Master of Untold Daos

Chapter 475 S-Level Choice Task

Under the Qingxin Puti tree, Chen placed the already prepared soul beads under the tree, countless souls rose from the soul beads, flew into the Qingxin Bodhi tree, no more trace, like disappeared, like opened another door, into another world.

This time, the Qingxin Bodhi tree has not changed much, only more Qingxin Bodhi seeds have been grown, these Qingxin Bodhi seeds, the pearl round jade moisture, like the milky white jade, the hands are cool, makes people feel comfortable.

It seems that the influence of the soul is really the harvest of the Pure Heart Bodhi tree.

The Spirit Tree of the Four Great Immortal Kingdoms also relies on the soul to acquire more Spirit Fruit or something.

Although the spiritual tree of the fifth order has changed dramatically, what's the rush now? The Qingxin Bodhi tree is only the second order, it is still far from the fifth order.

It seems to be safe to use the fourth order, but try to raise the Qingxin Bodhi tree to the fourth order first.

Now that 800,000 kg of soul goes down, it still has no effect. Chen estimated that the previous Qingxin Bodhi tree was only one foot away from the second order, so 100,000 kg of soul was able to promote it, but now, a large number of souls are needed to feed Qingxin Bodhi tree.

Savage galaxy, you have to take it down!

As for the territory of the four great Immortal Powers and the Uncrowned Parliament, that power is no match for them now.

Chen estimates that the power of Yanshan is now, in fact, the power of a normal faceless person. The power of number six should be no different from that of yourself.

Only one faceless person can be solved, and doing so now will undoubtedly alert the other faceless.

Zero has told himself with practical action that the seemingly faceless Zero, who became sleepless overnight, is the safest way to do this.

What we need now is to save strength, and once the war is waged, the whole heavens and the earth will change!

Only a member of the Supreme Council is eligible to live in the stars.

And the barbaric galaxy, which is the heavenly gift to Chen Meng's treasure, can acquire souls, can acquire greater local saving power, and the best thing is that the barbarians and practitioners in the stars, they don't understand the language, they don't communicate at all, even they don't communicate at all.

This is a place where the starry sky is completely unnoticed.

As for the previous Yanshan, they would only consider it the Animal Sect. After all, Li Suyi and Ling Xian did not fight with a fluent veterinary language.

It's been so long since I let that whistle hang out, and now that I see him again, I don't think I should be so cheerful.

And now that we talk about the price, the other party will give up more things. After all, my attitude is that I don't care at all, the other party begs for me, not that I want to help him.

Thinking about these, Chen Ming came to Yanshan Branch. In Yanshan Branch's main hall, Ling Xian came to report: “Master, the whistle wants to see Master. ”

"Bring him here," said Chen Ming. "It's almost time. In the future, the center of gravity of Yanshan will be placed in this rough galaxy. After all, this is a galaxy, the Congress of the Four Immortals and the Uncrowned, and the Demon Nation, which also control only 28 galaxies. If we can eat the entire barren galaxy, we can definitely make a giant leap! ”

Ling Xian smiled: “In that case, the disciple understands. ”

However, a moment later, the rage came up the mountain, entered the palace, and turned to Ming Arch: “Dear Fox Khan, you saved me at all costs during my crisis. I appreciate it! I'm furious, I owe the Fox Khan my life! ”

Chen Ming smiled and I won't tell you, I waited three days while you guys were fighting, until you ran out of food and suddenly appeared, "Well, I'm here to maintain the glory of a warrior, Yu, not worthy of being a warrior! ”

With a whistling heart, is this really a warrior-inspired fox Khan?

The whistle continued: "My brother, Fury Wind, in order to attain the throne of the Lion King, killed my mother and hunted me down. I did not share the heavens with him! Now that my father's life is short, I'm afraid it won't be long before our Lion King's Court hosts the Lion King's Convention, but I'm not qualified to participate in this Lion King's Congress and compete for the throne, I don't like it! ”

Chen Ming was confused: “What do you mean, go on and say it. ”

"There are two conditions for participating in the Lion King's Convention, the first is the need to have the gold blood of our Lions, the second is the need for at least one Khan support! I have gold blood, but my Khan has been slaughtered by the wind. ”

Chen Ming smiled: “You mean, I support you back to the Lion King's Court to compete for the Lion King's throne? ”

"Yes, Dear Fox Khan, most of the Khan has turned to the wind of rage. If I want to compete for the Lion King, I can only rely on Fox Khan, that is, your support! ”

Chen Ming continued to ask: "How much Khan do you have in the Lion King's Court? ”

The whistle thought about it and said, "More than a hundred people must be there. ”

Chen Ming:.......

You mean, let me go fight over a hundred by myself?

And not to say that all of them are Tianxian, these Khan should be at least the peak of Tianxian, even Golden Immortal, and, a Khan, with at least 100,000 Immortal Beasts starting, how can this battle be fought?

This place is so desperate to get the wind of the Lion King's throne that it knows the news of the tsunami return. Do you still watch the tsunami return to the Lion King's court? Must have sent heavy assassinations. How can Yanshan resist today?

Yanshan disciples, but most of them have not reached the cactus yet!

It is no longer an issue that can be solved by planning to avoid a war that must be defeated.

It's a war, it's a war where you have to push the whole battlefield straight ahead. This is the war!

Whether you win or not, at least you have enough power to fight!

But now, um, enemy forces are strewn across the battlefield.

“Ding, you triggered the S-level dramatic choice mission: Lion King's Position.

1, Please help the Tsunami get the Lion King, Reward: 15 Billion Spirits, 200w Reputation, Respect of the Tsunami, and Mysterious Reward.

2. Send the whistle to the wind. Reward: 100 million spiritual sense, 1w prestige. ”

Chen Ming glanced at the task and easily saw where the gap was. He clearly told you that helping the rage is a dead end!

Ever since he was a child, Chen Wang told Ming that his identity was invaluable, so don't do adventurous things, so it can't be classified.

But unfortunately, Chen Ming never listened to Grandpa when he was a kid.

"Not that I can't, but as you know, I'm the only Khan who supports you. I'll escort you back to the Lion King's Court, at least I'll have to fight dozens of Khans, so I'm going to prepare for it. ”