Master’s Smile
Episode 55: Elixir
"Ha, ha..."
The girl on the bed gasping painfully was under a vicious curse.
I guess the strange sign I felt was that she was a curse bearer.
"That... brother...?
The girl's eyes, which were almost as rough as they were breathing, softly opened.
Sounds like me and Sorgros came in and woke her up.
Lucille rushes to her side.
"Are you all right!? Sorry, I'll be out in a minute."
"It's okay...... already. Is that it? Are those...?
To Lucille, who looks worried, the girl - Lucica was smiling bitterly.
At first glance, it was unusual to look like friendly brothers and sisters, but even though the climate wasn't hot, Lucica's face was sticking with sweat.
Seeing me and Solgloss with a bewildered look, I approach her from myself.
Make a smile to look kinder than usual and tell Lucica.
"Oh, really?
"Oh hey......!
I lied about being a doctor.
Lucica, who rounds her eyes, and Lucille, who looks at me surprised.
Here, if Lucille uncovers a lie, I can't do anything, so I'll give Solgros my eye.
Smart as she was, she nodded cocklessly at what I wanted.
Lord Lucille, this way.
"Wow! What the hell!
Sorgross takes Lucille away.
While she explains it, let's get it done.
I smile and talk to Lucica, who looks anxious when Lucille is taken.
When I told her that I wanted to see Lucica's body, she had an objective grin that seemed unlikely to a young child.
"I hope it's because your brother's the one who brought you here... even if you look at him, I think he's with you, right? Brother, you brought all kinds of doctors, but they all said they couldn't fix it..."
Really? Did Lucille run around trying to help Lucica?
I haven't heard every favor yet, but it's definitely about Lucica.
More than that, we have to do something about her with this giggle of giving up first.
"... is that true?
I tell her the lie that I am a good doctor. [M]
So when I told her I wanted her to be relieved and entrusted to me, Lucica laughed couscous funny.
But the color of giving up had not diminished at all from its eyes.
Hmmm...... after all, it's more practical than theory, right?
"Hey...... that sister told me you'd be fine"
"Mouthful way!!
Lucille asks me worried.
Thorgross was angry at me for completely forgetting the 'Arima' tone behind him, but I answer that I don't care.
"Yes, please"
Lucica nodded and closed her eyes when I told her that I was going to see the body now.
Place your hands on the red hair, which is the same as Lucille's, and explore inside Lucica's body.
After a while, I understood once again the strength of the curse that muddled her.
It was such a dense curse that I could tell Lucica was cursed before I explored it this way, but when I firmly ascertained the condition, its viciousness came through with clarity.
Yeah...... this curse......
I dilute my magic to such an extent that Lucica's body is not surprised that I pour it into her body.
"Lucica!? Hey, what are you doing... Huh!?
Lucille turns her eyes round and looks up at me, so Lucille suddenly stuffs at me wondering if she's done something wrong.
Standing in front of him like that is a solgloss in ninjas.
Lucille's eyes weren't as warm as they were when she spoke to me, they were just icy cold eyes.
That was enough to stop him.
I hope you don't get me wrong. I don't want to harm Lucica. [M]
"It's okay, brother. I'm relieved the doctor is touching me."
Lucica smiles calmly and looks at Lucille.
That face was sticking up nicely until earlier. The sweat is pulling off, and the skin that was blue and white is also a little bloody.
"Thank you, doctor..."
After pouring in his magic for a while, Lucica went into a peaceful sleep.
I suppose it's been a long time since I've had to taste the pain and suffering because I magically pushed the curse away. [M]
"... It's been a long time since I've seen Lucica sleep like this. Are you sure you were a doctor?
Lucille grabbed Lucica's hand and asked me.
No, I'm not a doctor, I'm a regular adventurer.
"He's an adventurer with a special power to overwhelm others."
Says Solgros confidently with his chest up for some reason.
I don't mind, but why would she be proud to do that?
In the meantime, I decided to explain to Lucille what I did to Lucica.
What I did was very simple, just poured my magic into her body.
"Huh? Is that making Lucica easier? Other doctors didn't do that at all...... Could it have been them!?
Lucille turns into a look of miraculous anger.
My voice gets rougher and rougher too, but as soon as I remember this is Lucica's bedroom, I put my hand on my mouth.
Lucica really seems important and I dust it unexpectedly.
Well, shall we get out of here first? Next door, let's talk.
Me and Sorgros, and Lucille, got out of Lucica's sleeping room and came back to the next room where the other members were waiting.
I'm bored...... get together at the old table and talk.
First, let me briefly report what I've done.
What I did was send in magic to ease her curse.
"Can't you fix it?
Lucille tells me to shake my head. [M]
Unfortunately, I cannot de-curse Lucica. [M]
If you inject enough magic into me to break that curse, Lucica's body will be intolerable.
If she were a member of the Army of Salvation (Yerkchilla), she could lift that curse at any rate...
Or maybe Anato can do something about it.
...... but she is on her way to other requests now and cannot call from now on.
"Oh well..."
"I can't believe you're relieving the curse. As an Alliance Master, thank you."
On behalf of Shun and depressed Lucille, Apollo bows his head.
No, it's fine because I haven't been able to cure it in the end.
It's just that once you shed my magic, you'd be free from pain and suffering for a while, wouldn't you?
"... thank you"
Lucille also comes back with her head down with peculiarities.
That's fine. Can we talk about you guys, too?
What do you want me and Sorgros to do?
... Well, I guess you mean eighty-nine Lucica.
"Oh... I want you to take a request with me."
I lean my neck against Apollo's words. [M]
... Sorgross too, that's enough. Even without respect.
Don't try to take out the bitterness with your scary eyes.
Lucille answers my questions.
"Yes, a request to collect 'Elixir', a legendary drug that will cure any fatal injury or even incurable illness that doctors abandon"