Master’s Smile
Episode 251: Dressing
The master was back in the room feeling like a wolf.
Because by defeating Lardina, one of the four heavenly kings of this demon army, Coolin was finally credited.
Well, it's obviously impossible to trust the former Demon King Army's Four Heavenly Kings right away, but looking back on his previous achievements, he was finally recognized as on the human side.
Now you don't have to monitor yourself, and Coolin can rent a room for one.
Even she wouldn't like a room with a guy, even if it was the same guild.
I came back to say I had a good souvenir story and forgot the knocks I would always do.
"Oh, welcome home, master..."
As a result, we entered the Coolin stripping scene.
Master consolidates Piscilli and body.
The smile was obviously catching on.
Fortunately, the important thing was that I didn't see it because of the clothes I almost took off to stunning, but on the contrary, it was creating a stiffness.
The style of the coolin is very good.
In terms of breast size alone, it is the best of the "Army of Salvation (Yerkchilla)" members, many of whom have been blessed with good style.
"I'm bigger, though!
I shake my head and pay for the sound of a rimil in my brain.
Anyway, Coolin has a hue that a man would accidentally speak up to.
Of course, if it's a numb thing, it's good and it's cursing, and if it's bad, they don't even recognize it.
It's a coulin that fascinates such a man, but that's not how the master feels at all.
I don't think I'm lucky enough to get into the dressing scene of a member who thinks like my daughter, but it just deepens my apologies.
Well, nothing was just the master that was confused.
Coolin was also blushing her cheeks, turning her eyes around.
It's okay to seduce her from herself, but she was unusually weak on the unexpected.
It is usually selfish when it comes to seducing masters with norinoli, but selfish when it comes to selfishness.
Nevertheless, I may have no choice but to confuse myself, especially now that I was about to bathe in water to show no embarrassment to my master, because I was seen more embarrassed.
A word of apology to the master trying to leave the room, Coolin waiting.
Why are you really wandering around, Master?
Coolin was insane again, too.
Intense shame melted away all sorts of sensibilities that were not in the brain.
And that blown head drew a hell of a conclusion.
"Look at the master naked. You son of a bitch!
To the exact statement, the master sweats fiercely with a smile on his face.
I run out to the door saying I can't just listen to this no matter how many adorable guild members ask me.
But I won't let Coolin get away with all the things I've blown away.
Until recently, he will show off an incredible leap after a battle with Raldina, Thunderbird of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon Army.
And stay on the master's back.
Coolin sitting on his belly seems satisfied.
It should be noted that she is now almost completely naked, as opposed to half naked, but fluffy red hair in good condition hides what matters.
"Look, master. Take it off... Take it off..."
Seeing the apparently insane coolin, the master desperately tries to keep pushing.
But he hadn't noticed, but to tell the truth, she had already regained her sanity.
Sure, it was so embarrassing to be seen naked by thinkers temporarily losing their sanity, but I'm not the weak one who lacks normality with shame either.
Well, if you had been seen besides the master, you'd just decide that you hadn't murdered that person before you were shy.
Now Coolin was moving faithfully to her apparent desire to see her master naked.
"Phew Phew Phew... be mindful"
The master will also be able to get out if he rambles at all costs.
But if you do that, the coolin you care about could get hurt.
And Coolin, who knows exactly how kind it is, is convinced of victory.
"Heh, heh..."
My nose bleeds out of Coolin's nose as a result of various imaginations.
No, it's the master who covers his eyes all the time.
It is a development of male and female reversals.
And when Coolin tried to snap his master's pants down......
It was the master's pendant that glistened badly and pruned Coolin's consciousness.
The master rushes to see how she is, but she was just losing her mind and there was no major trauma.
"Huh, that was dangerous, Master."
Speaking to him from the pendant is a rimil close to the master despite those outside the 'Army of Salvation (Yerkchillah)'.
The Master is amazed at its performance wondering if it can also attack over the pendant.
'I'm very tired, and I can't go through a big offense. I can't do it if you tell me to keep going. "
Still awesome, and thank you Master for your help.
'No... I would definitely like to see that one of the masters too, because I don't like to see other women see that. Let me take a closer look when the master has become mine. "
That's not true.