Me, Hydra

I, Hydra. Chapter 265.

Looking at Luos in front of him, White Nightmare smiled abruptly.

"You and your grandfather are quite a resemblance! A woman who uses dirty tricks when she's drunk to make her fall from a star spirit to a god. You, on the other hand, are relying on what's behind you to help the tiger." As he said that, White Nightmare's expression grew cold. The amber pupils were filled with an inviting and bone-chilling coldness.

"Are you really surprised that what you're messing with now is just a Community that has lost its name? No, you're wrong. Big mistake. What you're about to face will be a huge wheel, and as for you... you're not even a praying mantis. Just a stink bug..."

Looking at the White Nighthawk in front of him, Luos' face also changed slightly in color.

He didn't think that White Nighthawk would say anything without a purpose, but just a mere nobody, even the banner was lost... and how could it be due to the power of his own confrontation...

Is it possible that the White Nightmare is secretly helping out?

No...the current White Nightshade was being watched by the Buddhists...there was no way he would do something out of the ordinary like that. As a Class Dominator, White Nightmare also knew what he had to face in helping Nameless win in the game of grace....

"Yeah? Then I'll be waiting for that so-called wheel~"

As he said that, Luos' face was full of provocation.

The district was just a nobody, so what if it was no more powerful? How much more can you make?

"You do not yet know what you are will even bring disaster to your flock..."

As he said that, White Nighthawk left the living room filled with harmony and breeze with a light smile. Looking at the smile that flowed from the corner of White Nightshade's mouth, it was as if Luos had received a great mockery.

"Che, a prisoner under surveillance in the district is actually arrogant like this..."

Although he thought so, Luos didn't say it, because once he said it himself, it would be like giving White Nighthawk a reason to act openly and honestly.

After all, White Nighthawk was only nominally pan-dependent on the Buddhists, and if the Buddhists knew that he had called White Nighthawk a prisoner....

If you really get into a fight, the Buddhists probably won't help themselves....

With a cold snort, Luos also headed to the other hotels in Thousand Eyes.

There were so many beautiful women in the Eastern District, why bother being angry with a Demon King who was imprisoned and monitored? A woman is most beautiful when she's in bed with her legs apart...


At least that was indeed true for Luos, who had wandered among the women since childhood.

This would have been the thinking of the vast majority of heroes in Greek mythology as well, the people are all about results...and in the process leading up to that result, it is enough to win....

Begging for tickets....

Volume 2: Extra - 20 - First meeting with Luos

The silent night soon passed in everyone's sleep, and when people opened their eyes again the time had already arrived at noon the next day.

Because of the fact that he had always thought of Leticia, the black rabbit crawled out of bed early. Leticia's stone statue was still lying quietly on the sofa, without any breath of life, which undoubtedly cast a layer of gloom over the sunny morning.......

With pursed lips, the black rabbit picked up the blanket and placed it over Leticia's body...or statue.

"There's no need to worry about her" Hydra had appeared at some point behind the Black Rabbit, who had woken up with him, followed by Black Chastity.

"It's just petrification, it will be lifted soon."

As he said that, Hydra directed his gaze towards the group of people behind him who had just woken up and said lightly, "Our goal this time is simple, and you should all be aware of it. Using the Perseus Community as a stepping stone, we will take out the nameless reputation first."

"It should have been like this a long time ago, didn't we come to the Box Court just to have fun, let's fight first~"

As he said that, Reverse Sixteen Nights viciously rubbed his knuckles, apparently, Reverse Sixteen Nights could be said to be maintaining sufficient battle intent for the upcoming war.

"Finally, I can let go of the fight for once!"

Reverse Sixteen Nights thought so, as if there was a flame burning in his eyes.

Since coming to the Box Court, Reverse Sixteen Nights seemed to have really had a good fight, the battle with Hydra could be said to have been defeated in an oppressive manner, and other than that one battle, basically Reverse Sixteen Nights hadn't been doing anything.

Hard to say, those messengers sent over by Jald the day before yesterday...forget about it, that group of existences that were considered low in the seven digits, Reverse Sixteen Nights hadn't even put it in their eyes....

With a glance at the sixteen nights beside him, the long-suffering bird said with a calm face, "Then let's leave after breakfast, just to freshen up as well."

At the words, Hydra, who was on the other side, nodded calmly.

"Let's do that then, once we've freshened up, let's go find the White Nightmare... All former cadres of the Thousand Eyes Community, the White Nightmare must know that Luos guy is there..."

At the news, the crowd nodded as well.

Once again, they came to the White Nightmare's shop, and this time, the crowd wasn't over for a friendly, gracious appraisal like last time.

The kimono-clad maid-san, still cleaning, saw Hydra and the others, and this time she didn't stop them in the slightest, even wishing Hydra and the others would hurry inside.

"Luos is inside, if you all are here to find him just go inside. Lord White Nightmare has been waiting for a long time."

When she said Luos again, the maid's eyes couldn't help but flash with a glint of obvious disgust.

Luos was an extremely dissipated hedonist... This sounded familiar, because if Hydra remembered correctly, the twelve main gods of Greece were basically hedonists except for the very few like Hades, Hephaestus, and Ares. Zeus, in particular, could be said to have changed his ways of mating....

Like the other Greek gods, Luos is also an extremely absurd and extremely addicted to the existence of women, for the maid this kind of posture is good and occupy the imperial sister attributes of mature women, Luos can not take advantage of a lot.

But as said, Luos only interested in the imperial sister attribute, other attributes such as loli, black long straight and other attributes can even be said to be bored. It was precisely because of this that he sent Leticia to crusade against Nameless, rather than staying in the Community as a pet....

"That's not how a maid-san used to be~"

Seeing the disgust in the maid's eyes, Reverse Sixteen Nights couldn't help but start poking fun at her. But in response, the maid-san didn't say anything more, but instead snorted at Reverse Sixteen Nights then shouted towards the house, "White Nightmare-sama, Hydra-san and the others are here."

"Let them in."

White Nightshade's voice was inexplicably filled with a tone that was hard to explain....

It's like seeing someone you hate about to fall into a hole you've dug....

Pushing open the door, what introduced the eye was a loli White Nightmare in a kimono and a young man with a tuft of yellow hair on his head.

If I wasn't mistaken, this man should be the target of Hydra's trip. Luos Pathews now.

The sight of the nameless crowd was nothing, but when it saw the black rabbit its eyes very clearly lit up.

"Is this your maid? Those legs are still just too tempting to play with!"

"I'm sorry about that, but the black rabbit's legs are my property!"

The Reverse Sixteen Nights on the side rightfully said so.

And Kyuubey added, without hesitation, "Exactly what we have."

As she said that, Hydra had sat down on that futon next to the White Nightmare.

"It looks like you're upset with him that."