Maybe I can't have normal youth

Chapter 35, the small square

All these windows are all stalking, that state is like someone is going back and forth, slamming, with air.

Everyone's look is nervous again, and the heart rises a fear, see this, is there a big thing to happen?

In the face of the scene, a few people don't know how to be good, they have chosen to be quiet and still changing in fear.

And those windows seem to be interested, and they are even more powerful in the eyes of everyone.

If it is just that the breeze is gently passed, the windows are just a swing on both sides, and now it should be a big wind, so that all the windows seem to be taken.

The invisible pressure makes this nervous, everyone can't help but make together, surrounded by a small circle, everyone pulls each other, exchanges each other, and I have achieved a little comfort.

Everyone didn't speak, but there were the idea of ​​shrinking in the hearts of each other, but this idea was also small.

They all understand that they are still advising others. Now, if they say it, don't you raise your own, you will play yourself?

So everyone is afraid, but they are still in place.

After a while, such a scene has finally been alleviated, those windows are no longer trembled, and slowly swaying down.

Zhao Bai Ann first, the reason is not because she is not afraid, but she is inadvertently seen in the window, it seems to come out, it seems that there is no such thing, is it suddenly coming? of?

Of course, she doesn't know what is that something is doing?

She is only confused.

Zhao Bai Anng opened a hug of everyone, and the cat was slowly close to the window.

She wants to be clear, then tell everyone, but I didn't expect her that she just approached the window, that something was just like a long feet, and it disappeared.

Zhao Bai An is a bit not believed, standing in the place where the eyes are not stopped, is it just that it is my illusion?

Friends and old friends looked at her strange strange move behind him, couldn't help but ask.

"Xiao An, what are you doing? Don't scare us! People are scared!"

Ou Ji's tone is equally urgent: "Xiaobai, what happened?"

Zhao Bai An was slowly returning to God under the inquiry, told everyone that she just saw.

Everyone has exposed a surprised expression, and the girls are more fearful, and the two boys start to play, they are looking for, looking for the thing of Zhao Bai'an.

After a long time, they even ran to the edge of the window of other rooms and started to inspect.

However, the two did not find anything. Their actions were basically futile, except for seeing these windows in the windows, but only for the effect, it is a sealed wall, outside No other harvest.

Everyone is slightly lost, is they really stupid? It's really repeatedly, and the progress is extremely slow.

However, suddenly, the head of Longjing Mountain and Jiqiu, the two people in the autumn, and a very important issue at the same time.

They are almost high in the same sound: "That window!"

After two laminated sounds, everyone looked at them.

Jiqiu and Longjing Mountain can't wait to share your own ideas with you.

"The window is fake, how can I suddenly move it?"

"Yeah, I also found it, this window is just to confuse us, the sound is absolutely impossible to be itself!"

Longjing Mountain Penang: "Maybe this space, in addition to us, there is a third party, or just that the window is it."

After he finished, in order to confirm that it also refers to the middle of the window, he means that he means to let everyone look at the wall of the sea, who knows that everyone is not pre-prepared.

Longjing Mountain is somewhat uncomfortable in his heart. He looked at the autumn that was still unclear, and then returned to everyone, and the righteous words will say it again. This time he also delighted It took a breath to express the importance of your language.

This, Zhao Bai An is finally coming back, Longjing Mountain is happy, but then feel very strange, because Zhao Bai An also seems to look at him in a face.

Is it too unclear? Longjing Mountain is a little doubting yourself.

It's just that he hasn't thought about it. Ou Jijia's laughter came over: "Jingshan, I said you are stupid? This is a room to escape the game, we certainly know that the window is not true."

Even Zhao Bai An also said: "Jingshan, what you said, in fact, I just saw it, but I think the key is not here. We are looking for it now, it is the reason why I swinging, I think I see me. The small square may have a relationship. " ~ 8 ~ 1 ~ Chinese network ωωω.χ ~ ⒏ ~ 1zщ.còм

God! It turned out that I didn't understand why I was so stupid? ? ? Longjing Mountain is instantaneous to suspect life.

And Yang Liu Yiyi and Yang Ziyu two people are not familiar with Long Ji Mountain, so just that the passenger passengers said.

"You found this, it's not really useful for us. At most, we can now exclude the cause of external force, isn't it?"

"Yeah, in this environment, we should be cautious." Yang Liuyi is comforted.

After all of them have seen their eyes, they moved their eyes from Longjing Mountain, and then started watching around the two boys, looking around.

Dragon Shan Mountain did not participate in everyone, he felt a bit embarrassed and felt very embarrassed. Although everyone did not show him, but he re-examined himself.

His act is simply like jumping beam clown.

The clown is actually my own!

He stood in the same place, silently lowered his head, and he also had a small sesame with himself, but he felt that his words were deliberately speaking to a big watermelon.

I just seem to be too light. Genius a second to remember Chinese M.X / 8/1 / z / w.c / o / m /

If Zhao Bai An, they are still good, but now there are two beautiful sisters who have just met, Longjing Mountain feels that they are shameful, and they are depressed.

Thinking here, he took the foot, and the result of the foot is like something, and a drill pain makes him Huang fell.

"Ah!" Longjing Mountain is difficult to mourn.

Everyone turned back, looked at Longjing Mountain in a surprise, they were too focused on finding things, but did not pay attention to what happened just now.

And Longview Mountain is painful at this moment, he did not focus with everyone, but immersed in pain.