The wise veterans such as Kunogolata and Cornelius stood idly by, and the others did not stand up to answer.

Daphes continued: "Then look at the north of Nyutum, which is all Lukanian territory, and there are several large towns, Grummentum, Pixis, Potenti Asia and Galaguço, it is said that the total population is more than 100,000, which is several times our population. Although they are still fighting with each other, when the Greeks occupied their traditional territory and threatened their own security Will they unite and oppose us together? Even if we beat them, they would have no choice but to drill down into the mountains, and they would only make the Lucanians hate us even more. They know every one of them. Mountains, every river, they will change their tactics, quietly attack our citizens who graze the land, sneak attack on our weights and caravans, Niutum’s output cannot support a large population. There are few people, Luka There are so many Leahs, we can’t conquer them, they will devour us. What should we do?"

Davies sneered when he saw someone talking, "Someone might say,'Aren't there Laos? They will help us!' Yes, Laos is our ally. But when we are the lords When I asked them for military support and material assistance again and again, maybe it was okay at the beginning. Over time, do you think Laos will underestimate our power and thus generate other thoughts? Forget that Avinokis is not a pure Greek, and has never cooperated with the Greeks before. We cannot report hope that he can always stick to the covenant!"

Daphes paused for a while, giving everyone a time to think, and then continued: "So we can only continue to transport food from Turiri and Amendolara and increase soldiers to Niutum, not to mention the difficulty of the road. Go, the war consumes a lot. Do you think it makes sense to continuously invest and consume the valuable human and material resources of the Tua Alliance in a city that does not receive any revenue? Besides, there is a powerful Crotone inside ready to take revenge !"

"Then we are still going to attack Nyutum, what to provoke the Lucanias?" Burkos retreated after listening to Daveus.

"Everyone here should be impressed. The Lucania have invaded Turui many times. Although this time they have suffered defeat, they are after all a large population. If they don’t attack it, weaken it, or wait for it. It has restored its strength, and it will certainly invade us again. Of course, we hope to keep them out of the alliance territory, not to let the war burn to our own land and destroy the farmland and houses we worked hard!" Alexi Si stood up and answered.

"Can the Lukalia help us stabilize Niutum and solve the difficulties that Lord Architect said?" At this time, Skramblas stood up and asked.

There was a slight, undetectable smile on the corner of Davers' mouth: "First of all, Weissba are Lukalia. After defeating Nyutum, it will help us stabilize the mood of the residents in the city. The Lukanians There are also the rich and the poor, and we must seize the stubborn rich and the soldiers into slaves, distribute the seized cattle and sheep to the poor, and let the mixed team of Greeks and Lucanias manage the entire seat At the same time, there are powerful tribes and weak tribes in the Lucanian tribal union, and some tribes like Weissba, they are unwilling to join the city-state, but because of the war and wandering around, it is difficult to survive. We can Open a market on the border of Nyutum, and use our pots, iron products and other goods to attract the poor tribes to exchange cattle, sheep, fur, prey, etc., and if necessary, they can give them appropriate help. Time one Long, they will be happy to be close to us. In this way, we not only promoted our trade, solved the food for the soldiers stationed, but also weakened the strength of the Lucania.

You must ask me, why do the Lukanians trust us Greeks and are willing to be close to us?"Davers said aloud: "Because they are there, they participate in the management of every matter.In the eyes of the Lucanians, Bagule still worshiped the deity of Lucania, and maintained the traditional customs of the Lucania, and they are still the real Lucaria!But they are citizens of the Tua Union, wearing gorgeous clothes, drinking wine, and living in comfortable houses...their lifestyle will surely arouse the envy of the Lukalia, and eventually lead other Lukalia Willing to join our alliance!"

"But put the Lukanias, who have only stayed in the league for half a year, into the land they are familiar with, in case they have rebelled?" Stron glass asked.

"If we give them citizenship, and give the elders of the veteran of Wesbah and Bagul, we treat them as if we were our own, and let them live in a Lucanian far beyond In civilization, this is a splendid and glorious culture created by our predecessors through hard work and wisdom! I firmly believe that they will be assimilated by us, not that we are assimilated by their ignorant and backward! Of course, there are also mutiny It’s a small possibility, but I think it’s worth the risk! Because if it fails, we just lose more than a thousand slaves and postpone the plan to attack Lucania; but once successful, we will get the vast land of Lucania And a population of more than 100,000 Lucania. With these, would we still worry about Crotone?! No, Crotone is just a small stone on the way of our alliance, we can easily kick him , We will be greeted by a wider world!"

Davis's last passionate speech made the elders feel excited, and they began to talk with each other in a low voice excitedly.

Davers took the opportunity to announce: adjourn the meeting.

Then he found the two city chiefs of Kunogolata and Cornelius, hoping they would take the lead in supporting his proposal.

"I listened carefully to your plan to stabilize Niutum with the participation of the Lucanians of Wesbah and Bagulna. I think it is worth a try." Cornelus put aside his personal emotions, Agree.

"Sir Daffers, are the situations you mentioned earlier really so dangerous and difficult without the help of the Lucanias like Wesbah?" Kunogolata asked slightly suspiciously.

"Think of the worst in everything, and then work hard at the best." Davers replied.

Kunogolata thought about it and nodded in agreement.

At the meeting again, under the guidance of Kunogolata and Cornelius, most of the elders of the Senate expressed their agreement, and Davis’s proposal was approved: let Bagul lead nearly 1,000 Lucania After the soldiers joined the army and captured Nyutum, they could all obtain Union citizenship, and Weissba and Bagul entered the Senate.

Although a few veterans headed by Polyx lamented: This is an unprecedented shame for the Greek city-state!The sacred meeting hall will be tainted by the dirty breath of the indigenous people!

But most of the elders ignored their chatter and were still looking forward to the huge gains to be made in Lucania...


As soon as Philius entered the house, he heard that the courtyard was very lively.

Originally assigned to the courtyard of Felixius, his wife Delia was planning to plant some apples and fig trees in the atrium. Felixius had no objection, but was opposed by his adopted son Melissanda: he wanted to move the atrium Transformed into a training ground, so that you can exercise and train fighting skills at any time.In the end, the wife who loved her son agreed.

Upon hearing this voice, Felix knew that it was Melissanda who was looking for someone to practice again.

He walked down the corridor and approached only to see that Melisanda's opponent was his friend Alcinis.The young man who lives in Amendora is here, apparently because of the expedition tomorrow.

Felixius remembered the appointment given by Daphus to him today, and there was a burst of tension in his heart. He never expected that Dapheus would let him serve as the commander of this trip to Niutum. To date, mercenaries have been few in his command of battle alone, and he feels even more stressed under Dave's dazzling aura.

He leaned on the colonnade, thinking about his thoughts, while watching the fight between two young men on the field.

"You are back!" The gentle voice of wife Delia sounded behind her: "This is the pulp water I just cooked today, with some dates, it should be sweeter, you should quench your thirst."

Philius had warm water in his hands (because it was almost early winter), and Delia said with a smile on her face: "Today’s dinner I made your favorite grilled cod, and I also stewed the lamb and boiled the wheat. Porridge, and bread... Because Alsinis will be staying at home tonight, dinner will be richer than usual."

Philius took a sip of water and said, "It's rare to have a visitor in our house, and it's good to be busy."

Delia was busy going to the kitchen to make dinner, and at the same time commanding the slave girl to set the table, Felixius looked at her busy back, and could not help lamenting that her choice was correct: Although Delia was a little older, she A hardworking and virtuous good Greek woman, she arranged her family affairs in an orderly manner.

The training on the field was finally over, and Melissanda still refused to say, "Alsinis, you only defeated me by relying on two years older than me, and more strength than me. When I was an adult, I would Won't lose to you again!"

"When you reach adulthood, I don't know how many real battles I have participated in!" Alcinis also retorted weakly. As soon as he turned around, he saw Felixius outside the atrium and shouted respectfully: " Lord Philius!"