Master of Untold Daos

Chapter 153: I'm the First Woman Under the Heavens

When Fairy Zixia sees such a scene, she cannot help but admire Chen Xinsheng and only Chen can come up with such an idea. Cut a knife on all the kings, then the soul water he gets will be the sum of all the kings!

The number of Yin-Yang and Hedan like this is horrible!

I don't know how long this guy's brain is.

If Chen Ming knew the confusion of Zixia Fairy, he would probably say, you think I want to give Master a lucky halo, and use these methods? You just have to go all the way, it's all so dark!

Fairy Zixia is in a hurry to receive many people Wang. The scene is a little tense, and they are afraid that they will not get a chance to refine it. "Don't worry, Dan Yao will arrive soon, please line up in order! ”

Snow Self-Awareness was the first to get a chance, and naturally they didn't want to rob themselves of their first chance to refine. “You are all here to ask the master to refine the alchemy, please don't rush! Master must like to be quiet. Too noisy may affect Master Alchemy. Otherwise, if you are angry with Master, everyone will not have a chance! ”

The two top bosses on the Enlightenment List talked, and the others calmed down and started queuing nicely.

Soon, however, a new doubt arose, "This master needs ten drops of soul water at a time, but I only have five drops, what should I do? ”

And there was a humanist saying, "Well, I only have six drops, not enough for the master to open the stove. ”

It was suggested, "You can give five drops each, then ask your master to refine them once, then two Yin-Yang and Hedan each!" ”

They also thought it was a good idea, so they started looking around for people who didn't have enough soul water. Two people together, and then one person goes to ask for a statement of refining.

After a day passed, Chen Ming listened to Zixia Fairy's bill and gave 50 Yin Yang and Hedan to Zixia Fairy, "this is your share today. ”

Zixia opened her own Dan medicine bottle, you can see that there are 50 Yin Yang and Hedan in her hand. Here she has 50 pieces, indicating that there must be 250 pieces!

And the effect of these pills is worth thousands of drops of soul water.

Fairy Zixia and his men Wang needed to be allocated, and eventually he got half of it.

Many Xingmen people Wang received the Dan medicine, it was exciting, it was much faster than looking for it himself, I just felt that Chen Zheng's thighs were really thick, he couldn't even hold on to the thick!

“Master, what a generosity! ”

“In this way, we wait to cultivate, can also improve a lot! ”

“In this way, each of us can find five drops of soul water a day, but many times faster than before! ”

Zixia Fairy said: “You are all my star fairy gate people king, I think there must be some things that will never be said. ”

Many kings are thankful for Dade at this moment, how could they betray Chen Zhen? "I will surely keep my mouth shut! ”

“Not bad, if you say it, just because everyone else is jealous will have to fight! ”

“In this way, there is also a glimmer of hope that we will not betray our master! ”

Zixia Fairy said: “If anyone thinks they can break through to the king, it is best to go out and break through before others doubt! ”

Many of them said, “I understand! ”

Allocate all the Dan medicine, Zixia Fairy is also more curious about Ming. He enters the country one by one. Why do you need so many Yin Yang and Hedan?

When she saw Chen Zheng again, Chen Zheng was pouring every bottle of Yin Yang and Hedan into her mouth, “Are you so afraid of taking Dan medicine that you won't be buried with Dan medicine? ”

Then she heard that Chen burped, nothing happened. “Well, it doesn't taste good, it's soulful water and you can consider making blueberry flavors! ”

Fairy Zixia:.......

Alchemist's thinking is really not on the same line as normal people.

Chen Ming seemed to think of Zixia Fairy's question, and said: “What's wrong, Dan medicine blows the bottle, but our glorious tradition of Yanshan, as the owner of Yanshan, I naturally want to lead by example. Well, I also need Dan medicine to improve. Alas, this is so volatile! ”

Fairy Zixia wondered: “Does that mean you didn't need Dan Yao for promotion before? ”

"“ I've never eaten it before, "said Chen Ming." The first time I refined it, I might try it. Try the medicine. ”

Zixia fairy is really speechless, a alchemist, actually doesn't take a lot of Dan medicine, and now, he is blowing the bottle, nothing yet, is snow self-awareness, it is also a moment to refine.

With the explosion on the first day, the next day, the place where Chen is located, is even hotter. After all, the first day has already received Dan medicine, and it has been shown off all over the world.

“Master Alchemy of Yanshan, I blow up! ”

“Master Yanshan's Alchemy can be blown to heaven! ”

“This is the only person I've ever seen in my life with such great righteousness! ”

“If Yanshan is in trouble in the future, I will surely reach out! ”

“You know what? In the Nine Pyloric Springs came a Master Alchemy, his magical refining technique, enough to double the effect of soul water! ”

So the next day, the scene became abnormally hot, and Chen's alchemy industry, too, was going on like a fire, watching every day Yin Yang and Hedan bottle by bottle, Chen also enjoyed it, but Zhuo Qingyao, the day was boring to death, she didn't have much interest in alchemy, but Master alchemy looks so serious, so handsome!

Fairy Zixia doesn't know what Chen Ming Chang looks like, Zhuo Qingyao knows.

After the first day of Fairy Zixia, everyone had paid tribute to Chen Xinsheng. Such a master of Yi Feng Yun Tian deserved their admiration. He did not need her to maintain order at all. Therefore, Zhuo Qingyao saw the idle Fairy of Zixia, and suddenly became interested, and began to seek out Fairy Zixia for consultation.

Zixia Fairy also didn't refuse. After all, she took so much Dan medicine after not doing anything a day. Some of them were unhappy, so she began to consult with Zhuo Qingyao to take Zhuo Qingyao's fighting skills to the next level.

Zhuo Qingyao is finally able to make a smooth move when he meets a strong man like Zixia Fairy. It is also not pleasant to seek out Zixia Fairy every day for consultation.

Zixia Fairy thought Zhuo Qingyao was only temporarily aroused, didn't care much, and then after half a month, Zhuo Qingyao found her earlier this day, Zixia Fairy said: “I said," Grandma, you asked me to cut ten times a day, don't you tire? ”

Zhuo Qingyao said seriously: “What I'm going to do is the first thing in the world. On the first road to the world, these are just a little wind cream! ”

Zixia Fairy saw Zhuo Qingyao's serious eyes and asked: “You are the Lord of Yanshan, you want to be the first in the world, then what about your master? ”

Zhuo Qingyao thought about it and said: “Master is not in the sky, why has he ever been in the world? ”

Zixia smiled and said: "Your master, don't be ridiculous, his alchemy is still possible, but the fighting power, an entry, how powerful can it be? ”