Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, chapter 110.

"You that you're going to say Sparta again, right?"


As she said it, Attila nodded calmly.

"I don't know what it is, but the city exudes a thriving, uplifting vibe, rather than the heavy, upright decrepitude of the city."

At the news, Gandalf also nodded in deep agreement.

"Yes, you are saying exactly what makes Sparta a desirable place to live. It's a city that has the essence of a city that thrives no matter where it is. It's precious, and something that is hard for a city to have. And the person who built this city you would never expect would actually be a beast. A magical beast yet made a civilization that no human could make... It's a lamentable thing..."

As he spoke, Gandalf stroked his long beard.

With a silent nod, Attila was about to say something when suddenly a bald man with two chain blades pinned to the back of his hands arrived in front of Attila.

"I am Quintus, and the Great Lord invites the two of you to a visit to the Great Shrine."

At the words, Attila blinked, then looked behind him to Gandalf.

After a moment of silence, Gandalf nodded calmly.

"Now that we have that out of the way, lead the way."

In response, Quintus nodded and then headed to the high point in the center of the city, the Great Shrine.

The journey wasn't very far, and with the strength of the crowd's feet, they soon arrived in front of the Great God's Palace.

Entering the Great Shrine, Hydra had obviously been waiting for some time.

"Welcome to Sparta~ Word is, I didn't expect you to meet Gandalf~"

As she spoke, Hydra opened her hand.

Alertly looking at the smiling Hydra in front of him, the length of two thousand meters caused Attila to feel a moment of oppression.

Under this oppression Attila subconsciously summoned his weapon, the rainbow-like splendor of the Vorpal Sword.

Stopping Quintus' movement, Hydra calmly looked at Attila in front of her.

"The weapon in your hand should be the Vorpal Sword, right? He and Quintus are old acquaintances, but now you've got him... well, I should say you've got him as a matter of fact. How does it feel? The power on the Vorpal Sword is made from the concentrated souls of countless dead warriors. But then again, by the looks of you, the current you should not have fully accepted the power within the Vorpal Sword, right?"

Upon hearing that, Attila nodded quietly after a moment's silence.

But then. Amidst the incredulous gazes of Gandalf and the others, Attila didn't hesitate to grip the Vorpal Sword and charge towards Hydra in front of him.

The stirring power continued to gather on the blade, and Attila instantly exploded with a speed that even Skaha, who was on the side, didn't have time to react.

Looking at the rainbow sword that cut in front of him, Hydra merely extended her two fingers.

"Do not be manipulated by the thoughts inside the sword, do not be afraid. I am not hostile."

As she said that, Hydra released the blade from her hand.

Hydra could make a slight guess about Attila's actions. It was nothing, although the runes about grief and hatred in the Vorpal Sword had been erased, but because it had absorbed too many evil thoughts, the Vorpal Sword would still do damage when Attila's newborn gap was created.

And Hydra's current body was in the state of a World Tree, which meant that the Vorpal Sword would subconsciously treat Hydra as an enemy....

Looking calmly at Attila before her, Hydra continued.

"The evil thoughts in the Zangief Sword are far greater than you can imagine, a conglomeration of all the evil thoughts that were under the Nordic tundra. And now I am one with the Nordic World Tree, so do not be affected by the evil thoughts and curses in the sword...we are not enemies. The leader of the Huns, Attila."

In the meantime, Attila tightened his brow at the words.



Volume I: Text - 143 - Friendly Alliances

"So strong..."

Bleak cold pupils stared at Hydra in front of him, and although his face was treacherous, waves of panic had risen in Attila's heart.

Attila possessed an intuitive understanding of his own strength, and that strike just now could have absolutely blasted through a thick iron door with ease. But it was easily suppressed by Hydra....

As she thought, Attila's miserable pupils rose with an indescribable glare.

Seeing this, Hydra was somewhat helpless.

"The supervisor's is hostile towards me, we won't be able to have a friendly conversation if you keep acting like this."

One said.

, Hydra kindly grabbed a handful of sweets and piled them in front of Attila....

Pupils narrowed and Attila's throat moved up and down. Then he looked at a good-natured Hydra.


As he said that, Attila put away his zanpakuto and stood in place. But even though he was standing in place, his eyes still looked to the side of the candy mountain from time to time....

It should be noted that Hydra's fingers alone were over fifty meters, and that was if Hydra could have reduced the proportions of her upper body. Hydra's handful of candies translated to a full mountain of candy. In addition to fruit candies there were all sorts of sandwich candies and even gummy candies....

Shrugging her shoulders, Hydra pushed the mountain of sugar in front of Attila's face.

"Take your time to taste it, we'll talk while we eat."

Upon hearing that, Attila nodded quickly, then immediately plunged into the mountainous pile of sugar.

Just as Hydra was about to say something, Attila on the other hand suddenly said, "Don't call me Attila, I hate that name. Call me Attila."

At the words, looking at Attila's serious gaze, Hydra nodded her head.

"Feel free, if you say so, then there's no harm in calling you Attila..."

As she spoke, Hydra looked at Attila in front of her.

"Then I'll cut to the chase and get straight to the point. I've heard your name, King of the Huns, Attila. If I remember correctly, you would have completely ruled that world of yours by now, right?" And your next step should be, unsurprisingly, an invasion of other civilized worlds. Right?"

Upon hearing that, Attila did not retort, but nodded without flinching.

"Yes, the original unsurprising Spartan was supposed to be my next target."

At the words, a curious smile rose on Hydra's lips.

"So now what?"

After a moment of silence, Attila looked over at Hydra.