo looked at his long-lost hometown, with a refreshing expression on his face, sighed and said, "I haven't been back for a long time..."

Zhou haha ​​laughed and said, "This is the homecoming of wanderers!"

Ah Fen said, "True, do you want to take us to eat some specialties of hometown?"

Obviously joking.

Walong's expression changed at this time, saying: "Don't make trouble, now we need to find our target immediately, although I don't know where, but I hope you can help me, otherwise!"

There is a bit of threat in his words!

And everyone's expressions changed, and they didn't dare to say anything, and they were afraid of their boss, otherwise they would hang up.

Although everyone is acting together only because of interest, but after all they have followed for so many years, the boss still doesn't want the boss to die like this.

They moved quickly, and after they found the hotel they were staying in, they split up.

Just when they were looking.

Dad all the talents just arrived in Tokyo...