Agassia was relieved and he was grateful to Davis for fulfilling his previous commitment.

Tima Song they listened very carefully, Kriano said with dissatisfaction: "Daveus, you are a lifelong governor, I heard that you are also in control of the senate, this is not like that...the one in Athens... …Well...Pisitratu? What bills are not what you need to say, why make it so troublesome, just let us be citizens directly!"

"Kriano, you are too much!" Felius yelled loudly.

Daveus waved his hand, indicating that it was okay, and continued to say patiently: "You want to say that I am an arrogant, right."

Kriano also realized that he had spoken too aggressively after all. After all, Daves at this time was no longer the one he could deal with on equal terms, so he bowed his head and dared not respond.

"I don’t say anything else, I’ll tell you the fact. The mercenaries I brought are more than 1,000 in the Union, and now the Union’s official soldiers are more than 5,000, plus more than 20,000 reserve citizens. Most of them are big Greeks. Our identity as Gentiles still accounts for half of the number of veterans in the senate. Will the locals have no opinion? I think there must be, so why did no one rise up against us?" Daveus said Come here, pause for a while, and give everyone a time to think, and then say: "Because we try to be fair and just, whether it is to the Amendolaras, Turiris, Lucanias, Gentiles, free people They are all treated strictly in accordance with the laws of the Union. If I propose a bill granting you citizenship today, tomorrow, if you take more than 20,000 reserve citizens, you will go to the Parliament to make trouble, and the Senate will impeach me. We have more than a thousand foreigners In addition, can you beat these tens of thousands of alliance citizens? Even if you win, can the alliance still exist? So as a friend, I can help you as much as possible! But as a ruling party of the alliance , I can't help myself, I hope you can understand!" "Deverus said a long heart, which made the living room silent.

At this time, Hironimos said apologetically: "Sir Davies, I have never considered this issue after arriving at Turui for so long. I am sorry that you have been worrying about maintaining us. !"

"I haven't considered this issue, I always feel that I should enjoy such a life!" Felix said with emotion.

"It should be like this, don't think too much, live naturally, the land and the land, the war and the war, you have never added any trouble to me, but always support me and help me maintain the current situation. , I want to honor you with a drink!" After finishing, Davos raised his glass and had a drink with Felix, Agassia, and Hironimos.

Tima Song and Zantiparis nodded at each other, and Tima Song said: "Daveus, I want to know what arrangements and suggestions do you have after our 3,000 brothers have arrived?"

Daveus thought for a while and said, "I suggest that they come first and apply to Turiri's household registration office,'willing to become a union citizen.'... Then find a place to live first and go to Amendolara's Hotel area, where the rent is relatively cheap. You can also help the citizens to rent land, so that the rent is saved, and they live directly in other people's homes. Of course, you can also find a former acquaintance and live in their homes, Capps, Antonios …Most of the soldiers of the first brigade are mercenaries from the expedition to Persia. I think you should all be familiar with them. They will return from Nyutum soon, and let Felix arrange for one family to live Didn’t the two solve the accommodation problem...

Then go to find a job. Now that the terminal and the market are prosperous, a lot of labor is urgently needed, and the avenue from Turui to Niutum is about to be built. It also requires a lot of labor.When you find a job, you work hard, not only to make money, but also to show the personnel responsible for the investigation of the household registration office that you are hardworking, not idlers who do nothing, and will become successful in the future as a full-time citizen.In addition, on the training day, Philius will arrange for you to participate in military training. The alliance's combat method is more complicated. You need to be familiar with it to avoid accidents due to poor cooperation in future combat.It is estimated that by next year, the coalition may launch a war against the Lucania region. As long as you perform well in combat, I think it is not a problem to shorten the period of becoming a citizen of the coalition!..."

Davis apparently made careful considerations, and his suggestions made Tima Song and others feel reasonable.

At this time, Zantiparis voiced his concerns: "I heard that during the inspection, if something broke the law, it would be difficult to become a citizen. Davis, you know, we hire soldiers to fight outside. People are in control, freedom is used, and it is inevitable that they will violate the laws of the alliance.

"I understand!" Daveus nodded cautiously and said comfortably: "As long as it is a first offense, the problem is not big. But I hope you can promptly remind every companion who comes to the league and manage them well. In addition... Uh, I have a suggestion, knowing that each of you came to Great Greece with your armor and shield spear. I hope that you can give the shield spear and saber to Felixius temporarily and let him put it in the armory for safekeeping. For a while, after you get used to the life here, let Phylius return your weapons to you."

As soon as Dapheus's voice fell, Timmasong was about to speak, and Davies immediately said: "Relax, the Alliance will not corrupt your weapons! The armory is just seizing Crotone soldiers and Niutum warriors There are countless weapons and equipment. The main reason is that after your people come here, it is inevitable that there will be conflicts with other people. But if you use weapons, hurt people, or even kill people, then everything will be difficult! , This is just one of my suggestions, you can go back and think about it..."


To send away the guests, Davers went up to the second floor.

Christoya was standing at the window and staring at the footsteps. She asked softly, "How is the party tonight?"

Daphes sat on the bed with his buttocks, and sighed for a long time: "I haven't seen them for more than half a year. They are still them. We are not the same as us. What do you think about it?"

Cristoa frowned slightly, and slowly walked over to Daveus and sat down: "They made some excessive demands?!"

Daveus nodded: "I want to become an alliance citizen immediately, and even want to be a veteran of the senate!"

"Who brought it up?" Christopher said with a slender finger on Dave's mouth, and said mischievously: "Leave me alone, let me guess... Um, Kriano, right ?"

Dave Si smiled: "Among these few people, Zantiparis has a humble personality, Tormid is sleek, Tima Song is self-respecting, and Kriano is mean. He used to hate me and Xenophon before. Who! But I think each of them has this meaning."

"Who made you so good, only half a year will be like this now..." Christosia's white hands rubbed Davers' face, staring at him admiringly, murmured: "Anyone who sees you will be jealous. Is crazy..."

"Does the madman include you?" Daveus squeezed her hand and said with a smile.

"I love you, I'm crazy!" Kristoa said affectionately, leaning her head away and giving her husband a sweet kiss.

Then a kiss ignited Davos’s suppressed desire for his wife’s pregnancy during this time, and he decided to temporarily put this annoying thing behind his head, carefully staying in the waist of Christoya with one hand, and caressing some with one hand. The drummed abdomen said softly, "Let me take a look at my son, are you unhappy today?"

"Who said it's a son, I haven't gone to the Temple of Hera to fill it up yet!" Cristoa glared at him.

"It's a daughter. It's nice to be as beautiful as you." Davers said, and the hand began to move slowly down, and the scorching palm entered the sensitive area of ​​Kristoa, causing her whole body to start to tremble slightly.

"I...I'm pregnant with't...or go to Azuna..."Christoya said breathlessly.

"Who said you can't do it with your baby, as long as the fetus is stable. I'm Herps' teacher, and I'm in charge..." Daveus said softly behind her, and the heat from his mouth sprayed Cristoya's slender white neck, a strong breath permeates between Cristoya's nose, and listening to his flirting words in his ear, Cristocia feels hot all over, she winks like a silk, her eyes flicker Sweeping, finally unable to bear, gently supported his arms on the table bed...

Daveus immediately noticed that she had faded her clothes. Perhaps it was the reason for her pregnancy. Christopher's body was significantly richer than before...

Daphes' breathing also became rapid, but he gently licked the smooth skin of Kristoa...


"Have you all heard?! Daveus asked us to plant the land! Go to repair the road! I haven't done anything except killing people in more than a decade! Repairing the road and repairing a fart! He also wants us to hand over weapons, Would we not let them bully!..." On the way back to the hotel, Kriano exhaled his dissatisfaction loudly.

"Daveus also makes sense. It is not easy to govern such a large coalition, not to mention that they are also outsiders. Of course, they must be cautious in doing things, and it is impossible to exercise special privileges for us..." Zantiparis comforted.

"They are weak, can't they just let us come, can they help them?!" Kriano retorted. After a few steps, he may feel a bit arrogant and sighed: "I just... …Just can’t figure out why they can have these, and we still have nothing?”