Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, chapter 97.

"So... become a shell of me! Be a vehicle for my consciousness! My potential and your ceiling will be the ultimate creature to amaze all things! The Cosmic Tree God Uktarahil! Let us live together!"

Looking at Hydra in front of her, a sweet smile rose to the corners of Uktraciel's lips.



I almost overslept....

Let's beg for a ticket.

As for the extras and such, let's wait until the main story is over~.

Vol. 1: Text-127-The Spirit of the Deacon, and Life with the Son.

Receiving the Tree God's promise, a smile rose to Hydra's lips.

"Youktarashir, believe it, you will never feel the slightest bit of regret for this in the endless years to come-"

As she did, Hydra returned the heart of the tree in her hand to the pale green girl in front of her.

Blinking her tea-colored eyes, a smile rose to the corners of Uktraciel's mouth.

"You seem like a nice person~"

At the news, Hydra couldn't help but laugh.

"Hahahaha, you're the first one to say that, if anyone else had said that I guarantee he would have died in a very uneventful way. I'll make him scream when he's cremated. The hearse will drift over the bend with wheels skidding and the spilled ashes will still be scattered by the wind...but you're different, everything you say is right."

Nodding at the words, holding the heart of the World Tree, which was made even larger by its body, with both hands, the good-natured nodding of the Uktarahil's air emitted an alien rhythm that led to a peaceful state of mind.

It was like the rustling of the wind blowing through the grass, or like the clatter of fish crossing the surface of the water. The strange rhythm soon spread throughout the Nordic world, and all the remaining life forms involuntarily stopped their movements after hearing the strange rhythm.

Even the struggling Nyghold on the ground stopped his grief, and the world seemed to return to calm in this instant.

The pale green eyes fluorescent with a strange glint in them, Uctrasil nodded to this Hydra.

Seeing this, Hydra also responded as if nodding, then not in his own power, the violent magic energy began to evaporate and purify those inferior genes from the female snake Echidna in Hydra's body. Those inferior genes that were expelled from the body began to continuously destroy the surrounding environment, and almost as soon as they landed on the ground, the blood that was expelled from the body took on various forms of its own accord.

Some turned into serpents, others into lizards, and no matter how they changed, these beings that reproduced asexually from Hydra couldn't escape the three types of creatures of the scaly kun.1 These creatures with Hydra blood flowing through their bodies vaulted Hydra the moment they hit the ground, for in their still incomplete minds, their Great Father Hydra seemed to be performing some important ritual.

Hydra, on the other hand, continued to let out low whistles of pain. Still using the bucket as a metaphor, the weight of the water had begun to climb, though the water in the bucket had become less and less. It was as if every drop of water in the bucket weighed a thousand pounds.

The rising mass began to cause cracks to appear in Hydra's flesh, bright red blood was pouring out of the cracks in his armor, and some of Hydra's other eight cyborgs were already screaming in pain.

Just as Hydra was about to burst, Uktraciel reached out for help.

As if the World Tree had regained its full life force in an instant, Uctrasil slowly walked towards Hydra, who was shrieking incessantly in front of him.

Following in the footsteps of Euktrahiel, the branches of the World Tree also continued to move closer to Hydra. Placing his gelatinous palm gently on Hydra's massive forelimb nails. Uktraciel looked into Hydra's eyes.

"A life and death agreement with the son is said. The spirit of the son's execution-"

"Living with the Son!"

After some silence, Hydra and Uctrasil shouted their final declaration at the same time, then. The World Tree began to see violent trembling, a branch like a sharp war spear continuously pierced into its body from Hydra's back, but Hydra's body as if connected to a world accepted the World Tree in its entirety.

Then, the entire Nordic world as a whole began to collapse, and the Land of Fire, the Land of Giants, the Atrium and even Asgard entered Hydra's body along with the branches that followed the World Tree.

It was as if Northern Europe was back to the way it was before the creation of the world, the ground covered in frost, and it was impossible to tell day from night. Looking at Hydra, who was glowing bright green before him, humanized fear was in the eyes of all the surviving beings in the twilight of the gods.

Then, the cuticle on Hydra's body began to lignify. But even so, Hydra's reincarnation did not stop, because of the power of the bloodline Hydra's body was constantly reincarnated between "collapse" and "repair".

Often, a wound would be repaired the moment it collapsed, then collapsed again in a split second, then repaired again, then collapsed again, then repaired, collapsed, repaired....

Like a never-ending cycle of reincarnation, but Hydra could feel that each repair of his own body would make his body more resilient.

In the process of repair, Hydra's body began to grow new branches, relying on the sufficient energy in Hydra's body, those branches began to grow rapidly, densely packed branches soon swallowed Hydra whole into a green light egg. The constant roar that emitted from the light egg was creepy just to listen to.

Just when the other survivors felt hesitant, the Nordic world had already begun to change dramatically, the fire of extinction fell from the endless void, but even the fire of extinction still could not make even the slightest trace of the light egg wrapped in Hydra wither.

On the contrary, amidst the endless flames, the green egg of light grew greener and greener.

Immediately afterwards, with the light egg at the center, the entire world began to collapse in an unprecedented manner. No matter what kind of powerful creature was vulnerable in this world-level ultimate collapse, in just a stunned moment, Nyghold found that one of his forelimbs had been poured by the essence energy of the collapsed space-time shattering city into the emerald green light egg at the center of the collapse.

A great sense of crisis rose from the consciousness of Nignhold and the others, and without further hesitation all the creatures that had survived the Twilight of the Gods began to run towards the cavity in the wall that Hydra had left behind when she arrived here.

Although they didn't know what was on the other side of the wall, one thing they knew very well was that if they continued to stay here, there was no other option waiting for them other than to become a mass of nutrients to feed the light egg....

Even Michael couldn't help but widen his eyes as he felt the near-altering and dramatic changes taking place on the other side of the wall.

With a long sigh, Micaiah's eyes refocused.

"We have yet to experience that the light of the Father will reach the other side of all things!"

Hiding in the shadowed crevices of the world, Naiatolatip made a cold, playful sound.


Asking for monthly tickets!!!

Is it so hard to even make it into the top 10 of the new book list! qaq!!!!

Volume 1: Text-128-World Soo Sang, Naga Sea People

Because of the disappearance of the World Tree, the entire world fell into absolute silence, except for the occasional sound emitted by the green light eggs.

After an unknown number of ten thousand years, the green light spawn emitted a crisp sound.


A long, pale sigh emanated from the light egg, and Hydra's hand tore through it and emerged from it.

Crouching on the ground, Hydra emerged in a new position above the empty world.

After a long silence, Hydra let out a long whistle.

"The feeling of newness-"

As he said that, Hydra moved his body.

The current Hydra was no longer that pale blue body, its scales had metamorphosed from a cuticle into a stable layer of wood, not dead wood, instead, the wood was filled with infinite life. This could be seen from the emerald green ancient tree on Hydra's body....

Yes, a quaint and gnarled giant tree grew out of Hydra's back, and beneath the canopy of that giant tree was situated this beautiful little hut. Uctrasil was sitting on the swing in front of the cottage, playing constantly.

But Uktraciel is no longer what it was, and in the beginning, Uktraciel was more the consciousness of the Nordic world than the consciousness of the World Tree. And it was only after the demise of the Nordic world that Euktrahiel achieved Masamune himself.

"Are you leaving this world that is dead?"