[Chapter 135, earth card]

After completing the eight small scenes of the Grand View Garden, Qin Xuan arranged several in-team training games as chief coach, first to familiarize everyone with the homemade scenes of the Nirvana Club, and second to see if the scene had any BUGs or needed to be modified.

Xie Mingzhe and Yike Ke, Qin Xuan and Chen Xiao played wheel battles in different scenarios. After a full three days of testing, some adjustments were made to the data in some scenarios, which were eventually determined by Chen Qianlin's slate.

His favorite remains the previously made "Blood Pool Hell” and “Blood Sucking Castle," which is always the case with his aesthetics, where he finds the skeleton scenes “beautiful” all over the map and the sky filled with crows “cool”.

Chen Xiao preferred “Happy Red Court”. The increase in all-map criticism at the opening of the evening banquet would allow him to prejudge the time and clear the scene quickly. Qin Xuan preferred "Wuyuan", and every once in a while the Hanahai illusion would allow him to quickly adjust his strategy and take advantage of scene control.

Xie Mingzhe was very fraternal, and he practiced all the scenes repeatedly, especially when the scene events were triggered. It was important to keep in mind that in the future, he could use these scene events to make some articles.

Next April, the eleventh season will officially open, and March will be the stage for major clubs to submit maps to the Alliance for approval. Nearly half a year before the Nirvana Club Scene Card officially appears in front of the audience, Xie Mingzhe looks forward to it.

Next, he will continue to refine the card set and continue to enrich the scene if he has good ideas. The Alliance has no limit on the number of Scene Cards submitted by the Club, more are good, and more options are available for future competitions.

Most of the major players in the professional league specialize in a department. Xie Mingzhe has now made Dongwu Fire Card Group, Shu Guo Jin Card Group, Red House Water Card Group. He has also made a dirt ghost card for Yueke, which involves four departments. Now that Master says that card making can not be confined to a certain department, but rather develop in equilibrium, then he can continue to be an earthly and wooden family.

Xiao Ke first hand dirt ghost cards, Xie Mingzhe does not have many dirt character cards. At present, there are three divine cards set by him as dirt. In the future, Xie Mingzhe and Xie Ke will become partners when playing doubles. If there are more cards in the same family, there will be "Master's Refuge” Buff bonus. He really needs to make a complete set of turkey cards to cooperate with Xiao Ke.

Speaking of earthly cards, the most famous nature is the Haunted Prison Club. Zheng Feng is the founder of the earthly system. The ghost prisons of Jinwei and Liu Jingxu are also great earthly gods.

The earth card has many advantages. First of all, the blood volume and defense cap of the earth card is the highest in the five series. Nobody has exceeded Lao Zheng's white elephant 200,000 blood so far. Secondly, the earth system is one of the strongest factions to fight back, and the earth wall can bounce back the damage directly, allowing the opponent to lift a rock and smash his own foot. Plus, there are a lot of negative controls on soil cards, such as petrochemical, groundbreaking, retardation, etc.

The Turkish ghost card belonging to Sirui is quite special. Instead of completely abandoning the "Turkish Defensive Stream” method, he made the "Turkish Assassin Stream”. Because the ghost card can hide underground, the advantage of the Turkish card being good at invisibility is maximized by him.

Liu Jingxu's turkey card is also very distinctive. It makes the demon tribe into a dual form of turkey card. The demonic form attacks high and has a lot of control. The human form has a high blood volume, strong defense, attacking and changing, and playing extremely flexible.

So, a ground-based card doesn't necessarily have to be a high-blood card. Local attacks are also not weak, depending on how the cardmaker handles them.

Xie Mingzhe had also done a good job over the past few days, and it was time to get the demons from the Journey to appear - because demons and ghosts were the easiest to make a dirt card.

Speaking of monsters in his journey to the west, he was most impressed with white bone elves. The story of "Sun Wukong's three dozen white bone elves” is spoken for, almost familiar, and is also his favorite part of his childhood journey to the west.

On the way to the west to learn the Book, Master Tang reportedly passed a desolate mountain, and the monster white bone elf who lived here found Tang Monk. She had heard rumors that "eating Tang monk meat will live forever” and wanted to make some of his meat to taste.

The white bone essence first became a beautiful young woman to serve her husband food, trying to trick Tang Monk away. Sun Wukong noticed at first glance that the white bone had changed, so the stick killed her, but the white bone essence left a corpse with a "decomposition method”. Because the corpse of a young woman whose white bones had turned out to be too realistic, Tang Monk mistakenly thought she was a human being, blamed Sun Wukong for killing innocents and did not believe Sun Wukong's explanation at all.

The four disciples went on the road again, the white bone elf turned into an old woman, claiming that they killed her daughter, Sun Wukong naturally saw through, another bat killed her, the white bone elf left a fake corpse to run away again, Tang Monk felt that Wukong killed two innocent people in a row, so he recited a tight curse, Sun Wukong rolled with pain.

The cunning white bone essence was addicted to playing the score. For the third time, he became a husband. He cried to Tang Monk and said, "You killed my wife and daughter." Sun Wukong was furious, and a batch of white bone essence was killed. This time, the white bone essence finally showed up as a prototype. It was a bunch of white bone skeletons.

Monsters can switch between "human form” and “demonic form”, and the white bone essence card can be designed to follow this principle. Moreover, the white bone elf was beaten by Sun Wukong three times before it appeared in its original form. In this way, it can be designed as a flexible transformation card to attract the fire power of the other party. When enough is attracted, the "pseudo corpse” can be left to escape.

Xie Mingtze's eyes lit up and thought it was a good idea!

He first kept in mind the design philosophy of white bone, and then went online to search for the painting of human bone.

Xie Mingzhe has not studied medicine. He also needs to see professional anatomical drawings of bones.

White bone serum is a woman in terms of gender, and he found that the female pelvis is different from the male pelvis, the female pelvis is wide, the pelvis is shallow, the lower pubic arch angle is greater than 90 degrees, and the male pelvis is the exact opposite. If you don't check the data and paint randomly, people who have studied medicine will surely make jokes at first glance.

Since you are a card maker, you must be strict. These differences in the details of male and female bones, Xie Mingzhe also embodies the image design of white bone spirits, so that even professionals can tell from the pelvis alone that white bone spirits are witches.

After painting the original form of White Bone Spirit, Xie Mingzhe began to paint three human forms that had changed from White Bone Spirit.

The first young woman, according to the original writings, her skin was white and she was in a very sexy shape, and the colorful pig's eight rings saw her eyes lit and she couldn't help but carry her home to be her daughter-in-law. The white bone is refined into a young farmer woman, the clothes are relatively simple image, the makeup is a bit gorgeous, because she pretends to deliver food to her husband, with a basket of lunch boxes in her hand.

The second old lady, and the third grandfather's image, Xie Mingzhe painted according to his understanding of the old man. The old man with wrinkles and rickets was not difficult to paint, and he soon finished painting.

Now the question is, how do we merge the four diagrams? If the four images are put together directly, the card face is too cluttered. The system cannot pass the audit, and can be synthesized into one and become unethical...

Xie Mingzhe had a headache and wanted to ask Master. He found that Master had gone upstairs to sleep. Just recently, every night before bed, he chatted with Tang Muzhou, and he sent a message with a thick face to ask Tang God: "Brother, I am in a bit of trouble. If a demon card has many forms, how can I put multiple forms into the same card? ”

“...” Tang Muzhou asked with a smile: “How did you start making demon cards again? ”

Brother, this brain hole has changed, made a bunch of character cards, made a ghost card for Yuki, now it's a demon card? Jingxu Liu and Jingwei from the Haunted Prison Club will definitely want to mix doubles with him if they see his haunted and demonic cards on the field in the future.

“I intend to make a set of Turkish Demon cards that will work better with the Metaphor Doubles.” Xie Mingzheng paused and worried about the tunnel. "Will the great god Liu Jingxu have a problem with me? ”

“Not at all.” Tang Muzhou said, "Liu Jingxu is a research maniac, knowing that you will only be more interested in you if you make demonic cards. Some type of card in a star card game is not bought out by anyone, everyone can do it. ”

“That's good.” Xie Mingzhe was relieved and asked, “This demon card I designed, has one original shape and three deformations, how do I merge them into one card? ”

“Demon cards can't just be fused, they have to be stacked.” Tang Muzhou was too lazy to continue typing and simply sent voice calls, explaining in detail, "You need to create four cards separately, and then layer by layer, so that the system will determine that you are designing demonic cards. When you first summon, the system will automatically display the image and data of the first layer, and the image data of the second, third and fourth layers will appear when you deform. ”

“So that's it!” Xie Mingzhe finally understood the design model of the Demon Medal, as if it were the cultivation of the Enlightenment.

“Officially, only two types of data are currently allowed for demon cards, character form master defense, demon form master attack and control. When designing a deformation, it is also best to design two types of data according to the rules. Due to the complexity and variability of the Demon Medal, there are official restrictions that the combined skills of the deformation and figure must not exceed three, and the combined skills must not exceed four.” Tang Muzhou very kindly sent out a card data reminding, “Specifically designed, you can look at Liu Jingxu's fox demon card. ”

“Well, I see. Thank you, brother!” Xie Mingzhe expressed his sincere gratitude.

“You're welcome with me. What?” Tang Muzhou smiled slightly and said softly, "Make a card first, then send it to me if you don't mind. ”

After finishing the video conversation with Tang Mu Zhou, Xie Mingzhe Mao Setong opened.

He quickly set the data for each of the four cards of White Bone.

Since Brother Xie had warned him beforehand that he could only make two versions of the data, so as to prevent him from turning his way through the audit, Xie Mingzhe set the demonic morphology data of the white bone fairy to attack the higher critical card, and the white bone claw attacked the opponent closely. Other characters are set up to defend against higher ground cards, which can be used to pull hatred and resist harm.

When the four cards were designed, he concentrated on stacking them one by one.

Different shines appear on the finished plate, the “white bone” image of the first layer is the most obvious, but as the light changes, other layers of the image can be seen implicitly.

Interesting design of the Demon Medal!

The four-layer demon card, the most complex card he's ever played, took him three hours. It wasn't until late at night that Xie Mingzhe finally finished this card.

White Bone Spirit (Earthly)

Level: Level 1

Evolution Star Level:

Number of uses: 1/1

Basic Attributes: Demon Morphology HP 400, Attack 800, Defense 400, Agility 30, Crit 30%

Basic Attributes: Human Morphology HP 800, Attack 400, Defense 800, Agility 10, Critical 0%

ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Demonic Deformation (White Bone Elf can transform into three figures: a beautiful young woman, a frayed old woman, and a grey-haired old man. At each deformation, the basic attribute automatically becomes the national/demonic initial data; deformation cooldown time is 30 seconds)

Additional Skills: Autopsy (passive skills. White Bone Elite uses the "Unravel" method, and when she transforms into a nation, she actively mocks the designated enemy card, forcing the other party's attack to fall on her. If she is attacked and her blood volume falls below 30%, she will leave a human pseudo body in place, disappear from her body, and after 30 seconds she will appear in another character form on the field, continuing to ridicule the designated enemy card. The autopsy method is used up to three times. After the enemy sees through the pseudo corpse three times, the white bone elf will have to appear in the original demonic form)

Additional Skills: White bone claw (White bone elf is in demonic form. When opening skills, basic defense decreases by 50% and basic attack increases by 50%. She can instantly move to the designated target and quickly launch three strikes of white bone claw on the target, dealing 70% soil damage each time, causing 210% monomeric soil damage. If all hits are hit three times in a row, this will cause the target to have a "Bleed” negative state with an additional 2% Bleed per second for 10 seconds. Cooling time 90 seconds)

It was late at night when Xie Mingzhe finished making this card. He rubbed his swollen temple and connected the card to the database for review. The result was another email: "Sorry, the database is temporarily unable to make a ready decision on your card, please wait for manual review. ”

Xie Mingzhe: “…”

Submitted to artificial channel again?

This is the second time he's received such an email. It appears that the database is unable to determine cards that depart from the original rules. Jia Baoyu called Daiyu and Baochai to disturb the judgment of the system. Obviously because of three deformations, the card overlays to four layers, making the system a bit of a mess, so it has to be submitted for manual review.

In the middle of the night, the overtime datalogists tried to catch Fatty and beat him up.

Even Uncle Fat's supporter, Ma Tail Queen Zou Xiaoning, couldn't bear to say, “Why does he always make cards in the middle of the night?" If I meet him in the future, can I ask him for an overtime payment?! ”

The shirt man couldn't help but vomit: “He started making demon cards again... and made three deformations! ”

The middle-aged woman shrugged helplessly: "He's so torturous! ”

Official datalogists had a headache and started discussing the design of the card in the middle of the night.

After a heated debate, everyone eventually reached the result: “Although there are three deformations of white bone, unlike ordinary demonic cards, there is only one deformation design, Uncle Fatty was designed strictly according to the rules of demonic cards, the number of skills and card data are within the prescribed range, and the deformation cooling time is fine. ”

—— Adopted by all votes.

Xie Mingzhe thought that the manual review would be as fruitful as Jia Baoyu's tomorrow. After only a few minutes this time, he received an official approval email.

Probably because of the brother's reminder that he strictly controlled the scope when designing skills and distributing data, and took into account the skill cooldown time of Liu Jingxu Dashen ethnic card, so the official datalogists didn't let him modify this card, so they passed it directly.

Xie Mingzhe sent a message to Tang Muzhou: “The card was approved, brother, I'll send you a look. ”

Anyway, he will definitely bring a new card to the experiment next time against Fenghua team players, it doesn't matter if the brother sees it early, and he believes that the brother will not disclose his card to the players of team two in advance.

Tang Muzhou has been waiting for his message, and the second he receives it, he answers: "This card is very well designed and is a very strong Turkish hate card. ”

In the original book, White Bone Essence was able to withstand Sun Wukong's three assaults, so Xie Mingzhe wanted to design her as a powerful and flexible hate card. Demonic form, instantaneously launches a single attack, this card is not particularly skilled to attack because of its low base attack - strong is human form hatred.

She has three chances to deform, ridiculing the opponent's key card three times in a row, allowing the opponent to hit the output on her and hit 30% of the blood, leaving a fake corpse running. After the run, he returned in another form after 30 seconds, continued to ridicule his opponent, mutilated and left the body running... it took three strikes to really kill the white bone.

A fake corpse on the ground, his opponent is bored to death by white bone spirits.

Tang Muzhou boasts about his brother, but he can't stop crying - white bone hatred is definitely in the top three of all hate cards in the league. It's not how high she is, how defensive she is, but how annoying her skills are.

Xie Mingzhe was quite modest after being praised. “This is the first time I have learned to make a dirt demon card, thanks to my brother's pointer, I can successfully pass the review. ”

The teenager's voice was filled with excitement and joy. Tang Muzhou couldn't help but smile and softly said: “I'm just a casual reminder that you are highly enlightened yourself. It's almost 2 o'clock. Go to sleep first. We'll talk tomorrow. ”

Xie Mingzhe suddenly discovered that it was unconsciously 2: 00 a.m.

He asked with some confusion, "It's late, brother, are you still awake? ”

Tang Muzhou said, "I want to stay with you until you finish your new card. ”

Xie Mingzhe: “…”

The low-pitched sound of the ears softened to the extreme, ironing the eardrum word for word.

Tang Muzhou didn't sleep, actually to accompany him, wait for him to finish this difficult demonic card. Although the two men were far apart and spoke only by voice, in the silent middle of the night, such gentle company warmed Xie Mingzhe's whole heart.

He didn't know what to say, he just felt his heart beat a little faster.

Tang Muzhou sent another text message: "Go to sleep, good night:)"

Xie Mingzhe replied in words: "You too, have a good dream ^_^"

“I've had you in my dreams all these days.” Tang Muzhou typed this line, thinking about it, still didn't press the send key.

If this message were sent, Xie Mingzhe would probably be unable to sleep.

Today he made the demon card for the first time, four cards superimposed, for several hours, the spirit must be exhausted, let him sleep in peace, there is no need to confuse his mind at this time.

Thinking of this, Tang Muzhou smiled, deleted the information, and closed his head and fell asleep.

I give you the greatest tenderness, which is silent guardianship and waiting, without forcing you to make any choices. Believe that one day, you will understand your brother's feelings for you.

* * * * *

[Chapter 136, Bajie Pig]

Xie Mingzhe had no dreams overnight and woke up at noon the next day.

Sleeping well and shaking his mind, he came up with a new card.

White Bone Pokémon is a very powerful demonic mockery card that can protect teammates with three mockery skills. She has played the ultimate role in the hard-to-beat features of earthly cards.

And the most annoying thing about the earth system is the counterattack.

In the classic playback of each season of the league, there are always shots that are bounced back by a dirt card. A player released a big trick and was bounced back by a dirt card to kill his own people. This scene is very laughable, and the audience often laughs very unnecessarily, making the competition scene more fun and lively.

The earthly counterattack, Xie Mingzhe's the first person to think of, is the Pig Bajie in the Journey to the West.

Pig Bajie beat a rake, which is a famous afterword.

Of the several apprentices of Tang Monk, Sun Wukong is undoubtedly the strongest fighter. Pig Baqiao is usually lazy and has some good color, but he is not that weak on the surface. He really wants to piss him off. Marshal Tianpeng's nine-tooth nail rake is not set up!

The nine-toothed nail rake, said to weigh more than 5,000 kg, was made by Tai Shang's elder king using a divine iron hammer. With such a heavy weapon, a rake continues to strike, and the other party is immortal and crippled. And the word "backwards and backwards” in the post-mortem phrase generally describes a backbite when attacked, which makes it a counterattack technique.

Officially, cards with metal weapons must be classified as gold cards. However, cards with deformation capability are classified as "demonic cards” and grounded cards.

Card attributes prioritize race ahead and weapons behind. So, if the pig eight ring card is designed as a pig demon with the ability to deform, and then holds a nine-tooth nail rake made of metal in his hand, then he can be set as a gold card, or set as a demon's Turkish card, both settings are counted as conforming to the rules, it is up to the cardmaker to decide.

Xie Mingzhe would of course prefer to make the Pork Eight Rings into earthly cards, which can set the highest defense and blood volume. As long as the Pork Eight Rings can be deformed, they can be set into earthly cards using the principle of "demonic homeland system”. Nor should it be difficult in terms of deformation, because Pig Ba Jing has become a human figure many times in his original book, an honest and strong figure, and married his daughter-in-law in the world.

In skill design, "Hit a rake” can ruthlessly counteract an opponent when the Pork Eight Rings are harmed.

As for the other skills, Xie Mingzhe also thought carefully and calmly.

Apart from “pounding a rake”, the most famous is “daughter-in-law".

When the Eighth Ring of Pigs was still Marshal Tianpeng, he confessed to the Neon Fairy of the Moon Palace because of his pornography. He was punished by the Jade Emperor and demeaned the dust. As a result, he turned into a pig demon because he threw the wrong foetus.

In the drama of Gao Lao Zhuang, Pig Ba renounced into a human figure, and saved Gao Tai Dung's daughter, Gao Cuilan. Lord Gao felt that the young man was physically strong and courageous. It was very worthwhile to entrust him, so he gave his daughter to him and made him a son-in-law of the Gao family.

As a result, Pork Bajie drank a lot of wine at the wedding banquet, and the original form was lost. Grand Duke Gao discovered that he was a pig demon and naturally refused to marry his daughter. Pig Bajie seized the prize and directly captured Gao Cuilan and shut him down.

Just as Tang Monk and Sun Wukong passed through Gao Lao Zhuang to find out about this, Sun Wukong became the daughter of Gao Tai Gong to seduce the pig demon. Pig Baqing went home carrying his daughter-in-law, but found out that his daughter-in-law had become Sun Monkey? Two people fought hard, and Pig Baqing heard that Sun Wukong was protecting Tang Monk from going to the West to learn the Book. This was why he put down his weapon and went to visit Tang Monk as a teacher as ordered by Guanyin.

Daughter-in-law, this skill can be designed to be a "displacement skill”.

Pig Ba Jie mistakenly assumes that one of the opponent's cards is his wife, forcibly turns the other side away, or leaves his teammates surrounded, or leaves the opponent unable to continue attacking beyond the 30-metre range - a forcible displacement technique that is uncontrollable “dominance skills" that will prevent the opponent from defeating.

Xie Mingzhe touched his nose and thought that Pig Baqiao's card was too much - he didn't even recognize his daughter-in-law!

Thinking about skill design, Xie Mingzhe began to conceive the painting of Pig Bajie.

The demonic shape of the eight rings of pigs is very painted. He was impressed by the hazy old pig in the history of the western tour. The eight rings with pig heads have a super large wind ear, big nostrils facing the sky, wearing black clothes, revealing fat bellies, wearing a black hat on his head, with gold rims, holding a heavy nine-tooth nail rake in his hand - the demonic shape of the eight rings, can fight back when hurt, very aggressive.

The Pork Eight Commandments in the human form is a thick and honest human youth image. Defense and blood volume are at the highest value of the earth system, set the skilled daughter-in-law, carry the designated card to the designated position - the Human Form Eight Commandments, possess the control field skills of forcibly dominating the opponent's card and changing displacement, and carry away an enemy card at a critical time, which can completely change the battle situation.

When making the card last night, Xie Mingzhe found that the more demonic cards can change the shape, the lower the basic data.

For example, white bone essence, because it can become a young woman, wife and grandfather, the basic blood volume of the initial card cannot be more than 1,000, but strictly speaking, every time white bone essence leaves the pseudo corpse to escape, when it comes back out, it will recover full blood, the three forms together have a blood volume of more than 180,000, and the difference between the highest value of the earth system of 200,000 is not large.

Pig Bajie, Xie Mingzhe doesn't want to design too fancy. Only one deformation can make the base value higher and increase the survival rate of Pig Bajie, so as to better assist the teammates.

As envisaged, Xie Mingzhe drew two cards, "Demonic Form” and “Human Form”, designed basic data and skills for the two cards respectively, and then stacked them in layers.

This time it took more than an hour to make the card, and the final demon card was finally stacked ——

Bajie Pig (earthly)

Level: Level 1

Evolution Star Level:

Number of uses: 1/1

Basic attributes: Demon Morphology HP 800, Attack 1000, Defense 800, Agility 10, Critical 30%

Basic Attributes: Human Morphology HP 1600, Attack 400, Defense 1600, Agility 30, Critical 0%

Additional Skills: Demonic deformation (The original form of the Porcupine Eight Commandments is the Porcupine Demon, which can be transformed into a human youth. At each deformation, basic attributes are automatically converted to race/demon initial data; deformation cooldown time is 30 seconds)

Additional Skills: The Pork Eight Ring strikes down a rake (The Pork Eight Ring is in the form of a Pork Demon with a weapon “Nine Tooth Nail Rake” in his hand, extremely aggressive. When he is attacked by an enemy target, he picks up his weapon and unnecessarily counters the opponent - turning on the skill for 3 seconds, the Pig's Eight Rifles rebounds all damage inflicted on himself, bouncing 100% of the damage against the target. cooling time 60 seconds)

Additional Skills: Bajie Inoguchi's daughter-in-law (Bajie Inoguchi is in human form, because she can't change her pornographic nature, she always wants to marry a daughter-in-law home to live her life. The human form of Bajie Pig can aim at any target within 23 meters, treat each other as his own daughter-in-law, and instantly move over to carry his daughter-in-law away. When your daughter-in-law's skills are triggered, Bajie's movement speed increases by 500% for 5 seconds, allowing you to carry your daughter-in-law to any designated position. Cooling time 90 seconds)

After completing this card, Xie Mingzhe connected the system and quickly passed the review.

In fact, Pork Bajie's skills are simple, one is a "backlash" Turkish counterattack technique, and one is a "daughter-in-law" forced displacement control field technique, but the skill description is a bit annoying - can't you recognize your daughter-in-law better!

In the real battle stage, if Pig Ba Jing instantly moves past and takes Nie God's lion and tiger as his daughter-in-law away, Nie God's expression will be wonderful. If Tang Muzhou's flowers and grass trees were to be carried away, he would certainly disown them.

Xie Mingzhe thinks more... the scene is too beautiful to look at.

Do you want to send it to Don Muzhou to enjoy it first?

Xie Mingzhe smiled and sent this card to Tang Muzhou's light brain, accompanied by a text message: "Pig Baqiao, the whole backdaughter-in-law, brother, how do you feel about this design ^_^"

After watching Tang Muzhou: “..."

Can you be a little more skinny?!

Opening of the western tour:)

Thank you for your love of this book.

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