Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, chapter 259.


Catching the train tomorrow, lately I've been going to bed at 5pm (in the morning) and waking up at 1:30pm, so I'll have to adjust my biological clock... probably less shifts begging for tickets....

Volume 2: Extra - 13 - Victory

White Nightmare's gaze looked a little hesitant, as the guy in front of him had died at least ten times at his hands....

But after each death, he would recover in a bizarre manner.

Even White Nightshade himself had more than once reached Hydra's body to fly ash, and on several occasions even the fly ash was completely obliterated. But even so, this fellow called Hydra would be reborn on the spot after he stopped his own energy output.

Because of this, White Night Fork finally knew the rules of the game that forbade off-field assistance. In other words, if you want to regain your full power, you need to apply to the Buddha Gate.

In other words, if you want to regain your full strength, you need to apply to the Buddhist sect. Although you can get your own divine essence no matter what, if you get in touch with the Buddhist sect, you will have violated the "off-field help" rule in the game.

Originally, I thought this guy was cutting his own path........

Looks like this Hydra guy is trying to grind himself to death....

But more importantly....

"It was clear what tactics I wanted to use, but I couldn't crack it because of the rules Prophet couldn't, right?"

Hydra's face was filled with ease and naturalness, one could even say a bit of provocation.

Looking at Hydra in front of him, White Night Fork somehow felt a little itchy.

The White Night Fork said with a tender smile, "I'm a little curious as to what your ability is... Under the rules of the Box Court, it's impossible to produce immortality. In the Box Court, monotheism doesn't work..."

At the news, Hydra shrugged her shoulders and spoke bluntly.

"Yes, it's true that I can't do absolute immortality. But that depends on who you are, and in your case, you can never kill me."

As she said that, Hydra snapped her fingers.

"This is my Mock Genesis Chart - Uctrasil. You know better than me what the Simulated Genesis Chart is, and it is absolutely impossible for you to destroy the Simulated Genesis Chart with your power alone. Because your power cannot override the worldview of the Box Court, as long as that you cannot perceive the weakness of the Simulated Genesis Map and destroy it, you are hungry to never kill me."

Throughout all of this, Hydra had never said what her ability to simulate the creation of a star map was.

In the face of an existence that would never be able to hurt him, Hydra might have said it. But if the opponent was an existence of the same level, Hydra's kind of villainy that all villains had wouldn't have committed....

Especially in a battle.

Spilling the beans on this matter was simply the same as seeking death. Who knows if White Nightmare actually has any skills regarding mental disruption and such....

But despite that, caution was caution. In terms of momentum, one must never fall short of the White Nightmare....

"How are you supposed to win me?"

Hydra's voice hinted at a faint sneer.

"Your so-called attacks are all defense in my eyes. And I don't need defense at all, just attack. Taking ten punches to wound you is what I've earned! I love doing business without money~"

As he said that, Hydra's body rose up with a substantial magical glow. There was no hint of defense, it was clearly all offense. This kind of great method of exchanging injuries for wounds would never have dared to do so if it were placed on anyone else.

But just like Hydra said, even if he took ten punches from the White Nighthawk, as long as his own strike could hit on the White Nighthawk, he could just give it a hemorrhage. And himself? It's the idiot who doesn't do business that doesn't lose money....

White Nightshade needed to use some of its power for defense and as evasion. Hydra, on the other hand, uses all of her power for attack.

This worthy scoundrel's dispatch is very unpleasant for White Nightmare. In human terms, Hydra was a jerk of an old man. By virtue of his old age, Hydra constantly used the privileges that belonged to elders. Even though Internet users despised the old man and abused him no matter how much they despised him, the truth was that there was no harm done to an old man who didn't even know what the Internet was....

Looking at Hydra, who was once again ready to come at him, White Nightshade raised an eyebrow.

"I concede-"

This gnashing of teeth made Hydra feel inexplicably relieved, it was not just human nature, it was a nature shared by all intelligent creatures. Watching someone who was hostile to her and of similar strength choose to admit defeat with a stifled face....


Shrugging her shoulders, Hydra stopped her own attack.

Although the clothes had been somewhat torn in the battle by the White Nightmare's incessant attacks, this kind of thing was just a bit of a mess on the surface... in essence, it was basically impossible to harm oneself...

Taking a sigh of relief, although feeling inexplicably unhappy, Hydra's strength was solidly put there.

And all he had to give was just answering Hydra's three questions head-on... With an existence of Hydra's strength, most of Box Court's hidden secrets Hydra would know sooner or later. Now to tell him is just to advance the time, but also can incidentally sell Hydra a favor. Why not?

"Zee, but still so unpleasant."

Looking at the faint smile on Hydra's face, White Nightmare somehow felt filled with sarcasm....

Rather, the face of the Reverse Sixteen Nights was filled with an excited look.

"By the way Hydra why are you able to keep resurrecting? As I said to the White Nightmare, you can't be immortal under the Box Court's worldview, can you?"

Shrugging her shoulders, Hydra somewhat helplessly patted the Reverse Sixteen Nights on the shoulder.

"There's no way I would tell outsiders about a secret problem like this~ Although it's true that I can't reach the point of immortality, but at least I would never die if I didn't want to~"

"Unless there's a guy who can kill me by carrying the box court's worldview on his hard shoulder~"

While hearing Hydra's words, the White Nightmare on the side raised his eyebrows with small interest. Because Hydra's words had revealed something....

As long as he doesn't want to die he won't does he want to die?

I'm not sure, but it does have the potential to become a reality....

So thinking, the White Nightmare nodded.

Then with an unhappy face.

"Well, now that the game is over, what question did you want to ask me?"

Stroking her chin, a faint smile rose on Hydra's face.

"It's not really a too-secret question, but I'm interested in the composition of the Box Court~"


I've seen some readers say that the strength after the White Nightmare Panchakarma is four digits, not three. I know this, and the main reason for writing this is to prepare for the rest of the story, which is a kind of magic change. It's normal for an individual's strength to change in a variety novel, because some parts of it would be jarring without the magic change....

The biggest difference between an omnibus and a homo is that a true homo would portray the story with a fixed worldview that is constantly changing... (personal opinion, no offense)


Begging for tickets....

Volume 2: Extra - 14 - The Journey Home