Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, chapter 41.

Syphilis was horrible, but as long as it was treated within a reasonable amount of time it wouldn't cause much damage, at most it would just cause Zeus and his divinity to be slightly contaminated, but Hydra's venom was Hydra's venom after all, and even if it couldn't have much effect on high-end existences like Zeus, it could still have an unexpected effect on those lower gods and the like.

"Che, if we didn't know the viral composition of AIDS..."

As she thought about it, Hydra skimmed her mouth. HIV was far superior to syphilis in every way, especially in terms of lethality, and although it couldn't catch up to Ebola, HIV was still one of the most notorious viruses, but unfortunately, Hydra didn't know much about the composition of HIV, so it was really difficult to collect HIV....

Sure, it's easy to get HIV for a gay date, but bummer, Sparta is rigorously engaging in GAY even without the arrival of Hydra....

Being a retrovirus is complicated to explain, but the AIDS virus is easier to explain. AIDS, also known as Human Immunodeficiency Virus. As the name implies, it specializes in destroying the human immune system. Rooted in Hydra's projection, if the AIDS virus is enhanced by Hydra, it is estimated that even immortal divinity can corrupt and destroy it....

Hydra's strength had now reached a bottleneck, and simple realm advancement had become very difficult, and because of this, Hydra was now concentrating on studying the post-apocalyptic virus system.

Among them, Hydra had already grasped the composition of viruses already include malaria virus, black death virus, marchubo virus, dengue virus and smallpox virus.

The most famous of the malaria virus and black death virus, the machewa virus is the best found, malaria in ancient Greek literature has already appeared, generally mosquitoes and other parasites for infection transmission, infected text, parasites in the blood sucking, malaria parasite microorganisms will be this human body, the destruction of red blood cells. The Black Death virus and the Machupo virus were both obtained by Hydra through the collection of rats, fleas and other creatures, while the gradenfever virus was found through Hydra on mosquitoes in the tropics.

All in all, if it were directed at humans, Hydra could wreak near-destructive havoc all on its own. But if it was against the might be able to damage them so badly that they wouldn't be able to breathe for a few hundred years, but with a defensible case it might not play a decisive role in the war against the gods.

But there were many variants of the virus, and Hydra's analysis alone had led to dozens of variants, such as the fusion of water attributes in the plague so that it could be spread through water sources and all that sort of thing.

But a new virus with a single attribute is easy to defend against once the attribute is known, and a water attribute will have little effect on a person with a strong liver.

But in general, the cross-combination of attributes will make the virus produce a lot of degeneration, according to Hydra's discovery, the smallpox virus once mixed with his little sister, Medusa's tears will produce a virus variant that will make the skin keratinized and even petrified.

This works much better than waiting for a glance.

Just as the book said, this was knowledge that could not be revealed to outsiders, and because of this, Hydra went to the third basement level of the Spartan Great Library every time she conducted an experiment.

The most dangerous place was the safest place.

What's more, the underground third floor of the Great Library of Sparta was beginning to say that it was the safest place in the world.

The beasts of the deep sea, the three sisters of Gorgon, and the great labyrinth of Mirotaunos, the Space Boundary Barrier. And the doors of the third level were coated with Hydra's poison. It could be said that even Zeus couldn't please even if he came to see it.

Even after entering the third layer, the Book of the Dead still wouldn't be polite to those people hidden in the third layer.

Although it was unknown why the Book of the Dead had no effect on oneself, the damage to the other gods could be seen, and if it wasn't for Hydra going in in time in the first place, Odin's divine grid would probably have to produce cracks.

Shaking his head, Hydra couldn't help but chuckle lightly.

"For what it's worth, the original sale of this great labyrinth to Mirotaunos bought over a hundred fast silver coins. Now that I think about it, that simpleton must have regretted his intestines~~"

Shaking his head, Old Bull as one of the top existences in the Spartan gladiatorial arena naturally possessed a good reputation status, but it was just that the person was a bit silly, but silly people had silly blessings, this product was still very popular, and I heard that his old brother, the Nemean Fierce Lion would often drink with him.

"Speaking of which... the old bull's son seems to be named Asterios... I don't know how that silly old bull gave birth to a humanoid creature of that standard~"

Shrugging his shoulders, Hydra estimated the time, then put his other eight cyborgs to sleep while he teleported through Space Lune to the third underground level and donned his lab coat. Hydra began to study the composition of the virus.

The infamous Ebola virus was good stuff....

It's almost the start of the school year, things are getting more and more, and the future updates may get a little later, so be prepared!

Also, updates after the school year starts will probably go from the current 3-4 shifts per day with 1500 words per shift to 2K at noon, 4K in the afternoon, and 2K at night. (Conscientious enough as it is.)

Of course, this is if the bounty has met the conditions and is already on the shelves~!

Tickets, please...

Volume I: Text-55...A Vision of War

"Failed again..."

With a helpless sigh, Hydra poured the cloudy liquid from the test tube into the mouth of the Head of Space.

Although it was a failure, but some viruses and even bacteria needed time to brew before they could be born, that is to say even if they failed, these things should not be thrown around, and because of this, the uncomplaining Space Head was the best cover.

A sturdy space could prevent anything dirty from getting out, especially things like germs.

Although it is still in the age of the gods, it is not difficult to produce glass if it is hot enough. It is a non-metallic material such as silicate that forms a continuous network structure when molten, and hardens and crystallizes as its viscosity increases during cooling.

The history of Spartan firing glass has also been for some time, from the first as a treasure, dare not use easily to later let the Greeks and Norse as a treasure, sold to them so that they dare not use easily.

Nowadays, glass is considered a source of income in Sparta, specifically for export. Without knowing the formula, the burned glass would be cloudy and not as beautiful as it is clear and transparent. So as long as the recipe doesn't leak out, there is no doubt about it. The glass would bring Sparta an endless stream of wealth.

Shaking his head, Hydra stretched and tossed his lab coat into a wastebasket on the side while he returned to the Great Shrine via the space rune.

The creation of pathogens was not something that could be discovered by slaves alone, the temperature and humidity of the environment would all have an important effect, for example, a single piece of HIV could barely survive more than five seconds in air, although it could survive for about fifteen days if it was in a liquid environment, although anything contaminated with HIV would be contagious for three days. But the effect this stuff can have in a real battle is just too low.

Unless there was a direct germ warfare attack without discrimination.

But that would be too big a blow to Hydra's reputation, and a bad Hydra would still have the additional title of Epidemic Serpent....

This is not a good thing, Olympus is relying on the blessing of faith, there are now a lot of Greeks have begun to smuggle into Sparta, and the reason is precisely because Sparta is now strong, once now Hydra opposite the name turned into a bad name, although the people of Sparta will not abandon Hydra, but in other words, the people of Greece is also never come to Sparta.

But the happy utopia can only exist in fantasy forever, there are still more than three hundred years, more than three hundred years before Zeus will do his best, pouring all the forces of Greece and even Olympus into this place.

For all Hydra knew alone, the borders of the Peloponnese now had Greek soldiers who had begun to provoke the inhabitants of Sparta.

Divine warfare was forbidden, but fighting on earth was not, knowing that Hydra had made a vow with Zeus not to interfere in mortal affairs.

In other words, no meddling in mortal warfare.

A slight translation would be that Greece could at any time wage a war of aggression against Sparta, from an attack on Sparta to achieve the goal of weakening Hydra.

In fact, Zeus had never paid much attention to such things, knowing that before Hydra had entrenched itself in the Peloponnese and Crete, it was still just a bunch of barbarians with uncivilized folk.

There wasn't even a decent road, and theft was legal. Even a different person wouldn't have paid much attention to the Peloponnese....

To the surprise of the gods, Hydra, relying on her status as a beast, hardened the unity of the human and beast races to make almost radical changes to the barren island. Now Sparta was truly rich in the true sense of the word.

Olympia Mount Olympia connected to the Nordic Wall of the Hollow is for Sparta a constant supply of fine ores and weapons.

According to Hydra's speculation, it was estimated that after fifty years, when Greece as a whole became more solid, Zeus would order the Greek city-states to launch an attack on Sparta.

Although the class of gods who were the main force on both sides couldn't participate in person, it was foreseeable that it would surely be the largest human conflict in the history of Greece.

Not a conflict over land, but a conflict over their beliefs, like the Crusades.

Stone-throwing, eight-bull crossbows. This kind of weapon that was a weapon of mass destruction in the ancient battlefield Hydra had prepared for, the primitive gunpowder equipment was very crude, but because of the rules of this world, the technological tree about gunpowder Hydra was slow to click.

But that didn't stop Hydra from taking a side road.

The waters surrounding the Peloponnese Peninsula were filled with unusually violent sea beasts, and from their bodies, Hydra could even feel the scent of the Book of the Dead. Although it was impossible to manipulate them, their aggressive sea beasts were just as unlikely to take orders from Zeus's group.

And that would be enough.

With the addition of the Amazons, Sparta's only shortcoming, sea combat, had now been filled. The tech tree now blocked gunpowder and sky. With absolute dominion over land and sea, Hydra had plenty of confidence in his Spartan Praetorian army, and they would not fear the Greek army.

Zeus represents the gods of Olympus, while Hydra represents herself.