[Chapter 152, New Bulk Card]

After designing the card, Xie Mingzhe gave it to Master Staff. Chen Qianlin suggested that he modify some of his skills.

First, there is a conflict between the cooldown time for two skills and the accumulation time for a red line for one skill. Xie Mingzhe modified the skill description by replacing the cooldown with the following: "Instant skill, use up to three times in a row. After three uses, the skill enters cooling for 30 seconds. ”

In this way, there are two uses for the old "1,000 Mile Marriage Line Drawing” skill - the first is to get a red line and release it immediately, every 10 seconds, and the card rhythm control field; the second is to get a red line and not release it, but accumulate it in your hand, wait 30 seconds and accumulate three, then release the three red lines simultaneously, and you can connect six cards at once.

Modified old age will be more flexible to use.

If it's a slow consumption war, you can put a red line once in 10 seconds and slowly use the red line to control the field. If it's a fast-paced game or a big, chaotic battle, you can accumulate a red line first, wait until you save three breaths to connect our three cards to the enemy's three cards, and instantly limit the opposite three key key cards, greatly blocking the opponent's offense.

Master's competitive consciousness is really strong, just modifying a few words to make this card even more annoying.

In addition, Chen Qianlin's description of the third skill was also adjusted by Xie Mingzhe, who said: “Blood sucking skills, you have to limit specific data. Most output cards have less than 50,000 blood volume and defense, auxiliary cards have more than 120,000 blood volume. In terms of balance, you can limit the blood volume of the residual cards to 30,000. ”

Xie Mingzhe quickly changed the third skill to "The cards connected by the red line love each other very much. When the blood volume on one side is less than 30,000 and the blood volume on the other side is greater than or equal to 30,000, the blood volume on the other side will voluntarily share the health value to the lover, sharing 10% of the remaining blood volume per second until the other side is full, or the blood volume difference between the two sides is no more than 1,000. ”

Such a description would not create ambiguity.

The modified menopause was successfully reviewed in the official database. Xie Mingzhe believes that his designs will definitely become one of the most annoying cards on the field in the future, because this card will force someone to fall in love, and let the opponent share the amount of blood with his "lover", and the connected cards will definitely be angry - your sister, that eye saw that I loved you?!

The old red line belongs to the "dominance” skill and cannot be uncontrolled and uncontrolled.

There is only one way to deal with the red line - to maintain a safe distance beyond 30 metres and to break the red line automatically. The invisible card also controls the distance of the opponent, arguably an "Arrow Triple Sculpture” super strong auxiliary card for any formation.

In addition to his old age, Xie Mingzhe decided to make another Buff-class support card.

He thought of Queen Mother of the West.

Since Lady Wang is in charge of Pantao Garden, and his previous scene card "Pantao Convention” is that every other time the whole card can be grabbed for peach, then, Lady Wang's skills can also be designed according to "Pantao”. Let the Queen Wang plant a pan peach tree directly, divide the teammates to eat peaches, and let different teammates eat different peaches, thus giving the teammates different buffs.

According to legend, Mother Wang also has an Immortality Potion in her hand. If she doesn't die after taking it, this skill can be made into a resurrection technique, but the resurrection method is different - feeding the Immortality Potion to the designated card, allowing the friend card to trigger the guardian of the Immortality Potion on the first death, ignoring this death - which is also a tool for judging the death opposite the key card.

As for the Queen Mother, there is another legend that cannot be ignored: the wonderful love stories of cowboys and weavers.

Mortal cowboy and Tianxian Weaver became husband and wife, the Queen Mother thought that fairies and humans could not fall in love, beat Yuanyang to take the weaver back to the heavens, the cowboy persevered, to catch up with the eyes, the Queen Mother suddenly pulled out the plumage on her head and drew a line of sky river to divide the two. Later, because Niu Lang and Weaver were stronger than Jin, she eventually touched the Queen Mother, so she made an extrajudicial enlightenment so that they could meet once a year on the Magpie Bridge on the Seventh Eve to solve the pain of contemplation.

The red line of the old moon can promote a good marriage, Queen Wang is to break up the good marriage of cowboys and weavers.

This disbanding is a skill that can force the Tianhe to isolate the battlefield, so that the card on the other side of the Tianhe cannot reinforce the card on the other side, the healing and gain effects will all fail, and the card isolated by the Tianhe will be isolated.

This is a very strong battlefield isolation technique. When the Queen Wang draws a heavenly river during the group battle, we can concentrate our efforts to kill the isolated cards first.

Princess Wang's three assistive skills are strong, so the basic attributes of this card are destined to be low, but as long as the skills are successfully released, it can play a vital role in assisting the team battle.

Xie Mingzhe conceived the skill design and followed closely the image design of Queen Wang.

In terms of image, he decided to refer to the description in the mythological legend, paint the Queen and Princess into a smiling, benevolent, gorgeous fairy, wearing gold chai and light shots, holding a staff in his left hand, raising his hand and throwing the foot room very powerful instrument of the ancient goddess in heaven.

Queen Mother of the West (wood)

Level: Level 1

Evolution Star Level:

Number of uses: 1/1

Basic Attributes: HP 500, Attack 0, Defense 500, Agility 30, Critical 0%

Additional Skills: Pan Peach Tree (Queen Mother is the owner of Pan Peach Garden, she can sow a pan peach tree within 5 meters of herself. After planting the seedlings, the pan peach tree grows rapidly, and every 5 seconds a pan peach grows. There are four types of pan peaches, each with Critical Damage +50%, Healing Effect +50%, Basic Defense +50%, and Attack Speed +50%. The Queen Mother can assign the pan peach to any designated friend target, so that the target gets the corresponding gain effect for 10 seconds. When the four peaches have been divided, the peach tree will be temporarily dormant and will grow again after 5 minutes and continue to grow new peaches)

Additional Skills: Immortality Medicine (Legend has it that Mother Wang holds a "Immortality Medicine” and the person who takes the medicine will not die. Queen Wang can feed the "Immortal Drug” to any designated target, trigger the "Immortal Drug” effect immediately when the target is injured enough to cause his death in action, restore 20% of the blood volume, and immune control over the next 5 seconds; cooling time 10 minutes)

Additional Skills: Qianqiao rendezvous (Queen Mother Wang believes that different ethnic relationships are irregular, she took off the golden chai on her head and drew a 10 meters long, 2 meters wide Tianhe, separated by the Tianhe target, treatment between each other, gain BUFF and other support skills all fail. But the Queen Mother is merciful in nature. If both parties can adhere to the belief of love, she can also open the web and let the loved ones meet through the bridge of magpies. The middle of the Tianhe runs across a magpie bridge where cards can pass. Battlefield Quarantine, one game only)

Most of the state aid cards in the game are general design such as "All cards within our range increase attack power”. However, Queen Wang is the four types of BUFF can selectively hand over four different cards. Although not the whole group increase, it is more targeted. During group battle, the symptoms can be drugged, so that the output of our attack cards can be doubled and the ability to treat them can be enhanced.

The resurrection of immortal drugs is not the same as other resurrection techniques. It needs to be predicted in advance. Give us a card that can easily be eaten by seconds. It would be embarrassing to guess wrong. But there is also a very powerful use of this skill - for dead language cards. Feed the immortal medicine to the dead end card across the street, let the dead end card absorb a wave of damage but not die, can not trigger the dead end speech technique, the opponent will also be very nauseous!

As for the third battlefield isolation technique, this is a test of the athlete's judgment of the field and requires precise operation. Where exactly is the 10m × 2m Tianhe, which requires the operator to observe the position of the other card, try to keep the opposite key card on the other side of Tianhe, while the treatment and protection card cannot be quickly supported, take the opportunity to lose this core card.

This skill is isolated from the battlefield and may lift a rock to smash one's own foot if it is not properly placed. But Xie Mingzhe believes that as long as everyone practises well, they will certainly be able to work well together.

This card Xie Mingzhe still showed it to the master. Chen Qianlin felt that the design was not too problematic, and the system consequences were then approved. However, in terms of special effects of skills, Xie Mingzhe was allowed to draw his own models of Tianhe and Xuanqiao.

Xie Mingzhe redrawed the magnified versions of Tianhe and Qianqiao with another card and entered them into the database.

He decided to make another auxiliary card - Send Son Guanyin.

The Mother River of the Daughter Country, this scene card allows both parties to become pregnant and produce duplicates of two cards each, but it is too restrictive to trigger the effect only in the "Daughter Country” scene.

If you make a similar card, you can use it for any occasion.

Send Son Guanyin, in mythological legend, is to send a baby.

In order to have children, many couples go to the Guanyin temple to worship the Buddha statue of "Send Sons to Guanyin”. Her image was of a very gentle, loving goddess with a lovely little baby in her arms, who was said to be pregnant if she dragged a dream to give the baby away.

Xie Mingzhe painted the image of "Send Son Guanyin” and followed closely to design a skill.

The new card puppeteer in Ghost Prison has only one skill, but after yesterday's game, no one dares to say that the card is weak.

Sending Son Guanyin is also a skill, also not a weak card!

Send Ziguanyin (Wood)

Level: Level 1

Evolution Star Rating:

Number of uses: 1/1

Basic Attributes: HP 1200, Attack 0, Defense 1200, Agility 30, Critical 10%

ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Send the Son (Send the Son Guanyin is very kind, knowing that many people worship her in order to ask for the Son, so she decides to send the Son to some good people. The target designated by Send Ziguanyin can become pregnant immediately, immunize all injuries, control effects within the next 9 seconds, and give birth to a baby card after 9 seconds, which inherits half its own attributes and all its skills and volumes only half its own size; Send Ziguanyin up to two children per match, complete the task after sending the children, disappear immediately)

In this way, even if there is no scene picture of the "daughter country," in other scenarios, the card can have a baby as long as there is a sender guanyin. And in terms of balance, the duplicate card generated by sending Ziguanyin has only half the properties of the original card. She herself occupies a card slot and generates two new cards with “semi-attributes”, which is also reasonable in terms of data.

Xie Mingzhe's three scatter cards today will greatly enrich the tactics of team warfare.

Moon is always pulling the red line to force the card to fall in love, Mother Wang is a great player to play Faithful and not let the opposite card support, and sending Ziguanyin is to make the designated card pregnant baby. If these three cards show up in a team battle at the same time, the opponent is expected to go crazy.

A card was just in love, and now I need to stay single and have another baby after a while.

Cards' private lives are a mess!

Modify the sender Guanyin's skill to cool down to "no cooling”, can send two babies in a row, convenient for two cards on the field to be pregnant and have children at the same time, do some tactical layout:)