Master’s Smile
Lesson 33: The Strike of the Holy Sword
When I suddenly showed up and saw the orga that blew up the long man, the faces of the brave party had become stiff.
He looks strong to see, and Mahoe and Yut, who are not supposed to be used to seeing demons, are not surprised to shrug themselves into amazement and fear.
But Mary, who was supposed to be a local born and raised in this world, had also consolidated her body.
In her case, she's scared because she knows, unlike Yut and Maho.
If we are in this world, the strength and cruelty of the auga often come into our ears.
And Auga isn't nice enough to miss such a gap full of prey.
Mary, with her eyes open, ran as she stepped on the earth, waving down a cluttered stick.
Mary couldn't even move.
Originally, she is not personally specialized in combat.
Like Yut, he couldn't have been able to avoid enemy attacks coming from close range, etc.
"Ha hoo..."
Laradi looked at such a sight as if it didn't matter, clinging to the master.
If Auga was attacking the master, he would have ripped it to bits, but whatever else might have happened to him.
It may seem disrespectful to have partied temporarily, but nothing is strange because even the opponent has been closely planning the killing from day to day because the members of the Army of Salvation (Yerkchilla) have been out of step longer than this in the first place.
Except for the master and himself, he is not of great interest.
But being such a girlfriend, I caught sight of a person who moves his body all the time.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
It was Yuut who interrupted between Auga and Mary in a situation where he couldn't help but move himself because of fear.
He uses his sword cleverly to flush this stick down with tough force.
Like Longman, idiot. If I had honestly received it from the front, I would have been broken my sword and smashed as-is, or blown away.
Still, immature, he was showing his full power as a brave man.
"(Phew...... after all, brave people don't grow half as fast. If it's no big deal, I can get out of surveillance. And the rest of that time with the master...... Huh!
Things move even as Laradi dyes her cheeks as she hugs to her master.
Orga's stick, which was diverted by Yut, collided hard on the ground, not on prey, and raised the smoke in abundance.
"Mary! Go to Longman's and let me recover!
"Wow, I get it! Thank you for your help! Be careful!
Mary is instructed by Yut to head to the first place where the longman, who is off the front after an Auga attack, has been blown away.
Thus, it was not long before the Brave Party saw half its personnel leave the battle.
Laradi looks at them like that and decides that they cannot be a threat to the 'Army of Salvation (Yerkchilla)' and the Master.
"In charge of the brave" is her, but I also don't feel I need to bother putting in charge if I remain capable of what I am today.
But the true pinnacle of the braves is the unusual speed to which they grow.
It seems impossible to get out of charge because it could be growing all at once into a gap that took my eyes off me.
"Mr. Master! Excuse me, but I need your help!
To Yut's request for cover, Laradi feels like she's not kidding.
It would be disrespectful to use a master.
That's what I was trying to yell at him about, but the master of the day agrees with me lightly.
No way, Laradi solidifies for a few moments as a result of what I never thought I would.
"(The master is kind, isn't he)"
Yeah, nodding Laradi, sticking to the master.
That I was making a different decision from my master was the soul and dare of trying to be Ariel with this.
I don't know if it's okay because I didn't say it, but I don't want to admit that I had a different idea in my mind than my master.
The smoke flutters in the wind, and the appearance of the orga becomes exposed again.
"Earth Barrett!!
At the same time, the magic of the mahogany thrusts for an org.
The masses of dirt that would undoubtedly do a lot of damage if hit were struck down brilliantly all by the waving stick of the orga.
Mahoe in such a way as to be incredible.
Girls from different worlds with little combat experience are obviously stunned by an auga different from previous demons.
An orga that doesn't miss it strikes the mahogany the same way it did when Mary.
"(Alright! Do it!
I don't care about anything but the master, Laradi.
Besides, it doesn't even matter if the target is a new enemy (maho) whose eyes have recently changed to look at the master.
Instead, I'd rather die.
But that's prevented by the loving master I cling to.
It unleashes a bullet with intense magic into the orga.
At first it was an orga that was about to strike down like a time of mahogany magic, but seeing the magic put into it by its unusual, it freezes its spine.
Abandon your earlier thoughts immediately and show off your big jump with tremendous leg strength.
The Master's unleashed magic bullet disappeared, shattering the trees, without hitting the orga.
Auga lands with Zuchin creating a ground sound, staring at Nico and the laughing master with a guillotine.
Auga decided the most dangerous part of this party was the master.
But that judgment can be quickly changed.
By staring at the master, Laradi, who was attached to him, reacted to the excess and stared at Auga with a sense of killing.
I'll turn you into a piece of flesh to stare at the master...
It was the moment when the future of Auga was decided.
"Oh, thank God. Thanks."
Mahoe takes a sigh of relief and sees the master.
He smiled kindly as ever and looked back at her.
He says he's in battle, but his chest starts pounding, so he hurries to look back at Auga.
It was Laradi who stared annoyingly at her like that.
"Let's go!!
Cut off Yut's voice, the battle begins again.
He runs low, turns to the side and is slashed.
Auga also reacts quickly and waves this stick in an attempt to smash the prey coming towards her.
Yut then avoided the attack by twisting his body and slashing Auga's body.
"Or hard...... Huh!?
But Yut's attack could only do some damage to the extent that he had slashed the skin of an orga.
Auga's skin was originally very hard, and when it's a half-attack, it bounces back lightly.
The only reason Yut, coming from a peaceful different world, could be slashed, whether thin-skinned or not, is because he uses a powerful holy sword.
If it had been, there would have been damage to hands and swords on the contrary.
Auga went from slashed anger or even faster.
He wields this stick with a rough nose and blows Yut away.
Although this attack was also avoided and it was the direct hit that did not take place, the impact causes the body to lie on the ground.
When he finally sees his grown-up prey, Auga grins furiously.
But it was also Yut who smiled.
"Now, Mahoe!!
Ha and Auga noticed that Maho, one of the prey, was making the magic dawn.
His anger kept him out of sight, but Mahoe had been collecting magic to attack him for a long time.
"Earth Needle!!
The earth that Auga was treading on changes shape as easily as it is funny.
And the soil becomes a giant thorn and strikes at a rate at which an orga with enough reflex nerves to avoid the master's magic bullet can't react.
Still, I couldn't pierce Auga's body.
"That's really hard! Then stop the legs...... Huh!!
Even Yut's holy sword couldn't do much damage, so this result may be natural.
Soon, however, Maho changed his mind about skewering the orga with soil thorns, complicating it to cross and make the orga immobile.
For this, I also eat the augs that were ineffective and laughing furiously at Niyaniya.
An aug with a mighty roar and a stare at the mahogany.
To that anger and pressure, Mahoe screams small.
My mental powers drain me, and my magic doesn't hold up well.
But there was him with a pong and a hand on her shoulder like that.
The master was looking down gently at the maho without changing Nico's calm smile, even when he was stared at by a powerful demon.
Laradi, who is attached to him, is blocking his ears in a noisy manner.
That, looking at the two people as usual, Mahoe seemed ridiculous to herself in fright.
"There's no need to be frightened of such a Henteco demon. Please take it down. Shut up."
"... hehe, yeah"
Mahoe received this as a word of support for Laradi.
Of course, Laradi has absolutely no intention of backing up. It's all serious.
If Maho couldn't do it, he was going to slaughter the Auga himself.
"You shut up just now!
But the excited mahogany flies Earth Barrett (magic) toward Auga.
Its mass of soil struck directly at the face of an orga that could not move freely, inhibited by giant thorns.
A human would have died in a single blow, but an orga with a hard body just had to lean its neck wide back.
But it doesn't mean it's hard to the eye no matter how hard it is.
With Mahoe's attack, Auga was taking damage that prevented her from opening her right eye.
A gaze of resentment and anger is directed at the mahogany.
Mahoe is going to fall back on that pressure, but he doesn't pick his master's clothes at the right place and stomps.
"Hey, what are you touching?"
Now Laradi's words are also ignored.
Originally, a scared maho wouldn't try to move on to being stared at by a powerful demon like an orga.
But if it serves as a means to defeat Auga, I can only do it if I don't want to.
"I've eaten so much, Yut."
Ahead of Mahoe turning his gaze, Yuut stood recovering from the blown damage.
He holds the holy sword and closes his eyes.
Then its holy sword shines and emits a strong magic.
Auga also takes her gaze off the mahogany and stares at Yut.
"This is the best move I can make right now."
Yuut with a glowing holy sword and eyes open.
The light wrapped around the Holy Sword further increases its light power and brightens up as the relatively dim forest is illuminated by sunlight.
Seeing that light as a threat, Auga bursts out abruptly.
You have to run.
Based solely on that idea, it destroys the thorns of the earth one after the other that obstruct movement.
"I won't let you. Yikes!!
But Mahoe doesn't get away with it that easily either.
Even faster than the speed at which the orga destroys the thorns, it increases the amount of thorns.
When an orga bursts and destroys one thorn, two thorns grow out of the earth.
Auga becomes furiously angry at the thorns that appear even when broken from next to next.
"You, demon!!
By the time Auga realized hah, it was too late.
Overwhelming particles of light overflow from Yut's wavering holy sword.
Auga was left in a huge wave of light, but he kept raising his grudge screams to the end.