Master of Untold Daos

Chapter 846 Last Transaction

Lu Bo Yan smiled slightly and then said: “The so-called war, attack the city down, attack the heart up. If His Majesty only attacked one of them, with His Majesty's strength, one of them would surely be irresistible, the other thought of the cold lips, the next was himself, the two would jointly oppose His Majesty, wouldn't they? ”

The Emperor nodded repeatedly, "Sir is right! ”

Lupo laughed, "Well, what would you think if His Majesty declared war on the whole of the Uncoronated Parliament, and when it did, he just attacked one of them, Your Majesty, and you said they were both? ”

The Imperial Emperor understood this and said: “If I declared war on two people at the same time, they felt that I could not defeat them even though they needed to resist me. At this time, if I only attacked the land of Light Sleepless, and did not touch the land of Zero at all, Light Sleepless would surely feel that it was Zero and I conspired, hatred towards Zero heart business, they would have been like water fire. In this case, Zero would surely not rescue, sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, anyway, he did not have any damage. Light insomnia can also hit the Zero anti-go, retaliation for Zero! ”

"On the contrary, if I only attacked the Zero Light Sleepless," continued the Emperor, "that must be what I thought! ”

Lu Bo Yan arched his hand: “His Majesty's eyes are like torches, so that the great things can be expected, the world, the hands are available! “

The Taiwanese Emperor looked at Lu Bo Yan and asked him respectfully: “Sir is a genius, I don't know how to go about this first step? ”

"The other three great Immortal Powers are waiting for the supreme coronation to die, and now the supreme coronation is dead, and the council of the unconscionable is in disarray, which is a good time for alliances. At that time, His Majesty would only need to promise to do everything in his power to send 10,000 men to the front, and they would surely participate fully in the war so that they could attack one of them as a front, and His Majesty could wait until their strength was exhausted to take advantage of the fishermen, when the territory of the four great Immortal Powers, as well as the territory of one of His Majesty's two most powerful opponents, would fall into His Majesty's hands. ”

“And then His Majesty occupied the majority of the world, and took it, not to spit? ”

The Emperor laughed. “Wonderful, wonderful! ”

Lu Bo Yan immediately said: “What His Majesty needs to do now is invite the emperors of the three great immortal empires to come to the alliance too fictitious, so that is the first step! ”

The Taiwanese Emperor waved immediately: “Someone, quickly give the Emperor of the three great Immortal Empires to send the Book of Alliance, invite them to come to the Taiwanese Alliance! ”

"I have no fewer than 50,000 great Golden Immortals, even this 10,000 forward, all damaged, no harm, but the four great Immortal kingdoms and one of their enemies, but the power is badly damaged, I have 40,000 great Golden Immortals waiting for me, one by one, the majority of the world has fallen into my hands! ”

The Too Virtual Emperor, a very calm man, would have thought that this kind of action could have gotten much of the world, and he would never have believed it.

But now Lu Bo Yan is a divine magic trick. Soldiers in front of the battle, none of them are unique. He feels that Lu Bo Yan has this ability, it is Lu Bo Yan who convinced him to believe this.

Uncrowned Parliamentary Assembly, Supreme Assembly.

The statement appeared on the Supreme Council and took a glance at other people, other than Luo Muno, descended from other sleepless people.

Wufu quit, Zero, there are only six sleepless people left. Except for Chen, everyone else really came here. Luo Muno has grown up and wants to keep him, it is not that simple.

Chen Ming glanced at the other four sleepless people, none of whom knew.

Chen Ming walked to the original seat of Zero, sat here and looked at Zero.

At this moment, Gai Jiuyu's son, Gai Jiuyu's spirit suddenly got up and drank: “First insomnia, seeing the Supreme Coronation, no courtesy, are you preparing for rebellion? ”

Chen Ming glanced at the spiritual cover, the kid was really stupid, it was zero, and because of his conspiracy, he grabbed Zhuo Qingyao, and promised Chen many advantages, and promised not to hurt Chen's forces before daring to do it.

This kid, where did you get the guts to mess with yourself?

Chen Minghe laughed and said seriously: “I am indeed prepared to rebel. I do not know what your supreme and unconscionable advocate is going to do? ”

Gai Linghaha laughed and said: "The traitor, and his face, sitting here until the day you defeated the soldiers, your disciples under the door are all women of my rear palace! ”

Gai Yaling suddenly felt a little quiet for a moment. He looked at the zero and found that the zero did not have the rage imagined. He heard that there was a direct rebellion. This supreme man was not crowned, and there was no reaction!

And the other three sleepless men, also bowed their heads, silent, slightly trembling.

Chen Zheng crossed his hands, smiled and laughed, then laid back: “Makino, remove one of his legs. ”

Luo Muno stood up and arched his hand: “Yes, Master, if you don't tell me, I want to remove one of his legs too. ”

Luo Muno just wanted to go towards the lid spirits, but it was zero. “Anything dares to disrespect the first insomnia. Somebody, drag me out and cut it into eighteen pieces, and send it to Yan Guo later! ”

The spirited body trembled slightly, and said: "My lord, I am speaking for you, my lord, my lord! ”

Zero was too lazy to look at him, waved his hand, walked into the two giants from outside the hall, grabbed him out like a chicken, and here, all he could hear was a fierce scream, after a few screams, there was no sound.

Zero looked at Ming, and said, "First, no sleep. I don't know. Now, are you satisfied? ”

Chen Mingpi waved with a smile and said, "Thank you very much. ”

The dialogue between the two, as usual, has already determined the life and death of one sleepless person, leaving the remaining three new sleepless people fearful.

Tiger Wei was so terrified. Chen Ming looked at the young insomniac on the left hand side of Zero and said with a smile: "Which one is this little insomniac? ”

The young insomniac, hearing the statement, slipped off his ass directly from his seat and fell on the ground.

“Me, me, me... I..."

This young sleepless man spoke and swallowed up, apparently fearful.

Zero waved: “Everybody out, I'm talking to the first insomniac, you don't have to listen, don't freak out. ”

Three young insomniacs were pardoned and quickly climbed out. Luo Murano turned to Ming Weiwei archer and said: “I thought there was a war waiting for me in this city, but I could stretch my muscles, but I didn't think it would be like this...”