Master’s Smile
Lesson 31: Petitions of the Villagers
According to my uncle's description, a powerful demon has settled near this village.
Because of this, the interaction between the villages was severed.
This village, far from Wang capital, has lived with the nearby villages, but its interaction has been cut off, so it is likely to dry up.
He said those confident in his arms went toward him not to crusade the demons, but they didn't all return.
... um, what kind of monster is that?
If it's too powerful, I might not be able to help.
"I don't want to help..."
Yut tells his uncle that and sees Chillari, me and Laradi.
I see, gentle. Do you think he won't wind us up?
... That's right. Maybe I shouldn't stick my neck in too much this time.
"Oh no... Huh! Please!
When my uncle bowed his head, the people of the village who had gathered together at some point also bowed their heads together.
No... it's not like me and Laradi are having a brave party, is it?
Still... and look around at the villagers' faces.
Strangely, the ratio of men to women is overwhelmingly inclined toward men.
There are some women, but the number is slightly lower.
... Alert us, you haven't come here?
But if you don't know us, you still knew the Yuts were a brave party...
... That's suspicious.
"Master, this is where you hear the wishes of the filthy cunts. Lara will be fine."
When I was worried, Laradi pulled my sleeve and said so.
Right? Well, if she's all right that she would be stronger than me, I guess she's all right.
"Yut too, now let's sweeten up to Laradi's favor"
"Longman... but..."
"That's right, Mr. Yut. I don't know about Mr. Laradi, but Mr. Master has the power to fight demons. You better get some help."
Longman and Mary convince Yut to think about us.
I think Laradi is stronger than me at all, but let's not say anything here.
Me, who was far removed from practice, and Laradi, who works for Ballyfrontline. It won't even have to be compared.
Besides, she'll have more fighting talent, too.
... but it's weird.
In my eyes, I feel like Longman and Mary are making a leap to take us by the time they're unnatural.
... I am carefully selecting the requisitions that will be sent in order to become a master and protect all of my guilds, but is the strength of that suspicion affecting me to this point?
"Then... excuse me. Just a little more, stay with me. Fighting demons will end with us alone."
No, no, that's fine.
I wave to Yut, who is really sweet. [M]
This kid is a virtue to be kind to, but he doesn't feel like he's gone a little too far.
Hopefully one day, I won't have to look into your painful eyes with that kindness.
"Come on, let's go, master!
Laradi pulling her arms with a ghoul.
Were you such a pro bono service to others?
When I felt my gaze and looked at him closely, there was a mahogany smiling with a little joy.
... so wait a minute, Laradi.
First, we need to get some information about the demon.
"Er... (Lara would be absolutely fine...)"
"Right. Mayor, if there's anything you know, let me know."
Laradi seemed unhappy with my proposal, but Yut endorsed it.
No, Laradi, of course, I know I'll probably be okay, but the faces of the brave party are different, right?
As far as Mahoe's concerned, it doesn't look like it was that long ago that I came to this world.
No matter how much, no matter how talented you are, you will be lightly killed if you fight powerful demons.
"Well... we don't really know either."
"Don't you see? Enough to say the village's in trouble. So you know something, don't you?
"That's... because everyone who meets the demon has been killed..."
The village chief answers Longman's question, sweating.
Hmmm... with that said, you said your arm wasn't bragging or anything.
I don't suppose there are any warriors in this village with combat abilities because there are no guilds on the part of kingdom knights, but still couldn't they beat demons with so many men?
... maybe this is a pretty nasty demon.
"It's just that, according to those who saw it from afar, it was a monster bigger than a man"
... How big is it?
If the golem is against you, I'm having trouble with the boulders.
"I don't have a choice. Even with so little information, you're going, right? Dear brave man."
"... of course. You can't overlook someone in need."
"That's what I'm brave about!
As Longman sighs, Yuut shows his determined face.
Mary sees him like that and praises him.
Yeah, it's certainly a fine aspiration.
I'm sure these kids will make a big difference to the world.
I am full of guarding the Army of Salvation (Yerkthilla) and the members there.
With that in mind, the only Mahoe approaching that was a brave party but not in that circle.
The face had a subtle expression of anxiety and joy all around it.
Mm, that's a difficult emotional expression...
I don't know why I'm happy, but I know why I'm anxious.
I guess I'm afraid of the demons that killed all the villagers who are not combat professionals, like knights and guild constituents, but are proud of their power.
Especially the other night, I was being hit by mahogany feelings.
The pain and fear of being forced into this world and having to fight with your life at stake.
Are you okay?
So I accidentally spoke to Mahoe like that.
"... Yeah, I'm fine. I'm a little nervous, but if you're in trouble, the master will help you, won't he?
Maho looks up at me with a funny grin.
... hehe, now you're telling me.
I grinned and looked down at her, too, and Laradi, who was pulling on me, squeezed in her strength.
"Huh. The master will help Lara. You don't have time for this."
"... I'm finally getting it. You don't like Laradi about me, do you?
"I hate all the featherworms approaching the master"
Oh, uh? Where was the soothing atmosphere just now?
It's getting too awesome, huh?
Is it possible that Laradi is so pointy because there is just a slight resemblance to Coolin in the mahogany?
Well, really just a little bit, though I realize that I know her from a small place and there are a lot of differences.
For example, emotional fluctuations and temperament absurdity are undoubtedly coulins on top.
Mahoe is just a little mentally unstable right now, he's really a smart kid who can make cool decisions.
... No, I'm not saying Coolin is an idiot, am I?
I'm just saying that sometimes the swine rush passes.
"Laradi to Mr. Master. I'd like to leave, okay?
That's what I've been talking to you about, Yut.
Yeah, I'm fine.
Now, although I'm not very aggressive, shall I go along with the brave legend of the brave party?