Master of Untold Daos

Zhang 242, my son-in-law

The star fairy gate, Chen Zheng's figure appeared directly in the deliberative hall of the star fairy gate. Under the starlight, Chen Zheng walked up in front of the countless stars. At this moment, the four monarchs were surrounded by a round table to eat. Xueshan just stretched out his chopsticks and saw a foot on his plate.

Chen's other foot fell on Lao Jun's plate.

The four elders looked angrily at Chen Ming, "Chen Ming Daoyou, what are you doing and let our old men not eat? ”

Chen Ming almost got a soup, it was also a tantrum, “No, you put the conveyor position on the table, blame me me, I didn't blame you guys for preparing me to cook! ”

Lao Xing played a circle field, “All quenched. None of us did this intentionally. By the way, what brings you here, Daoyou Chen? ”

Chen Ming jumped off the table, “Yes, business is important, a body of nine springs is about to arrive, you can do your own measurements. Well, the location I'm transmitting is where Koizumi came from, and if you're fast enough, you should be able to see Koizumi coming live. ”

The King of Swords muttered to himself, "What is a live broadcast? ”

“" If that's the case, then it shouldn't be too late, "said Lao Xing." If the split of the dead nine springs arrives, something will surely happen, and we must not let the dead nine springs continue to infiltrate the mainland! Come on, hurry up and bring the Emperor and Fairy Zixia! ”

Lao Xing is still a bit of a weight to talk about in the Gate. Everything in the Gate should have been managed by the Zongxian Master, but now, in the autumn of many things, as too Emperor Xingxing, he can only come out to preside over the big picture.

The owners of the Star Fairy Gate and Zixia Fairy arrived soon. Seeing it was Chen, it was estimated that something important had happened again. Anyway, there was a place where it was stated, it was only weird that nothing had happened.

The owner of the star Immortal Gate is a middle-aged man who looks in his forties, moderate and harmonious. He has three stars in his eyes that spin around him. He is dressed in a gown adorned with stars and looks like a fairy wind bone.

“" Purple Heavenly Hidden, "said Lao Junmen," you and Chen Ming Daoyou quickly went to the Mount of the Beasts. Here comes the split body of Nine Springs. We must not let the body of Nine Springs succeed! You go and stabilize the situation. The other three Immortal Gates will naturally send someone later. Just ask Chen Daoyou to keep this transmission line open for three days. ”

Zitian Tianqiao arched: “Yes, Master, I will make a statement... eh....."

No, Master, you call Chen Ming Daoyou, then I have to call Chen Ming Uncle?

I glanced at the statement and estimated the age of the statement, younger than my own daughter...

How did Uncle Shifu call it out?

“Well, I'm going with the Lord of Mount Swallow to Mountain of Beasts! ”

Chen Ming reached out and took the Spiritual Sword directly. “Isn't this just to keep the transmission line open for three days? It's a small thing. All you have to do is put a few thousand spirit stones next to this sword. ”

At the end of Chen Mingdao, open the transmission line directly, and Zixia Fairy, Zitian Tian Tian directly to Mount Wan Beast.

However, just landed, Zitian Tian Tian increasingly felt that the name could not be called, reached out and patted Chen Ming's shoulder, and Zitian Tian chuckled: “This, my son-in-law, what is the current situation? ”

Zhuo Qingyao, Chen Ming, Zixia Fairy also looked at Zitian Tian Tian Tian, Zixia Fairy stomped her feet, "Dad, what's your name? ”

Zhuo Qingyao's eyes circled between Chen Ming and Zixia Fairy. After all, his biggest enemy is Zixia Fairy!

No, the one who tried to possess Master is Fairy Zixia!

No, the whole star Immortal Gate has an idea for Master!

“Master, what's going on? Why did you bring back an aunt after all this time? And who is this half-enclosed grandfather? ”

Chen Ming was also confused, “When did I not know about this? ”

Zitian hid a smile, “Oh, oh, so you haven't, I see, I see, I see, this, Master, let's go to the place where Jiuquan came. ”

What do you get?

At this time, however, Chen Ming did not have the leisure time and purple heavenly hiding to continue, sweeping purple heavenly hiding, I strangled, it was all a question mark, the sighting was with Dragon King a level of existence, also monarchy level existence.

This strength is reliable, said Chen: “At present, the traitor of the immortal gate, the monarch of the affiliated ghost fairy has been eradicated, so it must not be these people, so the person who guided the arrival of the body, can only be the person of the demonic sect. My identity is not suitable for exposure, so I can only give it to you. ”

At the end of Chen Mingdao, he was directly transformed into a black crow, and his prickly wings fell on Zhuo Qingyao's shoulder.

Zhuo Qingyao felt that Chen Ming fell on his shoulder, not on the shoulder of Zixia Fairy. His heart was bugging him, but his face was still frosty.

Several people rose clouds and looked at the surrounding tide of beasts, all converging in one direction. Several people followed the direction of the tide of beasts and crossed countless ferocious beasts. In the front, there was a deep pit, in the deep pit, all the ferocious beasts bite each other like mad, blood gathered in the deep pit, gradually condensed into a vague shadow.

And on the edge of the pit, a guy in a black cloak looked in their direction, his eyes flashed a red light, “Who am I, one of the six great monarchs on the right path, Purple Heaven Hidden! ”

Zitian Tibetan also recognized each other at a glance, "Magic Zone 5 Lord, Magic Map! ”

Zitian glanced at the magic map and preached: “I will wreak havoc on the map. Find a way to destroy the coming of the nine springs! ”

Zitian Tibetan vibrating arms fly, the surrounding stars circle, condense into a chakra, where the stars are adorned, hung behind him, Zitian Tibetan rose sky, waved between the hands is a slap, “The broken stars palm! ”

The palm of the earth falls beneath it for dozens of miles!

Chen Ming just sucked in a breath of cold air after a glance, this monarch level is a bit awesome!

The giant palm of the stars fell, the magic map rose, single-handedly held the sky, held the broken palm above his head, “Three hundred years, Purple Tian Tian Tian, you still haven't grown a point! ”

The magic map waved the cape wrapped over his body and turned it into a mountain and river society map. The mountain and river society map hung up, resisting the palm of the purple heavens, the purple heavens flew away and rushed directly towards the magic map, "Have you ever progressed, you'll know! ”

Two monarch ranks, directly in the vicious beast, do not care about the surrounding vicious beasts, these vicious beasts cannot threaten them at all!

Chen Ming glanced at the two fighting monarchs, “Are the monarchs so direct, just come up and fight? ”

Fairy Zixia said: "My father and this magic map have some old grievances. ”