Master’s Smile
Number and number of episodes 297
The battle taking place on the spot was precisely the largest of the Alliance members.
That is not because the two people who are fighting that battle are stronger than the other members......
In pure combat power, Van Peel, the vampire of Reese and true ancestors, who are black dragons, will come to the top.
So what's the reason for that?
"Go, demons!!
"Ah, already! Uh-huh!!
It is a flashy way of fighting the two of us.
The clashes here were between Coolin and Laradi, who belonged to the Army of Salvation (Yerkutilla).
What was unlucky for the demons who were nearby was, more importantly, that these two had gone into battle.
Coolin is a demon. Laradi casts many of the demons summoned by summoning magic.
The main force in this is another powerful demon called Auga.
If so many of those things showed up, the demons who were nearby would be blown away, naturally.
And the way Laradi fights to intercept was also intense.
She's Arlaune. Summon a number of huge plants suddenly from the ground and intercept the auga.
Exactly, the battle of numbers and numbers.
Such a massive battle affects the surroundings considerably more than fighting between other members, and buildings and stalls are screwed up.
"Oh man, you really just get in Lara's way! Even then, I'm going to blow an orga......!
What Laradi says as she seems abominable is the story of the first time she went out alone with the Master among the 'Army of Salvation (Yerkutilla)' members and encountered a brave party.
At that time, part of the brave party hit the master and Laradi, but they were opponents who could deal with Laradi enough, if only by nature.
But it was then that Coolin orgasmed and temporary Laradi was in danger of his life.
Well, that would be helped by the master and the dependency in her would jump, but that's for the record.
"Ha! It's bad for you to take the master away from me without my permission!? What's wrong with killing me?"
From Coolin's point of view, Laradi, who just took the master away, was reluctant to forgive him, even though he had made a bet on how much.
At that time it was still when imprisonment in the name of protecting the master was supposedly disappointing.
The depth of impact without a master when he returned was enough to temporarily take away Coolin's consciousness.
"Ha!? That's not what I found out! I'm Lara's master, so you have no right to say it anyway!
"How long has it been yours! Master can't be satisfied with a chick like you!!
Humph and chest stretching coolin.
"The Army of Salvation (Yerkthilla)" The richest mountain ranges sway.
Meanwhile, Laradi sees a luscious field boasting the finest prudence of The Army of Salvation (Yerkchilla).
"Knock it off!!
Laradi, the last shackle comes off and summons a vicious plant.
The name is Gift Soiled Blue Me. The liquid that will be emitted is a hell of a venom that will dissolve everything.
"Ha! I wonder if I can beat this number!?
Coolin also develops huge magic formations against losers.
The number of demons coming out of it is unparalleled.
They are demons that are dissolved one after the other by Gift Soiled Bloomes, but summoned by Coolin, they are dead soldiers who do not feel fear in principle.
Whether a buddy is melted, or a part of his body is melted, he strikes me that that's not what he found out.
Laradi summons even more huge plants when he does, and it becomes a fierce battle.
As a result, the one painting they fight was no longer an eye-catching tragedy.
"Master... Wow, I'll help too..."
And the master was also moaning with his hands on his eyes.
Damage of this magnitude, how much would it be to make it a document?
Crankheit uncommonly comforts the master who covers his eyes without saying anything and without doing any calculations.
"Ah, it's the master!?
It was the two of them who were only in the eye about the other person, but soon I realized about the master.
Again, it annoyed me that Crankheit is nearby, but it fills me with a desire to jump into his presence more than that.
And we both try to stop the attack and run over to the master...
"Hino, Hino...!
Laradi is greatly delayed.
She is not very good at walking because of a species called Arlaune.
Not that Coolin could move so vigorously again, either, but at least he never took a step back on Laradi.
"Ha ha ha ha ha! It's too late! I'll take the master!
Coolin grins at Laradi as she looks back.
But if it were easy to give up on something like this, someone in The Army of Salvation (Yerkchilla) would have already made it about the Master.
From the running ground of the coolin, the spreads of several plants strike.
Each tip is sharp and pointy, and if stabbed, it would easily pierce the coulin's soft skin, etc.
She avoids the attack by a rather outward means of shielding the summoned demons.
"Oh, that's dangerous! You almost died!
"You just have to die! Master has Lara, so I don't need you guys!
"Lori, shut up!
"Don't say Lori. The milk (ours). Huh!
Running to the master, the two of them turn their bloody eyes and exasperate each other in cursing murmurmurs.
I know they want to get to the master as soon as possible, but I want them to try to feel like masters of perspectives with those two approaching at a fierce speed.
It was horrible to the extent that his face turned bright blue.
"Sleep, both of you."
Crankheit's hallucinating magic bursts.
Laradi and Coolin also succeeded in putting him to light sleep because they were pointing all their powers at each other in front of them.
The biggest wounds sustained in this disturbance were both in the Wang capital but also in the master.
He looked up to heaven and smiled thirsty.
And whine a word with Bosoli.
- - Demons, forgive me. Seriously.