Master of Ninja World

590, the spiritual death

Childlings see this like, not hopped by autonomous!

The butterflies have gripped the opportunity, and the speed is very fast, and suddenly jumped, while the wings waved between the hands, the knife in the hand turned into a slender sword!

"The breathing of the insects, the dance: the hundred feet!"

The sound falls in an instant.

The butterfly has been flying out, and the elongated arrow in his hand is like a toothpick.

The child milling is not as clear, but it has already found that hundreds of wounds on their own body. He couldn't help but scare a big jump, and it was again retreat again!

Or half second time, he has already had hundreds of small holes, but soon, with the rehabilitation of ghosts, he immediately turned back to the original, his face revealed disdainful laugh, After turning over the white eyes: "It's so, it's just a stretch it itchy!"

When you say this, you will have a bit of a bit of ridicule.

The butterfly is slowly collapsed, and it turns back to normal state, saying that "Yi Zhi, next to you!"

After the mouth is helping to hear this, I nodded, and the speed began to get fast!

"The wind of the beast is bursting!"

The speed is extremely close to the speed, the sound of the balance is that instant is already hitting a child mill.

The child mill is not clear, and the whole body is already hit to the air, and he just has just finally stabilized in the air, but at this time!

His left rear immediately came out of the dramatic wind!

I only heard the sound, immediately turned back to the moment, one hand, it was dropped directly on the ground, he stunned!

"Beast's breath of it is pair of sorrows!"

When the sound rang next to the ear, he found that his right hand was broken!

The help of the mouth is not more than dozens of times, but the knife in the hand has already waved the child, cut off his hands, and suddenly hit it, it is directly hit it directly!

The child mill is slow, and it is a quick turn, and the face is full of fear, and the fear of death makes him a numbness of the self-owned scalp!

The hands of all the hands and his hands are also quickly grown, and they will take out the fan, and they screamed loudly: "I will not die, you have these damn guys!"

"Blood ghost crystallization of the royal!"

At the moment, the fan in the hand waved, and suddenly the energy was raging, and suddenly, there was an exact same one in front of it!

It is his shadow that he created.

The child's life is in an instant. It is immediately rushing out. The fan in the hand is like a knife, and the moment is directly a helpless.

The mouth of the mouth is only very disdainful, and the sound of a knife is coming out!

"Beast breathing "

The strong force instantly is directly torn a fragment!

When the mouth is helpful to the ground.

Tong mill has been far from his ten meters, while the eyes suddenly open, and the pair immediately took it, and loudly and said: "Who will lose to you!"

"Blood ghost foggy ice lottery!"

In the moment of the sound, I suddenly became a huge bodhisattva!

A huge cold buddha appeared in front of the two!

There is a bit worried in the heart of the butterflies, but the mouth is outlined to the confident smile, you will win this time!

And at this time.

The help of the mouth is deeply inhaled, and the double knife is gripped. The whole body is bursting out, the bombing, the huge cold buddha statue that just formed!


This voice has just fallen, at this moment, the powerful energy that is in his body makes 4 weeks of shock!

A huge tiger directly torn all the ice, torn open the cold wind, and torn the child mill attempting to escape the recovery.

The child milling body was cut into two halves, but also a far away for more than ten meters, this is slowly stable, on the road, at the same time, there is a long way. Gully!

The mouth of the mouth is to make all the strength to make all the strength, but he is also tired enough, it is directly loose, bitten, the knife is rid of the ground, the whole person is half a squatting, The transparent blood vessel has also changed back, and the long hair that is full of floating is directly low!

Just right.

The butterfly is busy forward, quickly support, to fell the help of the mouth

The help of the mouth, must be exhausted, with so long, his face is full of tired, and said: "Finally defeated him!"

The butterfly seems to think about what is the same, and there is a bit of doubts in his eyes: "You and him ..."

The help of the mouth is a touch of narrative: "He is my kill enemy, I have lived with him for a while, but later he killed my mother ... My mother threw me into the river, finally Only let me live ... "

From the first eye, I saw this enemies, and the ice and elegant graphs, I can make this look like a wild child, in fact, the teenagers who think is that they are in their own life!

So I will think about the enemy in front of the results!

Just at this time.

Boy mill still stands up

His body was originally cut into two halves, but it was blended together, turned back to a complete body, and when standing up, a face is crazy, haha ​​laughed, smiling, smiling: "You think Did you win? You just make me a lot of power, I have gained powerful energy, no one can defeat me, you think ... "

His body spurted an amazing dark energy, but at this time, it was very troublesome at this time, and he still had to fight.

The butterfly said that it is faintly: "If you think you can fight, if you think you can still live, then you will try it!"

Boy mill could not swallow a nervous bubble, and his fusion body began to digest. He only found that he was ablation like a candle. He suddenly felt pain.

Very surprised: "Why ... will be like this, is it ..."

The butterflies said that it said: "Why is this look? Because your body has been stabbed by me, but in that moment I infused 7000 times of Wisteri flower toxin, and it is profitable. When you consume your strength, you will directly dissolve your body! "

The child's face is changed, but he has no face, and it is a body ablation in an instant. At the same time, the soul goes to hell with the wind! .