Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 92 Battle of the Great River Beach (3)

For a time, there was chaos in the camp, and they could not gather enough warriors to repel the riots caused by the Vige in revenge...

"Captain, look!" outside the camp of Lucania, shouting excitedly at the watching mercenary cavalry.

Ledes was annoyed because he didn't stop all the soldiers who reported to Lucania. He didn't expect the enemy's camp to catch fire. Then he saw the people inside started to fight each other. He couldn't believe his eyes.

"Captain, it's infighting! The enemy is infighting!!" The cavalry next to him continued to shout excitedly.

Lydes suppressed his inner excitement and observed it for a while. After confirming it, he said: "Quick! Go back and tell the leader Daveus that the enemy camp is seriously infighted and has no ability to send reinforcements!"


Davers did not know that there was an internal conflict in the Lucania camp, and he was now worried about the situation in front of him.

Despite the poorly equipped and lack of physical strength of the Lucania warriors, and the slipping of their feet (the muddy beaches were muddled due to frequent trampling), they were still like the tide in the sea, wave after wave hitting the Greek defense line, they The bloodiness of her was also stimulated by the screams of her compatriots: even if they were stabbed by the spear, they would not let go of the spear; they were knocked down by the round shield, they would desperately catch the Greek soldiers before sliding down the slope Feet...

The defense line north of the Greek army was crumbling.

"Report, the leader of Drakos fell!"

"What?!" Daveus was startled, and behind the heavy infantry front, he had felt the commotion of mercenaries ahead, and the commotion was spreading.

"Let Aqita draw 300 people to support the north!" Daveus said anxiously.

"Chief, you have given this order before. Tarantum has no soldiers at all, and they are very difficult!" Yasistes reminded.

"Yes." Davers rubbed his face with his hands. For the first time, he independently commanded such a big battle. It was related to the future fate of his soldiers. He was a little nervous.He took a deep breath, tried his best to calm himself, and then decisively ordered: "Order the slaves and light shield soldiers into battle!"

Then he looked back at Maltius: "It's time we played!"

"Oh!" Maltius excitedly patted the shield with a saber, and the guards dropped their bayonets, pulled out the saber, and roared loudly.Experienced they know that in such an extremely crowded battlefield, long weapons are no longer useful.

Daveus rushed up first, and Maltius's escort followed him, quickly protecting him, and Yasisters held the flag high, behind Daveus.

The high flying flag made the mercenaries who started to break up hesitate, and also let the Lucanians rush to find the target, and they gradually rushed to Daves. They made the pressure on the other lines of defense slightly relieved, but made Dai The impact facing Firth suddenly increased...

At this time, the brass horn continued to sound.

Although the light shield soldiers were sore because of the frequent throwing of javelins, they did not hesitate under the leadership of Epitanes and Cpit, raised their shields and long-handed counter-blade swords, and rushed to block the employment The gap in the defense line.

The slave soldiers could not wait any longer, because Daveus promised them that as long as the battle was won, they would be free.So when the order came, they chanted: "For freedom!!!"

With abundant physical strength and high fighting spirit, they have no fighting skills and they rushed some enemies that broke through the defense line down the slope. At the same time, they were squeezed by some mercenaries...


Also chanting "for freedom" was the team led by Merseys. Under the leadership of mercenary veterans, the 1,000 slaves not only quickly arrived at the location of Philius, but also bypassed the intertwined teeth and fought together. The front of the team of both sides hit the enemy's side and back like a hammer.

Akpiru, who was worrying about the battle in the rear, and five other chiefs were the culprits. The small number of guards around him couldn't stop the aggressive attacks of the slaves.

"Why?! Why Cincinnati hasn't arrived yet?!" Akpiru shouted angrily.

"Large leader, withdraw quickly, you will not be able to leave later!" the subordinates persuaded anxiously.

withdraw?Throw nearly 10,000 soldiers here?!How did Akpiro want to persevere, but he still wanted to persevere, but heard a cry from a short distance away: "Great leader! Great leader!..."

It turned out that the leader of Niutum counted spears in the body and was seriously injured.

Akpiru finally no longer hesitated, and under the escort of his subordinates, Akpiru and Tula, the chief of the Laos, fleeed west with dozens of people in panic, and the remaining more than 500 Lukania warriors were all I made dumplings.

At this time, Lydes' cavalry rushed back to the battle site and shouted: "The internal camp of the enemy camp, the reinforcements will not come for the time being!"

The good news is to increase the morale of the mercenaries, and the Lucanian warriors who understand the Greek language are shocked. (The Lucanians are neighbors of the Greek city-state. Although they are hostile, they also have trade. , A lot of people who can speak Greek), plus the leader escaped, morale plummeted...

The mercenary soldiers and slave soldiers fought back and forth, and 500 Lukania fighters were either killed or fled.Then the team in the same army did not rest, and Felix ordered the slave soldiers led by Mersey to join the mercenary to quickly reinforce the western defense.

At this time, the west line of defense was worse than the north line of defense. Capps had a limited force and was stretched. The thin line of defense was broken by surging crowds.

Capps, Antonios, and Alexis, together with the soldiers, held shield guns and fought in battle (according to military regulations stipulated by Daveus: without special circumstances, the company captain must not personally fight with the enemy to prevent the command from getting out of control).

At this moment of crisis, Philius led his team to arrive, and the joining of nearly two thousand people finally stabilized the defense line...


The fighting continued for more than an hour, and the impact of the Lucanian tribal coalition forces on the defense line began to weaken...

The whole floodplain was full of warriors who were injured by stabbing, marking, arrows, flying stones, and even trampled by their own people. The moans, wailing, and crying were endless, and the sound was getting louder and still fighting. The number of tribal warriors is decreasing...

More and more soldiers saw no hope of breaking through, and turned to the Tino River and fled to the hot spring swamp. As a result, they were either washed away by the river or their feet fell into the mud of the swamp and could not move...

At this point, Davers made the right time and resolutely gave the order to attack.

The high-pitched sound of the brass trumpet sounded, and the already exhausted Greek soldiers, from the east, west and north, led by generals such as Daphes, Aceta, and Philius under the stimulation of the upcoming victory, Like a tiger, the last attack was made on an enemy who had almost lost his ability to resist. The soldiers of Lucania couldn't resist and retreated again and again... In the end, except for a small number of soldiers surrendering, the rest were not killed, even He was forced into the Tino River and hot spring swamp, and was killed by a long-range attack of bow, arrow and javelin...

The first large-scale battle independently commanded by Daveus during his long military career: the Battle of the Great River Beach (later known as the Battle of Hot Springs and Swamps), with approximately 7,500 mixed forces (including slaves) against the Lucania tribe More than 9,000 of the coalition forces, the final result was more than a thousand casualties of the Greek army (of which half were slaves), more than 9,000 of the joint forces of the Lucaria tribe, except for the surrender of more than 400 people, the whole army was annihilated, Davers A big victory.

The whole river beach was covered with dead bodies, and blood flowed into a river...


The efforts of Cincinnati, Gnenet, and others were ultimately in vain, and the defeat of Pecosis was irretrievable. They eventually took more than two hundred people and fled out of the camp in embarrassment, watching the fire stretch for miles. The camp was burned to ashes...

The life-and-death enemies, the Vigs, entered the mountain road westward under the leadership of Sedorum intact and set foot on their way home.