Master’s Smile
Episode 212: Balls Handed
"Ah, you're abuzz! What is it, that!!
"Ha, maybe it's a lease. It's a dragon brace."
A short distance from the Dragon settlement, the two girls were discussing it.
Laradi and Krankheit belong to the Army of Salvation (Yerkchilla).
They were just off the mountain that disappeared with Reese's braces.
Laradi was violently upset when she saw the Black Dragon brace, which was too powerful.
"Huh!? Do you throw up such a powerful brace, that gorilla woman!? Ah, hey, it's a woman! You shouldn't put it near the master!
"Oh, yeah... Oh, you're in danger too..."
"Heh! I don't want Temei using insidious magic to tell me."
Laradi shows her anger with all her strength with a pump and a small body.
If we were a little off, we might have hit it ourselves.
Reese won't know we're in a place like this, but it's not what we found out for Laradi.
When I think of a dragon with this ridiculous power at the side of a loving master, I worry and can't sleep at night.
Crankheit was half-eyed to say no.
Arlaune, who summons to be a plant that produces exploding fruits, or a plant with a terrible liquid that dissolves everything, is as dangerous as Black Dragon.
But it is the same from Laradi.
I don't want to be told by Crankheit, who has too inhumane magic to force humans and demons into undead and keep them wandering without ever forming Buddha.
In other words, both were.
But whoever could calmly point it out to the two of us was not here.
Two people that create a one-touch instant air.
If the two clash here, there will undoubtedly be more fighting than one mountain.
At that time, what appeared between the two was liquid in motion.
He's moving disgustingly as he makes a monstrous noise.
"Whew!? What, this voicing liquid!
Laradi pulls her body a little, and Crankheit wins the answer.
Yes, this was a solgloss...... split.
Of course, not the main body. If the boulder had a direct hit of Reese's Magibres on the main body, he would die.
It was a solgloss that used a piece of his body on the master's stalker, but for the second time... Besides, this time it was a black dragon and it directly hit Reese's brace, which was bouncing with tremendous power.
"Ahhh... I thought you were going to die..."
"Why are you still alive after taking a direct hit of one mountain erasing braces? Sounds like an undead."
"And if I say it with shabu-shabu, it's definitely a guild"
Even with the braces of the strongest black dragons, Laradi and Crankheit distorted their thoughtful faces when they saw a chunk of liquid that was already about to take the form of a minimum sorgrus.
Craig, Teng himself, who brought Isako, one of the four heavenly kings of the demon army, into the settlement of the Dragon tribe, was looking at one ball in his hand.
I remember how I was supposed to get this.
"What, this?
"Our trump card."
Hilde, with Nico and a frigid grin, never broke Craig's expression when his sharp eyes were turned.
"If even Mr. Isacco's persuasion refuses to come under the command of the Demon King's Army, and if some unforeseen circumstance leads to something inconvenient happening to us and we are stuck in retreat, use this."
We knew that Alice and the pureblooded dragons wouldn't move just by the voice of their own mixed dragons.
So he tried to draw in the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon King's Army with very high fighting power and force them to admit to coming under the command of the Demon King's Army.
If this fails, Craig, on the contrary, the whole mixed dragon would be in a dangerous position.
Therefore, Craig, not wanting to think about failing, had a subtle look on his face.
"... I knew I could use it when I had to. But this... what is this ball?
"There, a powerful force is sealed. If you take that into your body, you can have a lot of power, albeit temporarily. That's enough to outnumber the Dragon clan chiefs."
Words return that are more terribly ridiculous than I expected, and Craig mocks them.
He is proud of a species called the Dragon, even if not as much as a pureblood dragon, and he is aware of the power of it.
Without a doubt, the most powerful organism is the dragon.
You think you can beat a chief with extraordinary power with this tiny ball?
"You can say that because you don't know the power of a chief. And now there's his sister, Black Dragon Reese. Something we can fathom with these balls."
In addition, some black dragons in today's settlements may outnumber their chiefs.
I don't think I can beat you both at the same time because of how many mixed dragons there are.
"So, because I give up? The noble desire to create an ideal place for mixed dragons."
"There will naturally be some price to pay to fulfill your dreams and goals. That's the ball."
Craig had no words to return to Hilde's words.
Yes. Of mixed blood... we can't give up here for ourselves to lead the Dragon tribe.
Craig slowly reached out and received Hilde's offering balls.
Look at that, Hilde laughing nicely.
"What. Nothing, it doesn't mean I'm going to die where I used that ball. You don't have to take it seriously."
"............... right"
Craig nods, but didn't trust this guy at all.
The other day he got to know the same human man who kept grinning, the master, but this man's grin felt no warmth at all compared to his.
Whereas that one occasionally shows an emotional grin, it's all a complete making laugh about this one.
There's no way you can fully believe a man like that.
But if this fails, instead of my position, my life is even at stake.
So I couldn't push Hilde completely away.
"Alas. I give another aside to Mr. Craig, who has made a wise decision. This ball is a little more powerful."
Hilde sifts like Craig or something irrelevant looking at herself in such suspicion, and takes another ball out of her nostalgia.
Now, Craig never hesitated either.
"It's up to you how you handle this. As far as I'm concerned, I'd like you to use it."
"That's for me to decide."
"Exactly. Bye."
Hilde left before Craig, smiling nicely.
"............... I am"
Craig was alone, thinking of something.