Maybe I can't have normal youth

Chapter 40, Uncle, II

Chapter 750, Uncle, 2

Zhao Bai'an smiled and waved his hand and Yang Ziyi, and then turned to go to the bedroom.

On the way back to the bedroom, her mood is very good, and then I am very happy to call Jiqiu, which is a ventilation report and celebration.

However, it is very strange, the phone ringtones continue to ring, but they will not answer the phone until the song is close to the end of the phone: "Hey ...?"

Zhao Bai frowned and frowned, and I always felt that things were wrong.

So she immediately changed the congratulatory plan, asked in the manner: "Jiqiu, what happened?"

The autumn of the phone did not answer, but in addition to breathing, it can be said to be in the dead.

Zhao Bai'an immediately got a heart, bad feelings became more and more spread, but she didn't think of something, so it is more anxious.

She began to urinate in the phone: "Juqiu, you are saying, what is going on?"

I didn't answer Jiuqiu, but this time Zhao Bai An heard a sound that was covered in the phone.

She immediately felt that the scalp started to blow, and then some did not reply to ask Jiuqiu: "Are you crying? What happened?"

I didn't expect that her voice was just falling, and the sound of the .. .

Zhao Bai An suddenly fell into a embarrassing situation, only felt a mist, I didn't know what to say.

The key is that she originally wants to call to congratulate, but I didn't expect to hear the cry of Jiqiu. And the main thing is that she doesn't know what happened. This is for her, and now it is like a fog, I don't know what to do at all.

So she could only be light down, continue to ask Jiuqiu: "Juqiu, you are eager to die, what is going on, you have to say it."

Jiqiu finally ended the sound of , with a reply: "Xiaobai ... Zi Yu and I bullish ..."

Zhao Bai An He He is a big earthquake, but it has not been to say anything, he will continue to say: "I ... I agree, but I don't solve this."

"Little white, I am really hard, what should I do? What is it? Why is it ??!"

Zhao Bai An was shocked, she simply felt a bit unbelievable. She just saw that Yang Ziyu sent to her, how did this head say that they have broken up? She didn't understand what happened at this time. I don't understand what happened.

She is so uncomfortable today, everything is absolutely impossible to be fake, but this is why?

She wants to ask why.

Zhao Bai Dined my mind, so I started to comfort juriso.

"Juqiu, don't worry, I will ask you to ask Zi Zi, I think you must have misunderstandings, it is impossible to make this point because it is better."

"I will ask what is going on, you wait for me, don't be sad again."

Her words are really good, Jiqiu's smoother is small, and immediately responded: "Well ... good, small white, I am waiting for you."

Zhao Bai'an then hung up the phone and decided to go out to find Yang Ziyi.

She is planning to return, but the strange thing is that the road has come half, and she suddenly appeared in front of her.

Zhao Bai'an looked at this thing, I feel that there is no cent, I want to go to this thing.

Who knows that it will stretch like the door of Doraem, the stubborn block is in front of Zhao Bai An, which will not let her pass.

Zhao Bai'an moved forward, the door was also moved forward, she took a step to the left, and the door also stretched the left.

Zhao Bai An is getting more and more unknown by this door, and he also begins to be irritated, you want to hurry.

She is half-forced to take her hand in the door handle, thinking about passing from the main entrance.

Unexpectedly, she returned directly to the 605 bedroom after opening the door.

There is no one in the bedroom. Zhao Bai An is inexplicably turned back, and it will open the door again, and this time she actually crossed the strange boys' bedroom.

She opened the door, the people in the bedroom all fake the pan, even Zhao Bai'an himself was shocked, hurriedly turned away.

Once again turned, brought her into a blank world, and her forward had only one opposite door as she came in.

However, I looked at the door that I could go out, Zhao Bai'an didn't open it immediately. She still has a lot of feelings, I don't know where I have opened it.

Zhao Bai An is so hesitated in the same place. At this time, she feels like being turned up. It is completely moving, and I feel that I have to collapse.

But soon, she thinks that she can save! So quickly took out the phone.

Zhao Bai Ann first made Yang Liuyi, but Yang Liuyi did not answer the phone.

A sigh, she made the phone to Gao Yiran, I originally hugged the idea of ​​self-discovery, but I didn't expect Gao Yan, I will pick up the phone.

Zhao Bai Anxin is a happy, dare not waste time, hurry to tell Gao Yiran: "Xiaoran, come to save me, I was trapped by a door!"

The phone came to the unbelievable suspicion: "Xiao An, don't be a joke, how can this?"

Zhao Bai is full of sweating, anxious to reiterate her: "Really! I was trapped by a inexplicable door, you come to save me!"

Gao Yanran didn't answer this time, and the phone was caught in a quiet, completely silent silence.

Zhao Bai'an can only shout over again in the phone: "Hey! Hey? Hey! Someone ?!"

She didn't know how many sounds shouted, and the phone had finally had a response again: "Xiao An, where are you?"

Zhao Bai An just wanted to answer, but suddenly, it was once again, she didn't know what to answer, after all, she really didn't know how to describe it.

She thought for a moment, then suddenly thought that she touched the strange door on the way to the playground, so he quickly said to Gao Zhenran: "Right, you come to the school's big playground, I just met this strange. The door. "

"Okay." Gao Yanran promised inside the phone, then hanging the phone.

Zhao Bai Anng has a sigh of relief, thinking that he still doesn't run, quiet waiting, waiting for Gao Yiran to find himself.

But things often don't think about what she thinks. She actually saw this blank world began to fire.

That flavor is very fast, and when the flame has arrived at his side, Zhao Bai An is trapped in the fire in the moment.

There is only one road in front of you - that door!

In the face of the threat of life in front of you, this time she is no longer hesitating, turning his hand directly on the door panel.

A glare radiance shouted that she couldn't open her eyes. At that moment, Zhao Bai An was forced to close her eyes, but her feet did a practical practice because of running.

As a result, she just opened the door and felt the strong fall of the body. When she could not control it, she opened his eyes and woke up.

(This chapter is over)