Master of Ninja World

558, the death of black dead

In front of the dusty and cold, it is already a completely panicked black dead, said: "Do you start panic now? Interesting guys!"

Black death, a big tone, and there are a few taboo, this person is too strong!

The more you think about it, the more struggle, this problem is very big, you think that he is already trying to leave, he knows that he should kill this man in front of him!

Clean dust, like reading, showing a touch of smile on his face, looking at the black deadlus in front: "I know that you have already left now, but you have no chance now, in addition to death, you can only die Select, this is your choice! "

The discourse just said that it is tightly holding the knife on the hand, and the eyes are slightly revealing the cold murder.

After hearing this sentence, he suddenly took a breath, he snorted coldly, his eyes were slightly squinted, deeply inhaled, there was a bite, said: "I I will kill you, I will not lose to you! "

Black dead has already decided, cold snoring, fast speed is very fast, it is a sharpness of the knife in the hand, quickly showing a move directly!

"The end of the year, the top of the face, the moon!"

In a moment, it is suddenly blowing, and it is awkward!

The two huge moon-shaped gaps came directly, and this time, the dust is very calm, and the cold snorted, the hands were completed, and the palm was taken on the earth, cold and cold : "Snaps: the soil flow wall!"

At this time, when the words fall, suddenly a huge soil wall appears in an instant, completely blocking the flying swords.

In the moment of blocked the sword.

There is a lot of clothes, and the eyes are suddenly opened, and both hands have been completed, and they suddenly vomit in their mouths: "Fire: !"

At the moment of the discourse, immediately spit a lot of flames directly from your mouth!

The big fire forms a huge suppression, which is suddenly directly to force the black dead!

Even if it is strong, it is also a strong in the moment. At the moment, it is rolled back by the flame. It is full of unwanted color to bite his teeth, deeply inhaled a sigh of breath, his eyes smashed, and the cold snorted, Say: "You are a small child ..."

I just said, at this time, I attached the talented thousands of swords, the knife is directly awkward!

When the dust is fast, when a knife is suddenly attacked, I have attached the rays that are extremely heavy, and I am smashing!

At this time, the black dead also quickly raised the knife, but at this time!

Just feel that your hand starts to have pain, it is full of surprises, and at this moment.

A cold smile said: "It's greed, you should go to hell, goodbye!"

When the discourse is finished.

The doctor returned to a foot, just just suddenly in the bodies of the dark!

Black death is born in a foot, and it is flying out 10 meters away.

It was a blood sprayed out, and the forciting with a knife stood up. His heart is full of a feeling, but even if there is such a way, he just got up, but suddenly heard the sound.

"go to hell!"

"Fire: !"

"Fire: Long Yan's song!"

When the sound falls, countless flames form a huge wave, which suddenly attacked the past, so like a waves!

When I saw the huge flame, I came here. At this moment, when I saw the big face, I couldn't help but be a big jump, I only felt that my life would be gone!

His teeth were smashed, but there was no effect, but there was no effect. 6 eyes were going out of the eye, but at this time, the huge fire sea directly told him down!

The black and dead slammed the vigorous, and it was directly knocked on the ground. The flame burned on him. He cooked in his body, but it was already completely burned completely by the fire!

At this time, a large group of people on the train saw so many flames, and I also inquired a ghost's breath has completely disappeared, which makes their hearts full of surprises, can't help but have eyes, and they also Many of them killed.

Directly entered the state of the purgatory Apriculang, which didn't have a little gentleness, and a very violent violent, when the knife in the hand shook out, it was necessary to take away a ghost's skull, and the speed is very fast. Where is the ordinary ghost?

Charco-Zhilang is more free, and when the knife sweeping the strong eight-door armor is opened directly, the ghosts that have gotting the train are nowhere to escape, running to the green trees, all by a knife Head is dead!

Hey, beans, wild fists, sweep all things!

The violent shout makes everyone surviving the whole train from sighing.

"This girl is too violent!"

"Although it is very good, the body is ok, but why is this ..."

"Yeah is right!"

The people are not a nervous spit in swallowing.

Well, the body is extremely good, and it is very beautiful, but the horrible fist is directly to die, and the horrible force is simply incredible, and a box can make a train on the train. All scrapped!

The power of terror is not cold!

At this time.

Another one

My wife is cold and cold, holding the long knife, looking at the string of the string.

Say: "Do you know a person ..."

The nest took a breath, and the eyes revealed a bit of thinking, slightly narrowed, and retired in two or three steps, clenched the fist: "What do you want to say?"

My wife is very good to say that the knife is very tight and cold: "Yue Yue! A bastard that practice the thunder breathing, do you not know him?"

Just finished, I heard a little doubtful shook in the light after I heard this, I deeply took into a breath, but I feel that my colleague was dead. He stunned, and his eyes were full of surprise, couldn't help but take a breath, very dare not accept!

How can I die like this? ! One of the strings ...


The power of black and dead is dead, and it is already dead in that moment. What is going on?

I feel surprised, I can't help but get big, I'm going to die! ! .