Master’s Smile
Episode 121: The Light of the Devil
Ritter had already transformed his left arm into that of the devil, beating the giant Linz's arm with his extraneous power.
Its power was enough to easily blow off human arms, but Linz, who became the devil, was done to the point of letting the giant down.
"Litter! Using the power of the devil, are you okay...?
"... it's okay"
Ritter answers Nina asking worryingly.
Honestly, my body is not in full condition, and I won't be able to fight for a long time.
But if we don't fight here, the master, who was fast on the escort mission, will fail in his mission.
In that case, he may grieve.
That was the only thing I should never let.
"Yihihihihihihihihihihihi!! Nice, nice eh!! The devil I created and the devil possessed by Mr. Litter. What the hell, which is stronger?!?
While Vissen was laughing heavily, Linz, who had his arm played, looked down at Gyorori.
How dare you let such a little person get in your way.
With that in mind, Linz waves his arms down.
Now, it doesn't just mean you wave down your arms, like you did to the knights and Nina.
Clearly, it was a murderous gesture of willingness to attack.
Litter also grips the left fist, which has become the devil's, and intercepts the arm that is swung down.
Making a noise with the batin, the litter was blown backwards.
Linz also glanced at his body so greatly that he could not set up another chase.
It feels like a pain separation between the two, but in fact, Ritter remembered the pain running on his left arm.
Vissen, who was looking for her when she saw Chirali and her left arm, laughs with pleasure again.
"Yihihihihihi!! Well, Prince Linz will win! From what I've seen, the devil Mr. Litter resides in his body is one hell of a bitch! In comparison, Prince Linz had crushed many of the lower demons I had created on the liquid he drank. I mean, no, that means there are so many demons in Prince Linz right now!!
Indeed, Linz was able to gain tremendous power thanks to it.
But I also lost my words as a human being, and I ended up with a monster that just wielded power.
"You! How dare you put such a thing on my brother......!!
Nina represents anger.
No matter how hostile and the idea was not understandable at all, Linz is her brother.
They feed their families, and they can't be angry.
But even then, Vissen mocks.
"Oh no, I hope you don't make it all my fault! It was Prince Linz who sought strength to be king. I just helped a little to accomplish that. I lost consciousness and my body was taken over by the devil like that because for one thing Prince Linz was weak!!
".................. Huh!!
It was Nina who wanted to deny all of Vissen's words, but could not deny them all.
Like her, Linz should have fought for the king's throne.
It was also Linz who was poisoning the current king or letting Vissen do outrageous research and experiments to gain the power of the devil.
It could also be called karma, so to speak.
"Ah, Prince Linz! Now is the time to be the king you wanted to be!!
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Linz can roar, as he answers Vissen's words.
And wield your arms endlessly at speeds many times faster than earlier.
Part of Nina's mansion is blown away and storms like when Teldorf is using the Devil's Sword.
"Ugh... wow..."
The litter also manages to prevent it by using its left arm, though thin on its power, but distorts its face.
She can only exercise the power of the devil by confining herself to her left arm, whereas Linz, who has already vanished consciousness as a human being, is the devil all over her body.
I was able to wield my full powers without any restrictions.
In addition, there was a tremendous amount of power.
That's so much so that only the left arm of the litter can fight it.
Therefore, the litter, which had to be fought while sheltering bodies other than the left arm, had been completely pushed by Linz.
"Yihihihihihihihihi! The boulder is a powerful man who defeated the kingdom's most powerful knight. They won't do it easy...... If so..."
That's what Vissen says, he rings his fingers.
Hearing that sound, Linz stops the arm that was swinging.
Linz opened her mouth all the way as Ritter stared with a question mark over her head.
Neither was its mouth in human form, and its lips glowed sharply with non-existent and uneven fangs.
The back of his mouth, hidden with his fangs, was as dark as a Naruto hole.
There, dull light converges.
"Hey, what's that magic...?
Nina senses the immense magic in its light and is stunned.
"Yihihihihihihihi!! He's a demon, so naturally he also uses magic......!
Neither Ritter nor Nina cared at the earliest, such as about Vissen distorting her face when it was heartfelt fun.
Considering the amount of light magic that is concentrated in Linz's mouth, analyze how much damage it will cause when it is unleashed.
Not so magically bright, Nina. But if it explodes, the radius of hundreds of meters will blow up using this mansion as the center.
"Too bad. It's too late."
Vissen blocks Nina's words and tells a ruthless reality.
As the saying goes, Linz stops the concentration of light.
"Come on! Now is the time to defeat Princess Nina, Prince Linz!!
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Linz, with his roar, unleashed the light.
The light, which shows a dull glow, falls trying to swallow Litter and Nina.
There can be no litter, no spare time, etc., exercising the magic of the devil.
It is a vicious magic that makes everything disappear.
I thought I'd extinguish Linz's exhaled giant blow of light as well......
The flow emitted by the litter could not extinguish the light.
All she could do was make Linz hit the light and Flood and antagonize them.
Flood, the black magic, swallows the light, but the light strengthens its radiance without purifying it.
"Yihihihihihihihi! That's amazing. Often, it's something that receives magic cannons for a few demons with such a luxurious body. But no... I wonder how long that will last...?
The power of light increases the output by another step.
Gradually the dark magic begins to be pushed.
If it was the original litter, it would have been enough to allow it to offset even if it could not beat this light.
But Ritter, wielding the power of the devil in his battle against Teldorf and not yet in full condition, could not do so either.
"... it looks like Mr. Ritter is the one who dies first"
The next moment Vissen said so, the flood unleashed by Ritter was finally wiped out by Linz's light.
With Nina's screaming calling, the litter was swallowed by the light.