Master of Untold Daos

Chapter 382 is too reputable.

Chen Ming's phantom appeared next to Yang Xuan again, "Let's go, enough is enough. ”

To prove this is to make the heavenly court turtle shrink. After all, it is only Lu Qingxuan and the assassins now, can only guard the stars of Tianjin.

A month later, countless practitioners had seen that the sky was full of beasts, and every practitioner riding on those beasts was wearing a mask.

All practitioners know at this moment that the faceless have come again.

His army is running through the Red Dragon Star River, pointing directly at Ghost Gate!

Dark Curtain, descend.

Darkness overshadowed the starry sky again, and the faceless regained his control over the entire planet!

Silong Star River, many practitioners have received news, they want to evacuate Silong Star River, but found that there is no exit path, the road to Red Dragon Star River has been cut off.

They wanted to withdraw from the Jade Dragon Star River controlled by Yaochi, but found that Yaochi had blocked all paths.

Just kidding, Yaochi has already seen the tragedy of the heavenly garden after encountering the fierce poisoner of the faceless, how can one ever let another enter the Jade Dragon Star River?

The only thing that can be done at this moment is to pray, so that fate will be better for them.

As for the swordsman who fights the faceless, don't joke about it, the heavens are all miserable defeats, still tm to find death, living impatience?

The heavens and the yaochi have all known the news of the coming of the faceless again, and yet, just now, they have come, thunderous means.

All they can do is get this century-old soul bead and retreat, and that's the last thing they expect.

Direct evacuation is irrevocable, with no escape without war and a return to a prison of at least 100 years.

It is better to take the soul beads and take the soul beads at the hands of a faceless man, which is a tremendous feat for the generals of Heaven and Yaochi.

That's enough to kill three generals from other enemies!

Faceless people are known for their viciousness.

In sum, Chen Zheng should be the most embarrassing of the faceless.

Lower the average.

Dragged the faceless back leg.

However, how long did Chen Ming become faceless? Give him a hundred years to try!

The entire three-headed dragon star is a relative, and in their imagination, the ghost star should have buried countless immortals.

Fixed my whole life to be a cactus. In a battle of this magnitude, what is it?

Three months is not long. During this time, with the help of Lu Qingxuan, even though Lu Qingxuan himself is a failed assassin, it may also be the reason for Lu Qingxuan's exposure in too many ways. His assassins hid well, and directly assassinated him all the way down. At last, Lu Qingxuan saw another swordsman on the Sky Jail Star who never showed up.

Lu Qingxuan stood on the head of the city, looking at the endless fairy beast in the distance, above the fairy beast, a man with bare breasts in his mouth wow screaming.

“Barbarian tribe? ”

With so many fairy beasts and this ghost charm, it's not a barbarian. What is it?

The barbarians are not often seen in the stars, it is really the way they manage the fairy beast, it is too bloody, they will kill the cub of the fairy beast who just gave birth to the little cub, and then give it to this fairy beast a baby, if there is this fairy beast looking at the right eye, the fairy beast will raise this child, and this child, will be qualified to ride the fairy beast.

As for the wrong eye, it's probably stuffed with the beast's teeth.

However, this fairy beast covered the sky and overflown, it shook Lu Qingxuan. There was a man riding a purple gold lion at the head. He had the most ghost paintings and stood in front of him. He should be the leader of the barbarians.

Li Su Yu landed in front of Lu Qingxuan on a purple gold lion, then wow, a peak fairy beast landed in front of Lu Qingxuan, a dragon horse full of white flame, all covered with hard scales.

Li Suyi pointed to the dragon horse, then to Lu Qingxuan, pretending to be a lame person, “Right wing! ”

Although I don't know what it means to prepare a horse for this assassin, Li Suyi did.

Whatever you say, Master!

Lu Qingxuan was stunned for a moment. I don't really know what Li Suyi means.

Li Su-yu continues to play the fool, “Ponyo! ”

Lu Qingxuan thought for a moment, this only realized that this barbarian people speak animal language, do not speak human language, good emotion This guy is talking about friendship and friends!

Li Suyi handed Lu Qingxuan a set of ropes. Lu Qingxuan didn't care much. Since it was a friendship, it was also the best intentions of the other party, then try it.

Lu Qingxuan put the reins over the dragon horse and then turned over and sat on it. He just sat on it and felt something different. His thinking seems to have become clearer.

What's going on here?

Oh, you, Master Chen, will tell you that he put a bodhisattva in the reins, and that Lu Qingxuan must ride on the back of the horse to have the effect of a bodhitva?

If you don't say anything else, the effect of purifying Bodhi Zi is enough to make Lu Qingxuan addicted!

This way, the "one horse, one thousand" aura can trigger!

Lu Qingxuan felt a little obsessed. This felt too comfortable. He rode a dragon horse and pulled out the Sky Drawing Trident in his hand, waving it towards the front conveniently!

Lu Qingxuan felt it for a while. Be a good boy. The power of his own confession seems to have doubled!

What the hell is this?

Is it true that this horse is destined for riding?

Moreover, Lu Qingxuan discovered that he could easily control the dragon horse. On one side of his body, the dragon horse would run according to his own will.

Lu Qingxuan gradually fell in love with this feeling. What kind of assassin is he? Anyway, I have never been successful in diving in my life, I will not be an assassin!

My lord, I am now a warlord!

Li Su-yu watched Lu Qing-Xuan ride on the dragon horse to the left and right. All kinds of experiments. In Li Su-yu's eyes, this horse riding technique is simply unsightly. If he hadn't taught the dragon horse himself for some time, he could have mastered it before he saw the ghost!

However, Li Suyi didn't want to point this out, and raised two thumbs towards Lu Qingxuan!

The other Yanshan disciples saw, “Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ”

“Oh, ho, ho, ho. (Third Brother, you're a little too much)! ”

“Meow, meow, meow! ”

Li Su-yu's eyes turned angry, "Ho ho ho. (Whatever, just pretend to be a kid)! ”

Hearing Li Suyi say this, many Yanshan disciples raised two thumbs towards Lu Qingxuan, "Oh ho ho ho (it's really ugly)! ”

“Ho ho ho! ”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! ”

Lu Qingxuan didn't understand what these Yanshan disciples were saying, only heard a roar, and Yanshan disciples' thumbs, instantly their hearts were turbulent, are they all praising me?

“Excellent. Excellent! ”

Don't flatter me, I'll be proud!

Don't say that, these barbarian roars are really sensational!

A fierce, wild smell! It's very exciting!