Master of Untold Daos

For example, sell a colour roll.

Chen Ming swallowed a lot, naturally you have to divide the other little brother, otherwise, the little brother doesn't eat meat, how can you hang out with the big brother?

a month later.

The demon tribe is a joyful place. After so many years, the demon tribe actually ate a piece of land from too vain a hand and expanded the soil in Kaijiang, but there have been no major events for thousands of years!

As a result, the prestige of tobacco laughter soared, and even many demons felt that tobacco laughter should reach the Empress.

Of course, Chen Ming's reputation in the demonic race is also getting higher and higher.

Big Brother, reliable!

In order to thank Chen Ming for dividing up a plot of land for the Demon Nation, the Demon Nation also sent a special envoy to Yan Guo to thank him.

And Wufu didn't send a messenger to thank him, doesn't it matter that Chen Ming, Wufu is this character, damn how many soldiers he brought to the battlefield don't know, still expect him to remember to thank you?

On the Yaochi side, a number of messengers were sent and a number of peaches were sent.

As for the ancestral land, it was finally born again, and Yan Guo handled the household registration, and the one who led the team here was the ancestor of today's immortals, Zhang Yuedao.

Zhang Yuedao, the new ancestor of Earth Immortals, in strength, except for Ying Ling, I'm afraid no one can fight him.

Even, perhaps, the Spirit is not his opponent.

This is the ultimate fairy.

Zhang Yuedao himself came to let the world know more, that the relationship between Yan and Dixian ancestral land is extremely close, but it can be said to be a companion branch, indivisible.

The world's judgment of the power of the Yan Nation has risen to another level.

Zhang Yangdao came personally, Zhang Yangdao could not be too disgraced if Zhang Yangdao wanted to see him personally.

In Yanshan's backyard, Zhang Yuedao and Anja with the child climbed the mountain.

Chen Zhen saw the child in Anya's hand, but did not expect that his first apprentice grandson, Zhang Yangdao and Anya's child.

Chen Ming took the child and reached out to tease him. “Uncle Shi, this child is afraid of having people. ”

But when the child got to Ming's hand, he didn't cry or make a scene. "Your uncle, I pulled more than 3,000 strings, haven't you got the ability to do that yet? ”

Chen Ming reached out to tease the child, but discovered that the child, not in the ancestral land of the fairy, could only practice to the fairy's body.

“Now that you have sent it, let this child stay in my Yanshan. If it is between 100 years, he can practise to the Golden Immortal Realm. The next hundred years, he will be the commander of the Iron Mount of Xuan Raven! ”

"" Uncle Zhang, this is too precious. It's just a child. How can you just make him so rich? ”

Chen Ming smiled: "This is not a simple child, he is my first apprentice grandson, um, my first apprentice grandson. Look how much he looks like me with that eyebrow! ”

Anja cautioned beside her: "Master, the child is too young to have eyebrows..."

Chen Mingxiao scolded: “It just doesn't look like me. Otherwise, why not? ”

Zhang Yuedao arched his hand: “Uncle Shi, this child does not have a name yet. Normal names are raised by elders. I am alone in Zhang Yuedao. Today, only Uncle Shi is an elder. ”

Chen Mingxiao momentarily said: “This time I have leveled four immortal kingdoms. It is called destroying a thousand armies. This child was born at this time, and the next centennial war, he must appear on the battlefield. Call him, Zhang Breaking Jun! ”

Zhang Yuedao coughed twice and looked at Anya. "Uncle Shi, I suddenly remembered that Anya also had a cousin who was separated by eighteen relatives, which should be considered an elder. ”

Chen Ming's face gradually became gloomy, “Why, do you despise my level of naming? ”

Anja hastily said: "No, the broken army sounds pretty good. ”

Chen Ming only relieved the divine color, then said: “That's right, Lingxian's kid, call over, the child will be under Lingxian Gate in the future. ”

He told Zhang Yangdao about the household registration. Zhang Yangdao and Anya left. Zhang Yangdao also began to look up at the sun in the sky. Alas, the opportunity to rely on the sun like this to make money, if only once a day.

In this way, you can safely go through the realm.

Chen usually finishes the domestic affairs before going through the realm. After all, the time he needs to break through the realm now may be a little long and cannot be wasted.

To be honest, Chen Ming always feels that Yan Guo's tax is wrong. Why is it only 1 billion a year? This is too big a problem!

It's the fairy, the land boundary of the Yan Nation today, there are hundreds of millions of them, a fairy, how can there be thousands of white crystal coins home, after all, they accumulate countless years.

In other words, there are plenty of Tian Xian, Jin Xian, but even so, the taxes he receives are only a billion, which is equivalent to giving him only one white crystal coin per person.

This isn't right!

The entire Yan Nation has trillions of white crystal coins, but how can one year's taxes be billions?

Chen Ming walked to the street, had tea in the liquor store, suddenly saw a man walking into the liquor store, and said: “My husband has been locked up for a hundred years, I didn't expect that after the customs clearance, it has been changed. ”

Chen Ming's eyes revealed a shock, so that's how it is!

These immortals are Shouyuan, so long as they can't move, they close, or they don't go down the mountain. Their white crystalline coins, in fact, have no flowers at all. If they don't spend, they have no place to collect taxes.

You have to think of an idea that makes these cactuses want to spend money every day before they can raise taxes.

Chen Ming looked up at the sun in the sky, for example, selling a colored roll?

I'm a fucking genius!

In this way, taxes will definitely skyrocket, and this stuff will make money!

But as a result, taxes in other immortals will skyrocket, and this stuff, if properly controlled, can generate enormous consumption power.

You come to the market a lot, you have to buy something, right?

Even, what kind of annual World German Beast Games can be held!

It's all a way to stimulate consumption!

And, by the way, you can make a fortune!

Decided, Chen called for a whistle and a trail to discuss the matter with the two people, “On each star, open me a place to buy colorful rolls, the colorful rolls are refined through simple script, and the deciphered script directly destroys the colorful rolls, thus ensuring the counterfeiting of the colorful rolls. And then you get seven numbers for each color roll, from one to forty-nine, and the last of those numbers is the reward of ten white crystal coins. If you buy all seven numbers, five million white crystal coins! ”

“Two white crystal coins can buy a colour roll and draw daily by the sun. ”

“What do you think of the plan? ”

"'Yes, but not much,' said the whistle. 'There's no advertising to make money! ”

Chen Ming scolded: “You don't know shit, this is called letting them go to the street often. After they go to the street, they see the nearby goods, there has to be a time for enthusiasm! ”

”Moreover, there are only two white crystalline coins, which are practically open to everyone, and more importantly, which stimulate consumption, then economic growth and tax increases! “

Whirlwind and footprints were heard in the clouds, "How could this be economic growth and tax revenues increase? ”

Chen Ming glanced at two idiots and couldn't understand this thing. "Forget it, I'm too lazy to tell you, just do it! ”