When Yasistes found Izam, he and his wife were already covered in dust.Of course, Izam knew Yasistes and knew what clerk was "the magical governor" of Davers, because he often went to the team to communicate Daves’ orders, and many people knew him well, so Ya Sisters stood on the field scream, and Ezam immediately dropped the farm implement and ran over.

Yasisters looked at this maverick Duqueya and couldn't help but laugh: "I said Izam, why do you work so hard to do farm work, and also get your own wife?!"

"The first city-state military training will be conducted in two days. I heard that this training is very strict, and after the training, the consul will teach you to play an interesting game! I have to finish the farm work quickly and try my best. Put into training." Yi Zam said, wiping sweat with a sweaty short liner.

Yasisters said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "Well, it's pretty decent to see you doing farm work, more Greek than us Greeks!"

Ezam chuckled and praised the words of Yasisters completely: "It's easy to work, but it's more difficult to get water. I need to waste a slave to pick water!" he complained.

"I heard that Master Davis asked Alexis to call a carpenter to discuss what'watermill' to build. After it was built and placed on the riverside, the water of the Sinney River could flow directly to a higher terrain like you. In the field." Yasisters whispered slightly.

"Oh, there is such a magical thing! What does that'watermill' look like?" Izam asked curiously.

"I heard Lord Davers say it's roughly like a wheel. For details, you can ask Master Davers." Yasister shrugged and said that he was not very clear.

"How dare I ask the sir!" Izam said in awe. When he first served as a mercenary guide, it was common to Davis, when he was so young that he could be a mercenary leader. More curious, but with the mercenary led by Davos, winning time and time again, the weight in his heart is getting heavier, plus the army has always been circulating about "He is a lord of God" In fact, some rumors even said that "Daveus is the blood line left by Hades in the world".This made Izam, the Duqueya, who was more obscure and more worshipful of gods, look at this young leader with awe.In Byzantium, when Daveus called on mercenaries to follow him to Greater Greece, even if he was thousands of miles away from his hometown, Izam still followed without hesitation, because he firmly believed that following the "son of God" would never suffer. .

"Now you have a chance, Master Davis wants to see you." Yasisters smiled.

"Really?" Izam asked in surprise.

"Of course it's true! Do I dare to use the name of Lord Davers to joke with you!" Yasistus' voice just fell, and Izam cheered, his face was not rubbed, and his face was not beaten. Kanya yelled to his wife a few times and then ran away in the direction of Amendorala.


"Izam, let's meet again! I heard that the Senate has also divided your house and field, and married a wife. How is your life? Are you used to it? Did you cry because you miss your hometown?"

Upon meeting, Davers greeted Izam with concern, which made him nervous and relaxed. He excitedly told Daves about his experience during this time. He listened carefully and finally said: "You see, the Greeks, Dukes, and Lucanias can live well together, like a big family, right?"

"Yes, Lord Consul!" Izam said with courage. "As far as I know, many teammates who have married Lucania women say they have found a good wife, even though they are not very good. Speaking Greek, they don’t know how to weave, make bread, or command slaves to work...but they are all studying hard and can actively help their husbands to do heavy work, and they are also very enthusiastic in expressing their feelings. The husband boldly tried various..."

Izam said later, although vulgar, Dave Haha laughed: "Yes, our Greek women are too traditional and conservative, and the two sides should learn from each other and communicate!"

Izam saw Daphes being so easy-going, more courageous, and added: "It's just...these Lucanian women miss their loved ones very much, and hope their loved ones will be free soon!"

Dave’s happy expression remained the same. In fact, he was very happy to see such a situation appear: "Relax, the city-state did not abuse their loved ones, and they took good care of them, as long as they can abide by the agreement, it is our regulations They will be free, and as long as they perform well, this period will be shortened. You can go back and tell your wife that she is telling other Lucanian women, and the city-state will arrange them and their Meet your loved ones!"

"I will, sir." Izam nodded.

"I called you today to ask if you are willing to complete a task?" Daveus finally stepped into the topic, he looked at Izam, Shen Sheng said: "We need to understand the situation in the Lucania region, And now we don’t know anything about what happened there. I need someone to sneak in there to find out about the news. Yasister recommended you to me."

"I am willing to go!" Izam replied without hesitation.

Daveus did not expect that he promised so quickly, and reminded him: "This is a very dangerous task, even life-threatening, you no longer think about it?"

"I'm sure!" Although Izam longed for the prosperity of the outside world, the strict regulations in the army made him always feel a little uncomfortable. He liked the feeling of running freely in the mountain forest, quietly approaching the stimulus of prey, and Now there is a good opportunity before him: "However, Sir, please give me some time to prepare."

"Don't worry, you can carefully prepare. As long as you successfully return from Lucania, I will set up a mountain reconnaissance squad and you will be the captain. In addition, after you leave, I will also let Christoya Pay attention to the situation in your home and solve your difficulties at any time!"

Davos’ commitment and care made both Izam grateful and excited. He said loudly, "Master Sir, you can rest assured! I will successfully find out the news of Lucania and return smoothly! Please keep me the location!"

"Good!" Daveus likes confident subordinates. The establishment of the reconnaissance team is his consideration in the past few days. After all, the mountainous area of ​​the Apennine Peninsula is very large, which makes the reconnaissance cavalry restricted. The reconnaissance team will give the Amendolalar army greater help.


Bagul is leading his people to build warehouses and hotels for Amendolara. They are divided into several groups: one group is responsible for felling trees, one group is responsible for grinding stone, and one group is responsible for tamping the foundation.

More than a dozen craftsmen in the city-state, some were instructing Lukalia slaves to lay foundations, and some were doing measurements.

Alexis and Heracled are inspecting the drawings while monitoring the progress of the project on the site.

Heracled, an apprentice of Hippodamus, a famous engineering master in Greece, used to participate in the design and construction of the city of Turiri when he was young. His greatest regret is that he did not stay in Turiri at that time, then He will be the original citizen of Turui.But he returned to Athens with his teacher again. Afterwards, the political opponents of Berkeley accused Asplesia, the mistress of Berkeley, during the construction of the Parthenon to accept bribes. Hippodamus was involved inexplicably, and his teacher was Detained, he was also expelled from Athens, and despondent, he returned to his hometown.As a result, the Peloponnesian War broke out, his hometown was plunged into war, and his life began to be difficult...

Twenty years later, with his wife and wife, he fled from his hometown occupied by Sparta, and came to a relatively war-torn mainland of Greece, to the fairly peaceful Greater Greece, where he once contributed Turri.But at this time, Turiyi was no longer Turii, who needed a lot of immigrants and talents when he first built the city. The City Hall refused to accept him as a city-state citizen. The penniless Heracled had to come down to the port. It is more than twenty years.In the past twenty years, he took his children to build houses for others, repair the walls of the city... and lived on it. He gradually gained some fame and saved some money. However, he is still a freeman under the fence. In a crowded and damp shack, there is no land and no status.At this time, he was old and his wife died of illness a few years ago. He did not have much requirements for life. The only regret is that his son Heracled was young and fully inherited his skills. There should have been a brighter future...

Just when he was worried about the child's future day and night, one day, a stranger walked into the simple wooden house he shared with others, because just a few days later, he still clearly remembered the conversation at that time.

"Who is Heracled?"

"It's me, who are you?"

"I heard that you were an apprentice of Hippodamus, and also studied the city of Turri?"

"Yes, this is a fact, I never lie."

"Then you are willing to accept the employment of Amendolara, responsible for supervising the construction of some projects, and pay fifty drachma silver coins a month."

"What kind of project?"

"I'm not quite sure about this. When you go, Alexis, the superintendent of Amendolara, will tell you. At the same time, he will let me tell you,'If you do well, you really have architectural skills, He will recommend it to Lord Davis, the governor, to make you a citizen of Amendolara'."

Immediately, he heard the envy of the people behind him.

Note: Hippodamus, Miletus, friend of Pericles, the most famous master of architectural planning in ancient Greece, the Piraeus port of Athens trade center is his handwriting.