Master’s Smile
Episode 325: War on
Finally, the end of the war between the Vasuil demonic kingdom and Pope Zelnike was opened.
In other words, a religious war broke out between Masters and Angels.
Pope Zelnike claimed jihad and the angels scattered throughout the continent responded to it and took part in this war as prostitutes.
Morale was also very high, and they turned to the Vasuil demonic kingdom, a willing and foolish enemy.
But they're not the only ones with high morale.
The masters were also expensive by the unusual.
From them, instead of putting a sword to the Master, the object of faith, and putting him in danger of his life, he sees a vicious group attacking him trying to push Anglicanism.
If we lose, instead of being deprived of our faith, we could even be killed by a master of faith subjects.
Therefore, their morale to intercept was also very high.
And the time has come for the two armies to collide.
Taking his name from a place name far from Pope Zelnike and close to the Vasuil demonic kingdom, a local battle broke out called the Battle of Lilkvist.
Neither of them will get a glimpse of what's going on, and it will be a massive battle that put the main effort into it from the start.
In particular, the Vasuil demon kingdom side has a master out there who is both a demon king and a subject of Masterhood faith, and you can easily predict how much effort he was putting into it.
On the other hand, there was no sign of Dennis on the part of Pope Zelnike.
Naturally. Why is it that the top of the country goes to the dangerous front?
It is Dennis who is right as the head of the state, and the fact that the master is on the front line is clearly a downside measure.
But if you see a master at the forefront with an extra grin, the morale of the Demon King's Army goes up no good.
The momentum was such that it completely surpassed the jihad for angels and the intended Pope Zelnike National Army.
As a result, the battle of Lilkvist, the battle of this religious war, rose in armaments to the Vasuil demonic kingdom.
The heavily struck Angels retreat, and the Demon King's Army pursues it.
Many small battles broke out in it, but it was the Demon King's army that won them.
There are several reasons for this.
Firstly, it is a decline in the morale of the soldiers of Pope Zelnike's Army.
Because of the jihad, morale was still high compared to when other countries were in a similar situation, but it was quite significant that we dropped the fighting.
"There must be angelic protection, but we lost"
The large number of people who thought so would be one of the personnel.
There is also an individual difference between demonic and human abilities in the first place.
Essentially, the Demons have better combat abilities than humans.
Because I know that, Dennis was trying to crush it with a difference in numbers by asking countries to help, but I have to say that its tatter was no better than it was failing.
Still, prostitutes are gathered from all over the country, but the numbers are much smaller and more skilled than the national army is dispatched.
Nevertheless, if we say it only by the number of soldiers, Pope Zelnike's Army is more than the Demon King's Army.
But in addition to the fact that the demon clan in general had better combat capabilities than humans, the problem was that vampires, elves, and dragons who came as reinforcements to the Demon King's Army were too powerful.
It is these races who are superior to humans, and who have better fighting abilities than their demons.
There was no way the Angels could have been safe with them.
But this shouldn't have been an overwhelming war situation.
In the Papal State of Zernike there existed heretical Inquisitions and the Holy Knights, and their power was enough to fight one another against the Devil Nation.
So why are we so disadvantaged?
It means that the executives of the Demon King's Army - members of the Dark Alliance named - were strong enough to do it.
"This is an ambush. Kill your breath and act like no one else can."
There was a sneaking shadow of a dark forest.
They were the Pope Zernike Army and the heretical Inquisitors.
For the sake of angels, it was an ambush operation against the demon king's army that was supposed to be camping near here.
They only do the work behind them, and the movement was so perfect that no one else could inherently...
"Yes, Dawn, sir."
Suddenly, the ground on which they were walking flourishes and the heretical inquisitors are blown away.
And it was they, when they were slapped down from the high ground, that hardened themselves together, but the spreading of the plants rolled about upon their bodies.
"No, you can't. If it's just the other Dark Alliance members, I'll miss it, because there's also a master over there."
"Oh, you...!?
Girl with green hair that swells her puffy crested cheeks like a child.
The man knew, as information, that she was an executive of the Demon King's Army against that adorable look.
"Fuck, damn...... Huh!!
"Well, unfortunately, that's not good"
When Laradi says so, the spread spins around.
The heretical inquisitors, whose bodies are bent in impossible ways by the power of powerful plants, create shapes of bodies that humans can never do.
Their lives disappeared, along with the disgusting sound of bones ringing.
There was a shadow watching that tragic sight.
He is an angelic of the Pope Zelnike. I've been monitoring the operation to see if it works, but it seems to have ended in failure.
I have to tell the command about this.
Whether the operation succeeded or failed will be very important in thinking about the upcoming operation.
He tries to get around to Laradi...
"Poisonous fluids."
The liquid that came down from the top was to be bathed all over my body.
At first I immediately glanced at the solgloss of the sneaky outfit looking down here from the top of the tree branch......
He struck around the ground in severe pain that swept all over his body.
"There's no way a ninja can lose an intelligence battle."
Dropping off the man who had died by poison, Solgros was to leave the scene.