Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 1280 Asia Minor Fleet

The Asia Minor Joint Fleet stationed in the port of Halicarnassus knew this well. They even knew that hundreds of Dionian warships were escorting these fleets, and later nearly a hundred of the Greek city-states were added. Warships, other than that, no other enemy fleet has been seen in the Aegean Sea. The combined fleet of Asia Minor has twice the number of warships of the opponent. So after discussion, the Asia Minor fleet decided to go north to the Missia waters to capture the warplanes. .

At the beginning of November, the Asia Minor fleet went northward in mighty force. When it reached the waters near the entrance of Hellespoon, the Greek coalition fleet had already been informed that it had already escaped. The Asia Minor fleet, unwilling to return empty-handed, made a posture of returning southward at dusk. , In fact, quietly entered the port of Illesus on Lesvos not far south of the landing place of the Dionian army.

Lesvos Island has two crab-like tongs. The two tongs were not completely closed. The center formed a bay with its entrance facing the south and away from the Hellespong Strait. It temporarily concealed the Greek coalition forces and led to the second When a transport fleet of 70 cargo ships of the Greek Allied Forces sailed unsuspectingly into the waters near Ilion, the Asia Minor fleet suddenly appeared and attacked it, almost destroying the entire fleet.

When the attack of the Asia Minor Fleet was about to end, the Fourth Fleet of Dionia hurried over, and the Persian and Asia Minor Fleet immediately gathered the warships and set up a battle to fight with it.

In view of the huge difference in the number of warships, the Dionian Fourth Fleet sensibly chose to retreat, while the Persian and Asia Minor Fleet had been chasing the fleeing Greek cargo ships back and forth. The sailors were a bit tired and had no intention of fighting again, and then returned to Ilesu. Port.

On the second day, the Asia Minor fleet reappeared in the waters near the entrance of the Hellespong Strait, but did not find any traces of the Greek coalition fleet or fleet. They patrolled for most of the day and found nothing, and finally returned in anguish.

In the evening of this day, the senior generals of the Asia Minor Fleet held a military meeting to discuss the issue of whether the fleet should return to Halicarnassus as soon as possible.

Most of the admirals from the Greek city-states of Asia Minor thought: "The Greek coalition forces have learned their lesson from yesterday’s failure. As long as we are still on this day, their fleet will probably not appear. And the Asia Minor fleet has a large crew, Lesvos Island Obviously it is not possible to provide enough supplies, and it is more troublesome to obtain supplies from the nearby coastal city-states of Asia Minor. More importantly, the Asia Minor fleet has been stunned, and logistical supplies are very important to the Greek coalition forces. The Kingdom of Dionia is absolutely not They will give up and they will definitely send reinforcements. Don’t forget that the Dionians have thousands of warships!"

The Persian naval commanders thought: "Although the Asia Minor fleet has achieved a bit of success, it is not enough to boast to Fanabazos, nor is it enough to attract the attention of the Persian king. Even because the Greek coalition fleet is avoiding the fleet. As a result, the fleet may not achieve any obvious results in the future, but as long as the fleet exists in this sea area for one more day, it will cut off the supply of the Greek coalition forces for one day, making the Greek coalition forces a little jealous and giving the Asia Minor Army that is still being formed. Provide assistance.

As for logistical supplies, they don't need to worry about them. As long as they ask for help from Fanabazos, he will naturally write a letter asking nearby areas to provide assistance to the entire fleet.So far, we haven’t received any news of the appearance of other Dionian fleets in the Aegean Sea. Even if they do intend to attack, it cannot be done in a short time. The Asia Minor fleet can rest assured to stay here for a few more days. Get more combat exploits."

Although most of the ships of the Asia Minor fleet were provided by the Greek city-states, the commanding power was in the hands of the Persians. They insisted that the naval leaders of the Greek city-states naturally couldn’t object, so the Asia Minor fleet continued on the next day. Cruising in the waters, but when they returned to the station at dusk, they got a shocking news: A fleet of Dionian ships with an astonishing number of warships appeared near the waters of Kos Island and was heading north along the coast of western Asia Minor.

It turned out that after receiving the order from the Ministry of Military Affairs, the commanders of the three major fleets of Dionia, Sekelian, Midolades, and Stefakas, after some discussions, they decided to temporarily prevent the fleet from going to Croatia. After all, thousands of warships were dispatched on the island of Crete. The momentum is too great to attract attention. It will inevitably arouse the vigilance of the enemy and fail to lead the snake out of the cave. In addition, the port conditions of Crete must support the three fleets. The long-term stationing of personnel is also difficult, so they decided to let the three major fleets go to Messenia and Lagnia first.As the most important relay station between the sacred kingdom of Dionian and the mainland of Greece, these two kingdoms’ affiliates have vigorously built port facilities during the past few years, which can fully meet the needs of the fleet and crew.The fleet was stationed on the southern coast of the Peloponnese, and at the same time, it paid close attention to the movements of the western coast of Asia Minor. Once a fighter appeared, it would attack quickly.

After Daves agreed to their proposal, the three major fleets were stationed in Messenia and Laconia, and they were rarely dispatched in peacetime. They occasionally needed training to cultivate the tacit understanding between the fleets, but only a few. Of warships, and proceeded in the bay.

Since the southern waters of the Peloponnese are now the heart of the Dionian Kingdom’s sphere of influence in the Eastern Mediterranean, it is impossible for merchant ships from Persia and Asia Minor to enter. Therefore, the Persians have no knowledge of all the Dionysians in the Western Mediterranean. The Asian fleet has moved east.

Compared with Dionian’s strict control over the western waters of the Eastern Mediterranean, Persia’s management of the eastern waters is relatively loose, especially on the western coast of Asia, where Dionian has a lot of eyeliners, so the Persian Asia Minor fleet Just established, the Dionian fleet quickly learned.

A few days after the Asia Minor fleet went northward, the three major fleets of Dionia went out of the port and moved eastward together. Thanks to Dionian’s vigorous promotion and funding of the Greek allies to improve port facilities and maintain sea routes in the past few years, Dai When the Onia fleet traverses the Aegean Sea, it can not only get timely water replenishment on nearby islands, but sometimes it can even travel at night when the weather is good. Therefore, when the Dionian fleet arrives near the coastal waters of Asia Minor, Asia Minor The fleet is still cruising in the waters of Helles.

After the generals of the Asia Minor Fleet learned of this news, they had no confidence in fighting with the three major fleets of Dionia, which had far more warships than their own. They were also concerned about providing help to the army, and immediately decided to lead the fleet back south.In order to avoid a head-on collision with the Dionian fleet, after passing through the island of Kaios, the Asia Minor fleet began to move away from the coast, attempting to sail southwestward, making a large circle, and avoiding the Dionian fleet.

Who knows that the commanders of the Dionian fleet specially arranged for the second fleet to go near the sea, the first fleet to the remote sea, and the third fleet to connect in the middle, in order to prevent missing the enemy. Each fleet has widened the front, like a large open. Net, to catch the big fish of the Asia Minor fleet.

It should be said that the Asia Minor fleet is a bit lucky. A merchant ship from the western city-state of Asia Minor kindly reminded the Asia Minor fleet that "the Dionian fleet is coming towards them". The Persian generals who heard the news suddenly panicked: facing Dai The Oonia fleet is pressing harder and harder, and the Asia Minor fleet is no longer able to continue to detour west, otherwise the fleet will go deep into Dionia’s sphere of influence in the Aegean Sea, without any supplies, and will soon collapse without fighting. Therefore, there is only one way before them. Let the fleet approach the coast of Asia Minor as soon as possible and hide in a town’s port to avoid the fate of destruction.

So the Asia Minor fleet made an emergency turn around and headed straight for Tokyu, passing through Samos, and attempting to enter the port of Ephesus before the Dionian fleet could catch up.

Ephesus is a large city on the western coast of Asia Minor. Not only does it have thick walls, but also has plenty of supplies. The Asia Minor fleet can avoid it for a long time until the Dionian fleet has to leave.

The Persians had a good idea, but it was a pity that the Dionian fleet was prepared. The second fleet led by Midolades quickly passed through the narrow Strait of Samos, and the warship was "one" in the waters near Ephesus. The words expand to prevent the Eastward flight of the Asia Minor fleet.

The commanders of the Asia Minor fleet, who learned of the situation ahead through the Clippers, were facing a dangerous situation of interception in the front and chasing troops in the back. Like ants on a hot pot, they were panicked and overwhelmed. They were forced to flee in a hurry. The nearest port of Samos.

Samos Island is separated from the western continent of Asia Minor by only a narrow strait, which makes it, like Bosworth Island, actually belong to one of the Ionian islands. It was once an important member of the Delian League established by Athens. Later, after the Corinthian War, Athens gradually recovered its strength. It again joined the Athenian Maritime Alliance. However, Athens was defeated by Dionia. Compared with Dionia, who was far away in the Western Mediterranean and made Samos unfamiliar. The Samos were closer to Persia, and later it was attracted by some decree issued by the Persian king in order to win over the Greeks in western Asia Minor and put down the rebellion faster, and finally fell to Persia completely.

When the Asia Minor fleet fled into the port, the three major fleets of Dionia arrived quickly. The sentries on the port lighthouse and the outpost looked at the Dionia warships that were laid out on the sea outside the port. I feel numb on my scalp.

However, the Summers, who had provided more than a dozen warships to the Asia Minor fleet, had a fluke in their hearts: Although the Dionian fleet was powerful, they could not attack from the land or stay here for a long time. Will leave helplessly.