Castron’s city defense team waited for a long time for the cavalry to return, and the noise from Crotone’s camp seemed to have disappeared.Out of doubt, he personally led ten cavalrymen, exited the city from the south gate, crossed the pontoon, and crossed the wood that was not too large westward, everything was the same (Alpence’s light infantry had already been before The bodies of the scouts were hidden and the traces were eliminated) until they bypassed the Trionto River, which turned around, struggling up to the high slope, and the prospect of appearing in front of them was shocking: this camped in Crotone The vast flat ground was a mess. Collapsed tents, scattered weapons, running and wailing horse pack beasts, and even more terrifying were dense corpses, painfully wounded soldiers, and bright red soil stained with blood, in the camp. There are many heavily armed soldiers in the center, and they are surrounded by more people with irregular clothing, and they are constantly escorting rows of captives with their hands tied and stringed together...

A huge fear tugged the patrol captain's heart: The Crotonenes were defeated?!!!

Before these terrible and unfamiliar enemies were found, the captain hurriedly turned his horse's head and hurried towards the city of Castellon...

"Head of the army, Castellon's cavalry has returned to the city." Ledes came to report.

"Asistes, notify the 7th and Lucanian battalions to ambush in the woods. It is likely that Castellon...No, it should be Melanius who will give us a big gift! Ledes, You continue to closely monitor the movement of Castellon City!" Daveus ordered.

"Yes!" Ledes drove away, and Yasisters sent her soldiers to the north.

After a while, Daphes asked Yasisters again: "How long have you been telling Melsis' cavalry to leave?"

"About half an hour...the regiment, there are too many things in the area! Because of the attack, some pack animals were injured and some were scattered. We now lack enough livestock to carry those supplies." Assis Tes said slightly anxiously.

Davies smiled slightly, pointing to the captives who were forced by swords and guns and squatting on the ground not far away: "That's not a ready-to-carry beast. Let them carry the supplies and carry them back to Turiyi. It doesn't matter if they walk slowly. Anyway, they can consume their physical strength. These Crotonians who have been through long-term competitive exercise can still play a role."

"Oh, how come I didn't expect it! Commander, you can always come up with a good idea!" Yasistus exclaimed exaggeratedly.

"Axi, if your ability to do things is getting stronger and stronger as you are capable of saying good things!" After the victory, Davers was also in a good mood, joking with Axisites for a while, then Said: "Go, look at the soldiers, they are the heroes of this victory!"

So, in the terrified and sad vision of the captives: in the distance, a golden banner was slowly approaching, and a general with a distinctive purple, white and red crown helmet appeared on the big banner On the battlefield, those cruel and ruthless enemies immediately shouted thunderously:



"Wan Sheng!!"

"Wan Sheng!!!"

The wise men among Crotone’s captives immediately reminisced that this general was probably the Amendola Lamar’s consul Daveus, whom they had insulted under the city of Amendola, and these enemies were the Amendo they had burned. The owners of the buildings under Lara City, at that time they mocked the cowardice of the citizens of Amendolara, but now they are shaking under the spears of these "cowardly" enemies...


Castellon’s chief general, Amiclis, received an urgent return from the captain of the city defense, was shocked, and immediately sent someone to notify Melancius and his subordinates.

Melanchus was holding a senior prostitute to sleep soundly in the hotel, was forcibly awakened, and was extremely dissatisfied. After hearing the anxious report of his subordinates, he was suddenly awakened. He said with luck: "Maybe the enemy broke in. Our camp was captured by soldiers..."

Timaras shook his head with great anxiety: "The Castron people said that although the flags of the heavily armed soldiers are vague from a distance, they have a strange shape and style, and they are definitely not Crotone's flags!" Melancius, We must rescue them!"

"...Ah...Ah, you are right, you are right..." Melanseus had never expected that when he was satisfied and triumphant, he would be hit by a sudden blow, which he could not suppress. Panicked: "Quick! Come and follow me to Amclis and let him send all the citizens of Castellon to rescue us immediately!"

Of course, it is impossible for Amexlis to fully agree with Melancius. He must first ensure the safety of Castellon, but he did not dare to refuse Melancius’s request to offend Crotone, not to mention Castel. Long's soldiers fell into the camp.So he hurriedly assembled 700 civilian soldiers, led by Melancius and his subordinates, to go to the rescue.

Melancius marched hurriedly towards the camp, and Timaras advised him to be more cautious, but he said: "According to the intelligence of the Castron people, the enemy is smaller than us. The reason why we can win is estimated to be by sneak attack. Now they are still in the same place and want to turn our soldiers into captives. Our sudden attack will inevitably surpass their expectations. At the same time, it will also provoke the resistance of the surrendering soldiers. The enemy will be defeated by us inside and outside. I want to make these thugs who dare to invade Crotone pay a heavy price!" Melancius is like a gambler who loses his eyes, looking forward to the last big bet, to lose all the previous ones Win back.

When his troops passed through the forest in a marching column, they were violently attacked by the light infantry of Amendolara who had ambushed there early, and Epithenis led the light infantry to pour arrow rain, flying stones, and throwing javelins at them, causing a lot of damage. .When the Castello soldiers with low morale were in a state of panic, the Lukalia rushed into the enemy line with a Greek saber as a tiger fluttering sheep...


"Head of the army, Crotone's reinforcements have been defeated! Except for a few people who fled back to Castellon, the others were either killed or captured!" Ledes hurried back to the report.

Davos nodded, not much joy, this was a well-prepared ambush, and victory was a breeze.

Lydes saw a calm expression on his face, and said, "The Lucanians also captured the two generals of Crotone, Melancius and Timaras!"

"Oh!" Daveus smiled, not because he had captured the enemy's commander: "The Lucanias have made great achievements, and they can reduce their sentence for another six months."


When the Lukalia cut the Castron's column into segments, years of military experience told Melancius: Failure was inevitable.

He turned around and fled immediately. Who knew that the Lucanias believed him. After paying a few casualties, he pushed him down, and then dragged him to Daveus.

"Melan Hughes, we finally met." A young, soft-sounded voice sounded in his ear.

Melanchus struggled to raise his head, his handsome face was scratched by sand and stones dragged along the way, blood blurred his vision, he blinked hard: a strange young face appeared in front of him .

"Who the hell are you?"

"The Archon Daveus of Amendolara."

"Amendolara? Daphes?" Melancius, whose head was constantly hit by the head, was a bit slow, and suddenly his eyes widened: "Amendorala?! Amendorala! You are so mean! , Without declaring war, come and sneak in on us! You violate the traditions of the Greek city-state and defile the honor of the Greeks. The greater Greek city-state will definitely punish Amendolara!"

"The champion of Olympia, you are too self!" Daves sneered: "When your army enters the territory of Amendola without permission and burns our buildings, the war has already happened. As for the sneak attack, I vaguely remember an athlete’s motto, “The winner proves his strength with action, and the loser can only cover up his weakness with excuses.” I don’t know if I’m right?”

Meran Hughes bowed his head abruptly and asked in a low voice: "I hope you will treat me and the soldiers kindly, and Crotone will pay Amendolara a sufficient ransom."

"It is not up to me to treat you kindly."

"Then... who is the reason?"

"Turui's surviving people!"


When Mercis rushed to the Crotone camp and saw the mountainous piles, he burst into laughter.But he soon became distressed because these pack-cars could not wade through the river.

Davers said confidently: "This is easy to handle, we cross the river from the ferry."

As a result, the soldiers of Amendora and the people who arrived drove up the long queue after collecting all the valuables in the Crotone camp (including the weapons, armor, and linen shirts worn by the dead enemies). Traveling east, through the forest, you can see the city of Castellon on the north bank of the Trionto River.

Daveus even heard panic shouts from enemies in the front of the city. He jokingly said to Melses: "Did you say that the pack animals are not enough? You can borrow from the Castro."

Mercis really asked people to borrow pack animals.

The chief general of Castellon, Amilis, and others saw from the city's head: The heavily armed Greek heavy infantry walked across the south bank, and under the escort of their shield spears, they were downcast, covered in blood, Carrying heavy objects, staggering captives, and cheerful people in casual clothes, and full of heavy packs... This long team bypassed the city and went straight to the ferry.Each Castron's expression was tense and somewhat doubtful, but there was no anger and greed, because Castello's civic soldiers lost more than half, and now the city has insufficient defensive forces. How dare they provoke this terrible army.

"They... where did they come from?" a member of the council asked nervously.

Amkles looked at the direction of the team under the city and said uncertainly: "They are going north, it is likely...Amendolalar."

"Is it the mercenaries who defeated the Lucanias?!" General Gorkis widened his eyes.

"It's very possible!" said Amkelis via Gorkis, and he was even more convinced: "Maybe only they dare to defeat the powerful Crotonenes!"

"They... they sent someone!" someone shouted with a trembling voice.

The people at the head of the city were nervous from soldiers to generals.

"We are citizens of Amendola, and the Chief Officer of Davos asked me to borrow a hundred pack animals from you, and we will send you back when we have finished shipping!"

The voice of the incoming person was clearly transmitted to the city, and everyone looked at each other.

Davers!The hero who rescued Turui from that rumor!The governor of Amendolara!Amiclis smiled bitterly: This was the second time he had saved the Turiris, but the Castrons also suffered.

In the city of Castellon, after a brief consultation, the general and the members of the council agreed.Not because of Daphes’ reputation for keeping promises, but according to Amiclis’s words: Amendolara annihilated and captured the huge army of Crotone, the situation in northern Greece will inevitably change greatly, We need to be cautious, not to mention that Castellon may have many citizens who have become captives of Amendola, leaving a good impression on Amendola, and negotiating with them in the future.


In the early morning, a few Turuis who had awakened saw the people of Amendolara who had rescued them gather together and began to cross the pontoon and headed south. They were disturbed and disturbed: Are the Amendolalars leaving us?

At noon, all the Turiyi people, some free people, and slaves who woke up faced the deserted camp. The helplessness and despair in their hearts reached the extreme. They prostrate on the ground and weep.It is completely unbelievable that a few people, such as Cornelius and Stromboli, persuaded them that'Amendolara is fighting the Crotone army and has won', and even those who are emotionally violent shouted.

At this moment, someone shouted in horror: "Look, look! Look! There is an army coming!"

The Turiris looked back hurriedly, and saw a mighty force led by a peculiar military flag they had never seen before, striding vigorously, crossing the pontoon and marching in their direction.

"That's our army! Amendola's army! They've returned with victory!" Cornelius, the city chief of Amendola, did not agree with Croto at the previous meeting of the Senate The internal warfare, although the resolution is passed, has always been uneasy.At this moment, he cheered indulgently like a child.

Kunogolata stared blankly at the armies of Amendola, and at the moment there was only one voice echoing in his mind: "The Amendolalars triumphed! They actually triumphed!! They defeated the powerful Crotone Army!!!"

The Turiyi people are suspicious.

Soon, when the front of the troops stepped on the north bank of the Krati River and approached them, they saw that it was not the young and gentle consul Dave, who was under the peculiar military flag, and the head of the team. Huh?At the moment, he was fully armed, but not wearing a helmet, and he waved to them with a smile on his face, and the hot sun shone on his shining armor, exuding the most dazzling light, just like a god.

At this time, there were sharp-eyed people who discovered that there was a walker immediately behind Daves Horse, with his hands tied back, his body naked, and he was dragged and staggered forward. Once he walked slowly, the guard's spear Just left a wound on him.Why does this person look so much like the devil Melanius who ordered the burning of Turui?!Is Crotone’s army really defeated by Amendolara?!!

The facts are beyond doubt.Behind the vanguard, they saw Amendolara soldiers armed with bayonets and stumbling along with naked young men carrying heavy objects. Their team extended south without seeing their heads... …

The people of Turiyi looked at the incredible scene in front of them, and tears came out of their eyes. They cried, laughed, and yelled, threw debris at the Crotone soldiers, and some even stepped forward to fight, all like lunatics. ...


Daveus stood on the temporary wooden platform, focusing on the people of Turui who helped the old and the young, and quickly brought them together. He expressed a solemn but emotionally loud voice: "The people of Turui, in these few The Crotonians invaded your homeland in time, you lost your loved ones, lost your residence, and wept helplessly in the ruins! But the gods did not abandon you, he let your neighbor-the heroic Amendolara People are not afraid of strong enemies and defeated the demons that destroyed Turui! He let the kind-hearted Amendolalars selflessly help you who are short of clothes and food! The night is bound to pass, the light is in sight! Without a home, we More comfortable houses can be built! Without a city, we can rebuild a stronger city! Without a temple, we can rebuild a more magnificent temple! Turiyi, wipe your tears and lift your chest, Joining hands with the Amendolaras, let us build a better home without invasion by foreign enemies!

The tears of the Turiris came out again. They cheered and, like the gods, paid tribute to the hero Daveus who rescued Turri.

Daveus ordered that the captured high-ranking Crotonian officers headed by Melancius and Timaras be put on the wooden platform, and the people of Turui would decide their life and death.

The Turiris' cheering reached its peak.They swarmed up and used their stones, sticks, fists, and teeth to vent their anger, and soon the Crotones became vague and unbearable, but the Turiris still did not stop, even if the enemy had fallen to the ground , Dying...

Ansitanos, who was watching the bloody scene aside, sighed: "I'm afraid Turriyi will be different from now on..."

Kunogolata pointed to Davos, who was standing on the side of the wooden platform and watching the execution of the Turi people.

Ansitanos silently...

This is the end of this volume.Want to know how Davies will place the Turri people who have lost their homes, will the plains of Subari be included in the bag, the impact of this victory on Greater Greece, and whether the defeated Crotone will launch more War... please see the next volume: Dionysian City-State Union