Master of Untold Daos

Chapter 17 New Mission

People and dogs can't be compared. If they have to, isn't it worse than dogs?

Zhuo Qingyao is obviously a self-contained halo, even if it is not a protagonist template, it is at least a hero template.

Fortunately, he was his own apprentice. Chen Ming coughed twice. He felt no shame in Zhuo Qingyao. “I put it in the cave, Yu Lingzhi. Can you take it? ”

Zhuo Qingyao's little eyes blinked and revealed a sudden enlightenment. Turns out Master would have thought about the cliff long ago, so he prepared a Jade Lingzhi in the cave to heal himself. Otherwise, Jade Lingzhi has been eaten by himself. How did Master know?

Zhuo Qingyao said: "Turns out the Jade Lingzhi was prepared by Master, Master, how did you know that the disciple would fall here? ”

Chen Ming pinched his fingers slightly and revealed a deep and unpredictable smile. “Can't you dare to run out of gossip, fearing the uncertainty of heaven? This is a celestial machine, can it be leaked? ”

Zhuo Qingyao nodded, “Oh, I see. ”

Chen Ming took two steps in the cave and said: “For so many days here, you can only eat wild fruit on the green vine every day. You must be hungry, Master brought you pastries. ”

Chen Ming pulled out the laurel cake wrapped in a handkerchief from his arms and handed it to Zhuo Qingyao. “Eat it quickly, this pastry won't taste good when it gets cold. ”

Zhuo Qingyao took the pastry. There were tears in her eyes. Since childhood, only Master was so kind to her. Keep your head down and don't dare to see her divine color in Chen Zhuo Qingyao. Zhuo Qingyao eats dessert while making up his mind. He must not lose his master's face.

Chen Ming saw Zhuo Qingyao had finished his dessert and said: “Now the disciple has seven days to go, I watched you just practice sword, that sword is not bad color, I will teach you another sword! In the next few days, just practice the sword. Others, as for winning and losing, don't worry too much. ”

Chen Ming took the Jade Lady sword from behind and handed it to Zhuo Qingyao. “From now on, this sword will be yours. Look carefully. ”

The Jade Lady Sword is only three feet long. It is as thin as the Jade Jade Jade. It is perfect for a little girl like Zhuo Qingyao.

Chen Ming didn't want to teach anything else. It was Zhuo Qingyao's sword that taught the world to hegemony.

Chen Ming grabbed the handle of Suwang's sword, pulled the sword out of the sheath, fingered the stars, suddenly swept a sword across, fierce wind four, shocked the cave dust dance.

Chen Ming asked: “Do you see clearly? ”

Zhuo Qingyao nodded, this sword herself has touched some of the doorways, now there is a demonstration of Chen, more insight.

Immediately waving the Jade Lady sword in her hand, she began to practice the sword that Zhuo Qingyao had just done. Zhuo Qingyao felt that something was still wrong. Immediately, she said: "You used that sword to attack me. ”

Zhuo Qingyao immediately waved his sword and attacked Zhuo Qingyao. Zhuo Qingyao gently waved his sword. He easily grabbed Zhuo Qingyao's sword. Zhuo Qingyao quietly used his powers to suck her sword and then led Zhuo Qingyao to impose his hegemony on the world. "Remember that feeling. ”

Chen Ming glanced around, in a cave, the place is small, how can you feel the hegemonic will of King Su's sword?

Chen Ming reached out and hugged Zhuo Qingyao, treading under his feet, but for a moment, he came to the top of a great waterfall, dozens of tall waterfalls, and looked down for a thousand miles. This is the place to practice hegemony.

Chen Ming put Zhuo Qingyao down and said: “Come on, keep coming at me enough! ”

Zhuo Qingyao seems to still taste something, “Ah? Have you arrived yet?”

Stepping at the top of the waterfall, Zhuo Qingyao clearly felt each of these changes by stating that Zhuo Qingyao dragged the Jade Lady Sword with the Vegetarian King sword as before.

Time passed slowly. In addition to teaching Zhuo Qingyao Sword Method, Chen was carrying snow ginseng and other precious drugs brought from Wang Fu for Zhuo Qingyao to eat.

Seven days later, Zhuo Qingyao's cultivation broke through another layer.

Tomorrow is the introductory disciple Big Bi, Chen Zhuo Qingyao waved a sword, now Zhuo Qingyao, all he lacked was confidence, so when he waved the sword, he still had some concerns, not all his heart. When she started, she was the worst talent, plus the other disciples' cynicism, so he had a heart.

If Zhuo Qingyao's heart can be broken apart, Zhuo Qingyao's mastery of the world will surely have my seven-point rhyme and concentrate my sword strength!

Looking at the sword in front of him, Chen was invincible, hiding his feet in the river water and retreating, pretending to be struck by Zhuo Qingyao's sword.

Zhuo Qingyao's eyes showed a rush, “Master, are you okay? ”

Chen Ming climbed out of the river, “Well, you just had this sword, you've got a seven-point rhyme, you can actually hit me. This time introducing disciple Big Big Big Big, absolutely nobody is your opponent, come on, you use the feeling just now to do it again towards this waterfall. ”

Zhuo Qingyao's heart was delighted. Is it true that I did it? I am not a piece of crap in their mouth! If I didn't practice, with my strength, how could I push Master back?

Zhuo Qingyao closed his eyes, condescended quietly, the Jade Female Sword slowly lifted up, at the moment when the Jade Female Sword reached the summit, Zhuo Qingyao opened his eyes, all his body and mind poured over this sword, a sword dance!


The sword of the Jade Lady fires a sword like jade. Above the waterfall, the great river is torn by this sword!

Chen Ming clearly saw that in Zhuo Qingyao's body, the sword qi condensed in her body, and by virtue of this sword qi condensed the instantaneous awareness, Zhuo Qingyao directly impacted the seventh layer of the smelling environment!

But who can tell me why the sword she struck out of her sword was the reign of King Soo's sword, but the condensed sword was the sword of Jade Lady?

Forget it, I don't get it, I just need to be able to condense the sword qi. After all, only a practitioner who condenses the sword qi can be considered a sword repair.

“Ding, Zhuo Qingyao condenses the sword qi, introduces Sword Dao, rewards the teacher for 100 points. ”

“Ding, Zhuo Qingyao broke through to the seventh level of the smelling realm, rewarding 70 points of morality. ”

I smell the seventh floor of the realm and master the sword qi. That sword is superior to the rest of the world. It should be stable with my september color.

Next, nothing was stated. Just watch Zhuo Qingyao dress quietly.

What, do you think Zhuo Qingyao might pretend to fail? How is this possible? After breaking from the first level of the news realm to the seventh level of the news realm in a month, I asked you if you had ever seen such a demonic genius!

It is proof that it took ten years to practice to the tenth floor of the news, and the gap is simply incalculable.

Now Ming began to think about another issue, namely, Mount Lapse, the name of Mount Lapse was mentioned when the Prince died.

Found the master of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect, Chen Ming asked: “What is the origin of Mount Lapse? ”

Lord Wan Jianzong looked warily at Chen Ming and said: “Do you already know you are trapped in the empty mountains? ”

Chen Ming nodded.

Wan Jianzong continued: “The royal family of Yan Guo is able to hold the throne steady because of the falling mountain, outside the southern border of Yan Guo, there are 100,000 great mountains, and among these 100,000 great mountains, demon disc, group demon dance, rumor that the monarch of 100,000 great mountains, is a demon monarch. The mountain falls into thin air and is the closest demonic power to Yan Nation, led by a demon king.

Likewise, the countries near Yan Guo are in fact subdued to the empty mountains, and the royal family of Yan Guo can only hold the throne if it enters the empty mountains to satisfy the demonic people's appetite. ”

“In fact, you are not the boss of your family. You still have three brothers, but you have been forcibly recruited into the mountains by the royal family of Yan. ”

“Ding, trigger the plot challenge task, task difficulty: level f. Stop the wrath of the demons. Due to the death of the Prince of Yan Guo, Lapsed Mountain has begun to notice the Regent's Palace of Yan Guo. Please divert your attention from Lapsed Mountain before Lapsed Mountain troops attack Yan Guo! ”

“Ding, trigger plot challenge task, task difficulty: level d. Revenge will only be late, but never absent. Lapse Mountain killed your three brothers, please destroy Lapse Mountain and complete the late vengeance. ”

Why wasn't the task difficult before? Chen Ming asked in his heart.

“Because the previous task was not at all difficult. ”