Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 307 After Seizing the City (for subscription)

Although Draco doesn’t like to say good things, it doesn’t mean that he won’t say it, let alone Dave’s advice, or he dare not make a guarantee, but the words are too straightforward, so that Bajilipi Sad and happy: Sadly, Bisinia and even Bruti may not exist as an independent force in the future; and happy, he hopes to become a member of the veteran of the Dionysian Senate.As far as he knew, there were several Lucania leaders in the Dionysian Senate, and it seemed that they had won many rights for the Lucania people in Dionysia.If so, Bisinia’s new page is still worth looking forward to...

"There is still my vote!" Adrians also offered his kindness.

At the same time, Barchiripi made up his mind to cooperate well with the Dionysians here, for a better future for his own tribe and for Bisinia!

The Bisinians once built a fortress on the west mountain road. For the purpose of defending the Cosenza people, they built it in a narrow mountain road to facilitate defense.The Second Army built the fortress for defense, but also for attack.Therefore, Adpigis led the soldiers to the exit of the mountain road. In front of it was a gradually open plateau. Although the mountain road here was wide and the labor volume was undoubtedly increased, for each military training there will be an hour to train the construction As far as the soldiers in the camp and the city are concerned, they have become used to it.

The engineer surveyed the terrain and drew drawings of the fortress.

The soldiers were quickly divided into several teams: those responsible for logging, those responsible for leveling the ground, those responsible for assembling basic defensive devices, such as sentry towers, fences, etc., responsible for digging trenches and burying various traps in front of the fortress to be built, Such as sharp wooden stakes, meat hooks...


After learning that Adrians had captured the city of Bisinia, Draco immediately sent an escort back to inform the news.

The escort made a difficult trek to the Turui checkpoint not far from the entrance of Linhe Road, where there were already couriers waiting.

After receiving the good news of victory, the messenger immediately rode south through the constructed avenue, passing Castron and Crimea, passing through Asprostum, to the Silentium, and finally to Trina... through the relay The way of the race, the substitution of horses and horses, and the Mercedes-Benz, which was nonstop and round-the-clock, spent a day and a half and finally handed this news to the hands of the Chief of the Fourth Army Corps, Shilos.

Hilos was very happy, and he did not forget to continue to send couriers, through the port of Trina, immediately take the fast boat, and quickly set sail northward to Laos.


It was already the 12th day of the war, and Davis was accepting his hospitality at Avignon's mansion.

At this time, he was talking about his son's performance in Turrii: "Master Ansitanos has praised me for several times in front of me, and thinks he is very talented in historical research!"

After listening to Daveus, Avinogis was both happy and worried: "Of course I am happy to be a historian, but Herney... is my only son, and I hope he will succeed me in the future ""Avignogis had a temptation in his words.

Davies seemed to be unaware and said without hesitation: "You can rest assured that being a historian and becoming a governor at the same time does not conflict. And after learning more about the rise and fall of many city-states in the past, He Nepolis will know how to lead the Laos people and make the city-state more peaceful and prosperous!"

"Sir, you're so good!" Avinogis raised the glass with great pleasure: "I respect you and thank you for taking care of your children this year!"

Daveus smiled and raised his glass to respond.

At this time, the guard came to report: Captain Captain of the Dionysian Army has something important to see.

"Please come in soon!" Avinogis said dissatisfied with Davis's pretense: "This Master Capps, I invited him several times, he refused to come, and today you are there, you can get an adult Let him have a few drinks!"

As soon as Capps stepped into the hall, he shouted vigorously: "Master Commander, the Second Army has won Bisinha!"

what?!Avignon was shocked.

"Very good! Dracous did a good job!" Davos apparently was already mentally prepared. He threw up the glass of wine in excitement and stood up. "The brothers of the First Army were aggrieved during this time! Tell them to cheer up, and we will return to Turui immediately and get to Bisinia, and the real battle will begin!"

"Yes!" the equally excited Capps replied loudly.

"Is someone sent to inform Sesta?"

"It has been rushed."

"Very good. The plans of Sesta, Hironimos, and Bagul can be implemented! Success is unsuccessful, the key is to see whether the other party is obedient."

Capps turned and left, Avignogis didn't stop him, he was still immersed in the amazing news.

"Admiral Avinogis." Daveus turned and said to him: "I will take the First Legion and other troops away from Laos and return to Turui. I hope you can lead the extorted soldiers to continue to fight against Vig The city’s attack to prevent the Vigs from drawing troops to save Bisinia. In addition, Sesta’s plan, I hope you can help them!”

"You can rest assured that Dionysia's business is Laos' business, and I will do my best!" Avinogis said as if the soldier was facing the general, and solemnly promised.

Looking at the back of Davis's departure, Avignogis breathed out. Before he saw Davies posing with the Allied team and some reserve soldiers posing as the Second Army, he had been guessing: the real first What did the Second Army do?Unexpectedly, in less than ten days, the Second Army had captured the dangerous city of Bisinia!Daphes... What a terrible person!Fortunately, Laos is an alliance with Dionia!

In the process of how the Second Army captured Bisinia, Avinogis had no intention to inquire. He only knew that Bisinia had been defeated, the defeat of the Brutus had been decided, and South Italy would be Dionia Human sphere of influence!

This made him feel a little bit confused...


When the city of Bisinia was broken, a small number of Bruty who escaped fled to Cosenza.

As Pianlun led his army in Vigo, only the high priest Firotaru was in the city. Hearing this news, he was shocked that the wooden staff fell to the ground, almost tripping himself.The news that Bisinia was occupied by the Greeks quickly spread throughout the city, causing panic among the people.

While sending messengers to Knapetia and Vige, Cosenza also sent people to investigate the enemy's movements in Bisinia.

The distance between Cosenza and Knapetia and Cosenza to Vig is not much different, but to Knapetia, the terrain is downward, so the time for the messenger to arrive is more early.

At this time, the chief of Knapetiya Pangelu was feasting Nikulu and Bergam, because they had just foiled the Dionysian conspiracy: The Dionysian attempted to walk from a more remote mountain pass. Going farther back from Knapetia, the Bruty people who had already raised their vigilance discovered that the Dionysians had retreated in a hurry before the large troops arrived.

"The Greeks are all cowards. They only knew sneak attacks and dared not fight me for a real fight. This war was really boring!" Nikulu complained loudly while drinking. "This Dionysian general is a fool!" I once wanted to steal Knapetia by the trail. We found out that we wanted to come again. Are we really fools!"

Bergam laughed: "I'm afraid it's not that he has a brain problem, but there is no way. This is what the second legion arrived on the next day and launched an offensive against us. As a result, before retreating under the city, I retreated. Seeing in the city, they killed and killed many people."

"The Greeks' weapons and equipment are very good, but they are too scared to die! Fight like this, not to mention defending for two months, even a year is no problem!" Pan Gailu raised his glass and said aloud, now he is also confident Greatly increased.

"So, what Sedorum said is that the Dionysian army is powerful, and their consuls are very capable of commanding... I think they are farts! He is also a coward!" Nikulu hiccuped and thumped with his right fist. Wooden table: "Simply we take advantage of the low popularity of Dionysians to attack their camps!"

"This... is too dangerous! In case..." Bergam was worried.

"What are you afraid of?" Nikulu stared at him, interrupting his words: "We have more than 7,000 warriors, the enemy is no more than ten thousand people, and they are all cowards. If you defeat them, we don't have to stay here!"

Pangem was a little bit tempted. Although Burgam and Nikru brought some military supplies, some of them were to be supplied by Knapetia, and their settlement also caused problems for the residents of Krapetia. Pan Gairu devotes most of his energy every day to resolving these disputes and conflicts.

He just wanted to say something more, and the guard came in.

"Boom!" The wine glass fell to the ground, and the wine spilled all over the ground.

"What did you say?! Bisinia was occupied by the Dionysians?!" Nikuru rushed over and grabbed the messenger. His face was flushed, spitting alcohol, and he scolded: "Don't mess up Say! Don’t talk nonsense! It’s impossible for Bicinia to be captured by the Dionysians! It’s impossible! Believe it or not, I pulled your tongue out and fed the dog!..."

"It's true, chieftains! I have a letter from the high priest to you! Help!" The messenger struggled to cry for help. Pangelu and Bergam were equally shocked by the management. Without first stopping the rude behavior of Nikulu, the two of them stepped forward and pulled Nikulu, finally separating the two.

"Yes, this is the mark of the high priest!" Bergam quickly glanced at the letter from the messenger.