Master of Ninja World

Chapter 314: Killing Monsters

After hearing this word.

Wuchen thought for a while, frowning and said: "That's what I said, you should leave first!"

When the words were finished, he immediately turned and looked at the ruined palace at this moment.

And everyone was just about to withdraw from the palace right now.

After hearing this sentence, I felt confused.

Taro Maru said: "What are you doing here? Shall we go together? Wait a few days before..."

x Wuchen looked indifferent, rolled his eyes and said: "It doesn't matter, but it's just a little demon, but it can't help me, let me kill him!"

It doesn't matter how much is accompanied by his words.

After all, it was just a very ordinary little demon, and it was very easy for him.

At this time, everyone heard this and chose to believe it.

Inuyasha snorted and said, "Don't care about this guy, let's go!"

After the words were finished, the few people left by boat, leaving nothing but dust.

Wuchen twisted his body very easily. There was a little helplessness in his eyes, and he sighed and said: "It's really troublesome. An ordinary little demon wants me to make big moves, really! "

I just said this, I looked at it for 4 weeks in disgust, relaxed my muscles and said, "Come on!"

Immediately after that, a rumbling sound rang, and thunder came from the sky, and then an extremely huge snake appeared directly on the water.

The big snake directly joined the water, and suddenly rushed up, crushing the entire palace.

The people just arrived on the shore, and they were stunned to see such a situation. No way, is he dead?impossible.

Everyone thought like this in their hearts.

Wuchen is really not dead, it is already flying into the sky, and there is a little smile in his eyes

Said: "What a troublesome guy, you seem to be a very annoying thing!"

When the voice finished speaking, there was a bit of cold murderous look in his eyes.

Both hands knot printing is completed

Immediately after that, the big snake rushed directly in front of him. The tail was hidden at the bottom of the tail. At the same time, the huge mouth opened to swallow Wuchen directly.

There was a sudden spray from Wuchen's mouth: "Fire escape: the art of howling fireball!"

A huge fireball spouted from its mouth, and then the huge water snake couldn't bear it for a while. This high temperature was instantly ignited by the flame and oozes out, but it quickly added to the water, and the eyes appeared more. After a few anger, he writhed in the water several times, and directly extinguished the flame, but soon he used his body to roll up a huge waterspout!

At the same time, holding the trident artifact in his hand, it rolled into the sky at this time, and a huge wave suddenly came.

No dust but completely fearless.

Hands knotting

Loudly shouted: "I see how long you can play! Feng Dun: Vacuum Dayu!"

The moment the sound fell, an incomparably huge vacuum jade was ejected from his mouth.

At the same time, the flying wind and rain were blown away by it, and it was cut apart in an instant. The powerful strength is amazing.

At this time, only two little goldfish came to Inuyasha and said: "Everyone, are you here to save Lord Water God?"

Inuyasha was stunned for a moment, with a strange look in his eyes, frowning and saying, "What did you say? What Lord of Water, we are here to kill the Water God..."

At this time, the two looked at each other, and then quickly explained, "That is a monster, not the real Lord Water God, that is the former guard of Lord Water God, it is only because of taking Master Water God's scepter, so The Lord of the Water God is imprisoned can you please rescue me?"

Inuyasha rolled his eyes immediately, and said reluctantly, "I don't want to save that water god, it's my business, I'm leaving..."

Master Maitreya sighed and said, "How can you do this, I'll save it!"

After the words were spoken, he tapped his toes and stepped on the water, swiftly and quickly, he came to the place pointed by the two little fishes. This is a special reef. After he came here, he looked at In Fuzhou, he immediately took a deep breath, lightly tapped it with Qi magic, and immediately let the spell dissipate!

Immediately after that, only a woman the size of a slap jumped out of a small hole, her eyes showed determination, and she said with some worry in her eyes as she watched the waves soaring into the sky. Sure enough, that guy has already begun to do this, he shouldn't be trusted at that time!"

As soon as these words were said, Master Maitreya quickly asked, "Are you the Lord Water God?"

At this time, Taro Maru trot over and said, "Oops, if the waterspout does not stop, it will directly pounce on the village and kill a lot of people. Think of a way!"

After hearing these words, the water god immediately said: "Don't worry, I will let them stop, don't worry!"

When everyone heard this, they breathed a sigh of relief. They really deserved to be the God of Water. The adults were relieved with a word, but then the Lord of Water walked to the water's edge, touched the surface of the water, and frowned. : "Oh, my magic weapon was taken away by him. I can't cast spells now. I have to get the trident back..."

Just when this was said, everyone rolled their eyes and looked helpless. Master Maitreya sighed and said, "What? Do you want to take back the magical artifact?"

Just as I finished saying this sentence, there was thunder and thunder in the wind and rain, and a symphony of thunder, and then the golden trident came to everyone in an instant, and it was directly in front of Maitreya Master for less than three steps!

Master Maitreya was shocked immediately, and quickly backed up two or three steps, and the Lord Water God standing on his palm said: "Hurry up and put me down!"

With the sword of Zhao Zuozhi of the Maitreya Mage Alliance, Lord Water God jumped down and immediately took the trident and inhaled deeply, and said in one breath: "Feng Ding Yun Ji!"

The moment the words were spoken, the wind and rain were determined immediately, and the water snake was immediately stunned, and he fell down instantly when he was tossing in the clouds. Without mana and without water, he was in the clouds. There was only a look of surprise in his eyes, it was terrible now, and he was going to die, he thought in his heart.

Standing in the dust-free mid-air with a smile on his face, he said, "Goodbye, but let you try this trick in the end! Huo Dun: Dragon Flame Singing Technique!"

Countless fire dragons spurted out of the mouth immediately, rushed over, and the water snake roared and disappeared between the clouds!..