Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 32 Blockbuster (Part 2)

"They may say,'Great ancestors! It is your heroic deeds that have given us strength! Encourage our confidence! Let us accomplish an unprecedented cause!'"

"Will there be such a day?" Tima Song breathed tightly, clenching his fists and muttered.

The leaders were also tempted by Daveus's hypothesis and indulged in it.But they did not know that in history, a Macedonian named Alexander, after decades of retreat by the Greeks, inspired the soldiers to embark on a journey to attack the Persian Empire...

When the soldiers were intoxicated by the fictional beauty of Daphes, Davos reached out and took a wooden stick from Yasisters. The words changed: "Soldiers, some people may ask,'Daveus You said so well, but there is a key issue. First, we have to return to Greece peacefully.'"

Seeing that the soldiers were still listening attentively, Daphes continued, "I don't want to say more about combat issues. Because the leaders such as Kirithops and Timmasong, as well as the combat experience here, are very rich, Most of you have participated in the fight against Athens and won the victory. This is not comparable to the Persians who enjoy comfort all the year round."

Hearing this, Xenophon pouted.

"What I want to say is that in such a difficult situation, each of us is like a wooden stick in my hands--" Daveus picked up the wooden stick and broke it into two pieces with a little effort.Then, he broke another one: "It was easily broken. But when they all got together--" Daveus grabbed all the remaining sticks and walked to a tall and strong compound by the table Passing around the soldier, he asked, "Brother, what is your name?"

"Eberts." said the soldier.

"Can you break it?"

The soldiers stared at Ebertus intently, only to see that his face was flushed, and he tried his best to break a wooden stick, but in vain.

"Thank you, brother!" Daveus patted his shoulder and thanked him.

Ebertus blushed and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Soldiers, you have all seen it. A single wooden stick can be easily broken by a skinny young man like me. But when they get together, even the strongest warrior can't get them with their full strength. ,This shows what?"

Xenophon nodded, and he now knew what Davos meant.Of course, the smart man is not the only one. Some soldiers shouted: "Unity! It is unity!......" After being reminded by some soldiers, everyone also understood.

"That's right, it's unity!" Speaking of now, Daveus has completely let go, and he even changed his name: "Brothers, we come from various city-states in Greece. Usually because of customs and personality, there are some Small contradictions and small conflicts. However, we are all Greeks of the same blood, and under the great goal of returning home safely and making history, any problems within us should melt away like ice and snow in the sun! Like our predecessors who resisted the invasion of the Persians, we must be closely united together, not shaken by the rumors of the Persians, and confidently give our backs to our teammates to protect! We should not only unite in spirit, but also To unite wisdom and face the difficulties encountered on the way home, brothers, don’t leave all the problems to the leaders to solve, you have to take the initiative to find a way. As long as we think about a way together, then any problems Pour us!

Brothers, let us unite like a person!Then this person's power can be as strong as Ares!Wisdom is as deep as Athena!The enemies and difficulties on the road will be easily crushed by us!"At this point, Davers raised his fists high and shouted: "Brothers, please remember, we can create miracles as long as we unite!Every step forward we are making history!Let's fight together side by side!!"

"Wow!!!!!" The cheers from the ground shook the earth, enduring.

"Daveus! Daveus!..." The audience shouted his name, and many people shed tears in excitement.Some people even cried out begging: "Say more! Daveus, say more..."

As soon as Daveus walked to the wooden platform, the soldiers gathered around them, and they lifted him together, and then passed from the front to the back, as if the general returned from victory.

This made Kriano, who was about to take the stage, dumbfounded: The morale of the soldiers has been incited to such a degree, is it necessary for others to go up?

"At least in terms of speech, he is better than any of us!" Zantiparis heartily exclaimed.

"Warfare is not based on mouth, and eventually it must be solved with a bayonet shield!" Tima Song said unwillingly.

Looking at Davos thrown away in the distance, Xenophon said in his heart that it was impossible not to be jealous, because Hironimos was not good at words, so Xenophon sought the consent of Khorisops and prepared Playing for the leader, he made careful preparations and wanted to show his talents in front of the army, but now this situation...

Kirithops actually agreed with Timmasong in his heart that the Spartans were always tired of the Athenians’ eloquence, just as the Athenians hated the Spartans’ old-fashioned tradition, but he also had to admit that Dai Firth's performance exceeded his imagination, not only reaching but exceeding the goal of inspiring the whole army.It seems that this young man can be selected as the leader, not only by the name of the god, but also by his talents...

The squadron captains of the Mennon Barracks were also full of surprises. Watching Daveus was cheered by soldiers from other camps, even Amintas, who had some opinions about Daveus’s elected leader, couldn’t help but say to Antonios: “We This new leader seems pretty good." You know, he used to call Davos "little guy".

Antonius smiled: Daveus, Daveus, you always surprise people!


In the end, Crisopus went up again, announcing tomorrow's withdrawal, marching north, and informing the whole army of the matters needing attention and preparations.

The General Assembly ended.

The soldiers scattered around recollected the speech of Daveus with great interest, and praised all of them: this "beloved" really deserved reputation!

The soldiers of the Davis Barracks surrounded their new leader in praise, heading back to the camp with their heads high, and then proclaiming his deeds to the soldiers left behind.

Daveus finally got rid of the excited soldiers and returned to his original tent, only to suddenly remember that Mennon's military account was his new home.

When he walked to his new home, Mercis was standing in the doorway.He greeted him and said weirdly, "Daveus, there are people waiting for you."

"who is it?"

"You know when you go in." Mercis looked at Nunu's mouth toward the military tent, his expression awkward.

Daveus opened the curtain curiously. There was a man, a woman, a tall, graceful woman standing in the center of the tabernacle...

Since Davis’ rebirth, he has seen Greek and Egyptian women of this era in Mersey’s yoke camp and Hepps’s medical camp, but there are quite a lot of women, but there is no woman, just looking at the back. Let him have desire in his heart...

Where did Mercy find it?Davers couldn't help swallowing.