Master of Ninja World

485, destroying the door

From the store.

Clean is already in a new equipment, wearing a new dress on your body.

Black and white plaid and suits have a boots under the foot, which has spent a lot of money.

Charulantian is a poor countless amount of money in his hand, smiling: "Help you buy clothes, shoes have spent a lot ..."

It is said that it is here.

Clean is also quite distressed, scratching his back, smiling: "Oh, it's okay, I will give you it next time."

Charitang is a poor look, shake his head sighs and said: "I don't expect you to be alive, oh, okay, I am still not too late, let's go back first!"

I nodded after I heard this, and my waist has a knife.

This knife is also one of the main costs!

However, because there is a change in the body of the dust, there is no way to fight the knife, and there is a little fear.

He took a deep breath and said: "There is a knife in the body, it is indeed more stable."

After this, I just said that I heard this, the charcoal Gran said a little bit of pain: "That knife is very expensive ..."

When there is a dustproof, haha ​​laughed, got up: "Okay, ok, I will give you it, but it is a little money!"

I just said that it was a greedy wolf. At this moment, I really had a bitter laugh, and my eyes were slightly helpless. The two quickly bought some things to go on the mountain.

However, at this time, there is a cold wind blowing.

The slight cold wind and the snow falling snow, let the two are stunned.

It is aware that there is snow in the future.

This makes him unfolded.

Say: "What is the big wind and snow ..."

Charcoal Lang also hit a sneezing: "Good wind and snow, we still find a place to stay in the night."

After this, I just said that I have heard this, but I nodded, but I always feel that there is no right.

At this time.

The two are just just above a hillside, just right.

I saw a uncle whispering: "You don't want to go up again, the wind is coming soon. If you go to the front party, you will fall before the mountains."

After listening to this, the charcoal deng stunned, looked at the dust, said: "It seems to be like this."

Today, when it is said: "It seems to be reasonable, then let's stay!"

Soon, the two followed the uncle to the house.

Uncle is a very good person, takes out the food and the bedding.

Cleanned yawn, sitting in the quilt: "So sleepy ..."

I just said that the uncle's uncle said: "Is the dust? I didn't expect that an ordinary boy can stand for so long in the wind and snow? There is a charcoal, otherwise, I will To fall in the snow! "

After listening to this discourse, I nodded at this moment: "I really want to thank the charcoal!"

Although he knows that he will not die in the wind, it will not be his life, even the gentle boy is still very grateful!

Charcoal Lang is a little embarrassing smile: "Oh, it is a small thing."

The big uncle smiled: "Charcoal is really a very kind child."

Charcoal Lang suddenly embarrassed.

After eating, the three people are lying together in the hall.

Total dust always feels tomorrow, there will be any strange things, which makes his heart still inherently inhaled a breath, full of strange feelings.

It was already tired because he crossed time and space, and it was also very tired because of the mountain road that took a day, so there was no need to manage so much, and bowed it!

Just at this time.

Time to Japan.

Clean slowly woke up and smashed his eyes

This time, charcoal, this is already awake.

Seeing him finally woke up, this said: "Clean, you finally wake up, then we will go to the mountain, I think my mother will be very happy to see you!"

After the dustless heard this, nodded, stand up and hang the knife in the waist.

That uncle said: "How? Are you a samurai descendant?"

This is just finished.

The dust shaking his head and said: "This is not, just have the knife is more secure!"

His words said that the uncle said: "Is you a sword method?"

I thought about it, my face showed a smile, shrugged and said: "It seems that it will not look ..."

He took the knife on his hand, it was purely to make himself a little peace of mind, because the body's changing, let him have a sense of uneasiness.

The big uncle is slightly puzzled, but still nodded.

Charcoal Lang said helplessly said: "Okay, go!"

I laughed in the dust, and I walked up with the mountain road.

The two said that smiles all the way, soon, they came to the front door of charcoal.

Just just walked to the dust, it smelled the extremely strong taste.

Slightly a bit surprising in the dusty eyes, not from the autonomous stunned, the eyes are slightly narrow, and it is a bit surprising, and I have suck a cold, what is going on? How can there be such a strong taste? Is it the incumbent of charcoal?

No, it's selling charcoal!

Charitang is stunned, looking at the blood, there is a body, not from autonomous living in the same place, can't come.

It was also surprised that he saw a lot of bodies in the ground.

I took a breath, and my eyes were full of surprise. I quickly said: "What is going on!"

Charitang also said at this time: "What happened this ..."

This is here to sit down here, but it is quickly getting up.

When I touched my brother's sister's body, I have found it all cool.

If there is a dusty bitter, he is too long, he will not be saved.

I took a deep breath, but soon I found that there is a little girl.

I quickly ran the past and helped the girl.

At this time, the charcoal Guiller said: "Hey beans!"

Brought a bit more urgent, quickly run, quickly ran out, soon, I ran to the girl's side to support the girl.

The dust is frowned and said: "This is still! Is this your sister?"

This is just talking about it.

Charitang immediately said: "This is my sister, beans! Do you have a way to save her!"

Every time, the tone is trembled! .