Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, chapter 53.


I've seen a reader say something about Lunar Runes, so I'll just say it here.

I'm not talking here about Lunn Runes in a single sense, but Lunn Runes that can be used in different combinations to produce different effects. Just like English words, different combinations represent different meanings. Like [Thorn] in the Rune of Loon, [Thom] is an offensive weapon and a means of defense that circles a person and can block an enemy. It represents energy, including excessive violence and sexual desire. It is an ambiguous letter that can imply good luck or suggest that good luck is about to change.

Also, the worlds in this book are not round, but rather separate theocratic worlds. The worlds may merge at a later stage, but at least now they are not round, but rather as they are in each mythology. For example, the roundness of the sky in the East, the world tree in Northern Europe and the giant elephant standing on the back of a tortoise supporting the earth in Indian mythology.


begging for tickets!!!

Volume 1: Text - September Reward

Here's the reward...

I'm not going to be able to do anything about it.

Recommended 2000 a shift.

A monthly pass of 200 a shift.

I'll give you a reward of 10,000 a shift.

Blade 100 a shift.

The number of votes and monthly votes has gone up, but after all, the reward and blades were opened, so let's leave it at that~~.

There's an update tonight.

Volume 1: Text-72 - The Power of Jihad

Sharpened blades and icy shadows continued to flip through the battlefield.

Holding the war spear in his hand, the Celtic warrior would easily pierce the angel in front of him with it.

Angels were also divided into levels, if a blazing angel was a God King level existence, then down the line, a Holy Spirit level angel was the level of a martial artist, while a Son level angel was the Epic Hero level, and the final Holy Spirit level angel was the God level.

Sensing the murderous aura coming from behind him, Cuchulain dodged keenly to the side, then pulled out the spear stuck in the corpse and stabbed the angel that was carrying out the attack behind him.

The red vermilion spear passed through the angel's white porcelain mask, and the powerful kinetic energy caused the white porcelain mask to shatter instantly.

The face hidden beneath the white porcelain was then revealed....

"It's people!"

The man whose body was pierced by a single shot from Chukulin shook violently, his eyes revealing that he was gradually losing his look after some relief....

"What the hell are these angels..."

Swallowing, Cuchulainn looked incredulously around at the people who were battling it out.

"From that lead angel's tone, I don't think we're the first world they've encountered, which means that we're now facing brave people from other worlds who are resisting their tyranny... But if that's the case, what exactly are we doing now? Help these angels eradicate dissent?!"

As Cúchulín was deep in thought, a white figure appeared behind Cúchulín, and when Cúchulín reacted, the angelic face was already close at hand.

As he said that, King Arthur swung his Sword of Oath of Victory to cut the angel who had attacked Cuchulain in pieces.

"This is a battlefield! Are you trying to die by staring here?!"

As he spoke, Arthur frowned.

Swallowing, Cuchulainn took a look at the angels who had been reduced to shards of light and silently gripped the barb-filled vermilion spear in his hand.

"They're not angels, they're men! It's the other world that rebels against these angels as much as we do!"


Arthur's mouth grew wide in surprise, as an epic hero level, Arthur's attacks landed on these angels were usually directly decapitated, and even if they weren't, who would pay attention to a dead body on the battlefield. Plus, once an angel died, it would turn into a burst of light particles and disappear after thirty seconds, so no one had ever discovered the secret behind this white porcelain mask....

Gritting his teeth, Cuchulain retracted the barbs on the jubilee rifle from inside the barrel, then easily ran through an onrushing angel with the jubilee rifle.

Holding the jubilee gun in his hand, Cuchulain shattered his mask with the end of the gun.

A still young face then appeared in front of Arthur and the others.

The face was about in his early twenties, an age that was as bright as a shooting star, but also as dead as a shooting star.

The still childish face merely looked gratefully at the kuchurin in front of it, then gradually lost its life.


Swallowing, it was conspicuous, and even Arthur was just as shocked by the scene in front of him as he could hardly be himself....

As a few people fell into a moment of silence, suddenly, a radiant light emitted from the clouds.

"To kill the righteous with the wicked, to treat the righteous the same as the wicked, this is definitely not what I do. The justice of the Lord who judges all things! Thou knowest not, O ignorant God, that the name of the Father is not to be dishonoured, not to be disobeyed - come! This is the day of Jihad! Its molten lake of sulfur and fire, striking out all evil from its source! The Great Monarch Incandescent Angel!!!"

As the words fell, Michael's body suddenly underwent an unspeakable transformation, the wings of light behind it turned into emerald turquoise feathers, and the hair turned into long fuchsia hair that was like a flame. The pupils became incomparably deep in an instant, even if it was just a one-on-one gaze, one would feel like being watched by millions of people at the same time, and the sounds it made became a mixture between obscurity and clarity, like an identity chant.

Not only physically, Michael's body was instantly covered with armor like a curtain of light, while the burning sword glow in his hand even turned into a dark red cross.

"Emerald wings, magenta hair, all a million faces and mouths and tongues speaking a million tongues, seeking the Father's forgiveness for men..."

Watching Michael quietly from afar, Gabriel's voice was complicated in a moment.

This appearance of Michael meant that he was going to unleash his full power of holy war that was second only to his Heavenly Father.

It was enough power to judge a world with his own power.

It was the same power that represented the complete dissipation of a civilized world as a heresy every time it appeared.

Looking at Michael in the sky, all the angels began to chant verses in its praise while the Celtic warriors rose from the bottom of their hearts in a moment of panic.

The angels' chanting enveloped the entire Celtic world, clearly a holy sound, but it sent chills down the spines of everyone present.

"Move! Take the other side of the wall and head east! Don't look back!!!"

Shouting loudly, the Silver-Armed God King Nuada did not hesitate to turn all the immortal divinity in his body into firewood.

"Wine of blood in the midst of hell! It's better to let me have it all to myself!!!"

Without joy or sorrow, Michael's face was filled with peace, even some sadness.

"The lost sheep na...hear the Father's sigh..."


The monthly ticket reward changed to 200 a shift, did not think that the next door skin shrimp actually only 300 a shift said ... (words that group of big brother is not set update cap and so on east?